A Trial by Fire, or Dark Night of the Soul, is a period of time that lasts up to a few years, in which just everything seems to go wrong and you are stripped bare, often losing everything.
If you’re cringing in embarrassment right now, then stop. This really happens to almost everyone – and it’s practically guaranteed to happen to anyone who has ever set out to achieve anything major in his or her life.
Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail; Steve Jobs got fired from Apple and never finished college. Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times. Abraham Lincoln had eight election failures before succeeding and Thomas Edison discovered 9,999 ways not to make a light bulb before he finally got it right.
The point is that almost everyone faces a really difficult trial period in his or her life, and often it looks like failure.
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It’s tough to go through
A Trial by Fire is hard work and painful to live through – and it’s meant to be exactly that. In fact, a Trial by Fire is meant to strip you completely bare so that you emerge the other side born anew. It brings with it a plethora of new understanding and lessons, many of which will make up the new way of thinking and being that you will emerge with on the other side of this journey.
Non-renewable resources
A Trial by Fire also shows you what you really look like without assistance, when things aren’t going well.
It’s easy to be happy when things are going well, but who are you really when things are going badly, when your faith, belief and hope are being stretched and challenged to their limits?
So one of the key markers of a Trial by Fire is that it strips you bare of your resources.
The things you’ve always been able to do, that have always worked, well they just don’t seem to work anymore.
You don’t seem to remember to do the basic things that you need to keep yourself sane – journaling, affirmations, positive thinking and gratitude.
You get intuitive insight and you trust, but you just don’t see results. It sucks, but a Trial by Fire also tests if you have the conscious awareness and discipline to keep yourself focused, and the faith to hold faith when you aren’t seeing results?
The time warp
Finally – and this is the one thing that all impatient people hate to hear – a Trial by Fire is one of the few lessons that seems to be time bound.
A certain amount of time has to pass when you’re being tested in this way.
Luckily you can clear away all the belief systems and lessons that are holding you back in the meantime, so that you can surge forward when the time constraint has finally been lifted.
Trial by Fire breakthrough sessions
If you have been stuck for a long while and are looking for a way to tackle it in one go, then please contact me for a Trial by Fire breakthrough session, in person or via Skype.
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Read this article on Spirit Science
View the full infographic at https://lifecoachestoolbox.com/FreeCoachingHealingTools/marelyejcmhmdlcbddahsac/Infographics/SpiritualLessons-LifeCoachesToolbox.jpg