Life Coaches Toolbox by Chemory Gunko

Life Coach in Your Pocket


A great Life Coach will ask you questions that allow you to think about your life from every angle and point of view... Life Coach in Your Pocket is that Coach, on-call 24/7, with an almost endless choice of questions for you to use, when and where you really need the help - like 2AM and there's no one else around.

We've limited the reading as much as possible, but we do ask you to give everything a once-over before you begin using the tool for the first time.


  Start Here

We've limited the reading as much as possible, but we do ask you to give everything a once-over before you begin using the tool for the first time.

If you haven't already, you really need to... 📖  READ THIS ARTICLE FIRST

In order to help you maintain mental and emotional balance, every question session starts with a Butterfly Release on the first page. You are strongly advised to start AND end every session with a Butterfly Release, as this will help your body cope with the changes you experience with every single question you answer.

You do not need to know where to start - the Universe will take care of that for you, as the questions generate randomly. Just pick the question style that suits you best - basic, easy or in depth - and start the tool.

It doesn't matter whether you spend hours a day, or just answer one question at a time, when you have five minutes to spare - it will all add up in the end.

Once you begin using the tool, you have a choice of moving through the questions at random, or in order. If you are new to the Mirrors of Relationship, and want a more guided experience, then use the "NEXT" option to move through the simpler questions in order, and work your way up to the higher level questions.

If you are not new to Mirrors, then feel free to jump around using the "RANDOM" option on each page, to get a wide mix of questions.

Alternately, you can scroll down to the "Jump To Specific Mirrors" section just below this, and start on a specific mirror you want to target.

Click on the image below to save it at full size so that you can read the text. Once it's saved to your device, you will be able to zoom in and read the fine print easily.


Mirrors of Relationship by Life Coaches Toolbox



One Intuitive Question

Answer one question from the simple Mirrors of Relationship question set, generated at random from all 9 categories.

Trust the universe to bring you the question that you need!

In the beginning you will find these questions easier to answer, but they won't yield the the many layers you are looking for when you unpack a shift properly.




Simple Format

Use the simpler style of question, but also answer a question from each of the 9 Mirrors of Relationship categories, for in-depth analysis.

This tool is more focused on personal understanding of the self.

These are probably the most difficult questions to answer, because they don't do the work of drilling down into the specifics for you.


In Depth


Unpack Complex Detail

Use the full 9 Mirrors of Relationship question set to unpack complex detail on every aspect of the theme you are dealing with.

Includes up to societal, religious, traditional, cultural & cosmic levels.

Surprisingly, these may be the easiest questions for beginners to answer, as they drill down into the detail. We start by seeing detail, and evolve up into the big picture over time.


  Jump To Specific Mirrors

The questions in this coaching tool are compiled from the Mirrors of Relationship healing framework, based on the original Essene Mirrors of Relationship. It's called a "mirror" because it shows you a reflection of yourself. When the mirror no longer impacts you, you have "smashed" it, and can no longer "see" yourself in it.

The Mirrors of Relationship are broken into 9 categories and three sections - and sometimes you will want to hop in at a specific section of focus. If you do, then please use the "NEXT" buttons while navigating, as the "RANDOM" option will select questions from all the 9 categories.

  Mirrors of the Present

Which influences are currently at play in my life?

1. People

What does this tell me about myself?

What am I seeing about other people, in my past or present?

What does this tell me about people in general, and about society?

What am I seeing about trends and peer pressure in the world around me?



3. Desire

Covers Expectation & Desire

What is expected of me and others?

What is expected of or by God?

What is desired or needed, by me or others?

Which unfulfilled desires and dreams do I have, or have I given up hope on?




  Mirrors of the Past

What has happened in the past to shape me into who I am now?

5. Programming

Patterns, habits, generational patterns, addictions, society, traditions and religious influence

Influence of family, friends, lovers & events from the past that shaped the identity




  Mirrors of the Future

What new and unknown knowledge and experience am I still to gain?

  Your Coaching Toolbox

Your Coaching Toolbox contains a selection of tools that you can use while shifting, as well for the bigger roadblocks you might encounter while shifting statements.


Watch the video for an overview of how to use the additional coaching toolbox support tools.

As with all the videos, they are linked online on YouTube and you will need Internet access to view them.

To read, or follow along with, the text of the video narration, click on the button below:


  Daily Use Tools

When you're answering Mirrors of Relationship questions, you shift through stuff pretty quickly, and you tend to encounter situations where you may need extra help to move past an aspect you've identified. In this section we've included tools for basic system support while you are shifting, as well as extras to help you deal with shock, stress and forgiveness.


Use these tools daily.

Butterfly Release

A 3 to 6-minute exercise you can use to reduce stress levels and maintain your energy system.


Go Ape

A short exercise that turns off the stress hormones in your body and helps reduce belly fat.


  While Shifting

Use while answering.


