🏥  Emergency Tools

When you've gone through a trauma, your system has gone into shifting overload, or you're stressed from your job, family, social life and everything in between - these tools will help quickly release stuck energy and calm your system down.

🦋  Butterfly Techniques

Butterfly Techniques are unique to Life Coaches Toolbox - they use acupressure points or tapping to release stuck emotions, thoughts, or even hormones such as stress.

Please do at least a butterfly release before starting any of the tools on this page, or the other tool pages!

👥  The Mirrors of Relationship

The 9 Mirrors, or characteristics and energies we share with people, in a Relationship help us identify key thoughts that create separation between us and God or Source.

Use these tools to identify and release mirrors within your current relationships and yourself - to feel lighter, more at peace, grounded, and less emotional.

💥  Emotional Releases

Whether you're stressed or tired, need to let go of some anger, or just want to talk it out - these tools have got you covered.

🔘  Acupressure Points

Acupressure points are specific spots on your body that, when pressed and activated, release stuck energy or emotions throughout your system.

👌  Tapping Techniques

Tapping techniques refer to any tool that requires you to physically tap a spot with your hand in order to release an emotion, anchor a habit to a situation, or as a daily practice.

🧘  Meditation Tools

Here you will find practical exercises, video tools & interactive tools that utilize platonic solid shapes, as well as color healing.