Jump to any section by clicking on one of the headings below :)

Recommended Videos  |  Life Coach in Your Pocket  |  Meditation Tools  |  Snap Out of Suicide & Depression  |  The Money Problem  |  Understanding Chakras  |  Healing Chakras  |  Lightworkers & Light Warriors  |  Butterfly Release Videos  |  Prayers  |  Relationships  |  Healing Modalities  |  NLP & Mental Processes

Lifecoachestoolbox.com offers a wide range of completely interactive life coaching tools and spiritual resources.

From understanding your thinking, to understanding the causes behind illnesses, ailments and challenges, and discussion tools to help you prepare for difficult or challenging conversations, including those around sex - we have a tool for nearly every need, and if we don't have your specific tool yet, we probably will soon :)

Visit our Free & Paid Tools Index to see all our tools.

Below is an index of all our video resources and tools from our YouTube channel.

Please give the page a minute to load as there are many videos linked! :)

🗣  Life Coach in Your Pocket

A great Life Coach will ask you questions that allow you to think about your life from every angle and point of view.

Life Coach in Your Pocket is that Coach, on-call 24/7, with an almost endless choice of questions for you to use, when and where you really need the help - like 2AM and there's no one else around.

As well as hundreds of free, interactive tools - that are easy to use and will help you at a moment's notice!

🧘  Meditation Tools & Videos

Here you will find practical exercises, video tools & interactive tools that utilize platonic solid shapes, as well as color healing.

👌  Snap Out of Suicide & Depression

The snap out of suicide and depression series is a step by step, guided video course where you watch a coaching video and perform a series of energy healing and/or coaching actions during or after the video.

Please watch all the videos completely and in order and YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL THE STEPS if you want this to work.

There are no guarantees and you do this at your own risk.

But if you really want help and you are prepared to do the work, this should be the last time you ever have to sit at the bottom of this hole again.

💰  The Money Problem

Around the world people are facing money issues and challenges. Even those still somewhat stable are finding they need to cut costs, simplify their lives and reduce their expenditure and budgets by tightening their belts.

It’s not as easy as it looks or sounds however - and that’s where this series of articles steps in.

In each of these articles we’ll look at your mindset and how to change it, as well as practical advice on how to simplify your budget and life.

🔥  Lightworkers 101: Understanding Chakras

As lightworkers, there is certain basic knowledge we should all have.

What is energy, what is an aura, and do you have fields of energy around and within your body?

In Understanding Chakras, we'll unpack these questions and hopefully give you an idea of what some people experience visually.

🔥  Lightworkers 101: Chakra Healing Tools

As lightworkers, there is certain basic knowledge we should all have.

Our Chakra Healing Videos Collection offers a video tool for supporting and stimulating each of the seven major chakras in order to restore balance and practical functionality.

🔥  Lightworkers 101: Basic Knowledge

As lightworkers, there is certain basic knowledge we should all have.

This includes concepts like:

Ego | Ego Deaths | Intuition | The Creation Story | Recursions | & Much More!

🐛  The Butterfly Release

Do a butterfly release to relieve tension & stress headaches and to help clear your mind & focus your concentration.

🙏  Prayers

A list of prayers for your spiritual or religious journey.

💘  Relationships

Videos for twin flames, soulmates & romantic relationships that help you find forgiveness, welcome your partner, learn about twin flame basics and more.

🤕  Healing Modalities

The following videos are designed to help you heal quicker and shift better, as well as understand the basics of healing.

💭  NLP & Mental Processes

Neurolinguistic Programming (or NLP) and mental processes designed to help change your mind about something previously stuck in it's ways.