A unique, interactive forgiveness tool that helps you to more easily stay focused on the exercise.


Butterfly Tapping

A short tapping process you can use during question sessions to help the changes stick.


  Support On-the-Go

Use whenever needed.

Stress Switch

An easy-to-remember tool that empowers you to reduce stress & anxiety wherever you are.


Butterfly Hold

A simple exercise that activates your meridian system to help you shift faster in general.



  Big Gun Tools

When you hit a major stumbling block - or have a bigger issue to work through, like a really tough forgiveness release - these are the tools that will help you!

Forgiveness Video Tool

A video that uses overt techniques, and subliminal principles, to help you break through a forgiveness block. Based on Ho'oponopono techniques.


Let It Go Tool

When a thought, event or person is stuck in your head, this tool offers an exercise to help you 'erase' that nagging thought from your mind.



Priorities Tool

This interactive tool allows you to create - and organize - a list of priorities, for anything big and small. You can also use it to compare the priorities of people in situations or relationships.


Chakra Visual Meditations

This tool gives you a choice of platonic solids, as well as a range of colors, to choose from, so that you can create a visual focus point that gives you real healing relief, using a simple meditation.



  Tools for Even Deeper Analysis

This range of tools will help you to unpack your mind further, and analyze where you are in your development.

The tools in this section are based on the work of Sir David Hawkins, using Kinesiology, as covered in his book Power vs Force. It is a must-read if you are serious about personal growth.

Human Consciousness Scale & Tool

The Human Consciousness Scale was defined by Sir David Hawkins, and details on it can be found by reading Power vs. Force.

The Human Consciousness Scale is an incredibly powerful scale and model for human evolution, and is one of the best ways to measure "where you are" in your overall lifetime development.


This calculator will allow you to calculate where you are overall on the HCS, as well as show you the level you're operating at in key areas of your life.


Power Patterns & Tool

The High & Low Energy Power Patterns, a list of "energetic opposites", is the second great tool to come out of Power vs. Force.

Simply reading the list of Power Patterns has been shown to lift your consciousness level by 30 points, which is amazing when you consider that most people never rise 10 points in their entire lives.


The Power Patterns test will enable you to analyze where you are in terms of each power pattern, as well as compare that result to someone else in your life.


  How To Guide


We've limited the reading as much as possible, but we do ask you to give everything a once-over before you begin using the tool for the first time.

Watch the video for an overview of how to use the question tool.

As with all the videos, they are linked online on YouTube and you will need Internet access to view them.

To read, or follow along with, the text of the video narration, click on the button below:


  How To Use The Question Generator Tool


Step 1 - The
Butterfly Release

Start & end every question session with a Butterfly release to help your physical, mental, emotional and energy systems to cope with the changes you are creating.

Managing this basic of basics ensures that you don't get sick or have a mental & emotional breakdown.

Like all the video content in this tool, this video is hosted online on YouTube. You will need Internet access in order to view the video.

This is done to save you storage space, and the videos are the ONLY content that require an Internet connection. You can read more about this in the FAQs.

If the video is not available for you, detailed written instructions can be found in your Coaching Toolbox.


Step 2 - Generate a Coaching Question

As you open the page, the generator will formulate a question for you from the available options.

Mirrors of Relationship by Life Coaches Toolbox

If the question doesn't make sense, it's not for you, so just use the 'GET NEW' button to load a new question at random from the populated variables.

Random questions means that the Universe can choose the right question for you. We're trusting the process.

If you keep getting questions that don't make sense, ask yourself what you are trying to hide? What don't you want to see?

Step 3 - Refine & Tailor Your Question

Mirrors of Relationship by Life Coaches Toolbox

If the generated question is almost perfect & you just want to change a word or two, then use the arrows on each field to navigate through the prepopulated options.

The generator is a tool that is designed to get you closer to a question - and almost perfect is great place to be when you didn't even know where to start!

Take some time to play with this function, because it's really cool when you suddenly configure the perfect question and a major penny drops for you! Expect realizations & a-ha moments a-plenty! Big & small ;)


Step 4 - Get Content & Person Specific

Mirrors of Relationship by Life Coaches Toolbox

If you want to get really specific, say target a person or theme, you can click on any question field and edit it to create the PERFECT question!

The Mirrors of relationship question set lets you focus in on a situation, person, aspect, theme, or any other point of view.

The tool guides you to a question - perfect it and you will find the answer of release.

The answer is ALWAYS obvious when you find the right question.

It's finding the right question that's usually hard - along with knowing where to even begin!

Step 5 - Select Your Perfect Question

Mirrors of Relationship by Life Coaches Toolbox

The questions are often from & about your day-to-day life. This is where all these thoughts originated from, after all.

If these normal questions appeal, then answer them. We've made it that simple so that you can work with what you know & have.

When you're happy with the question, hit the 'use Question' button to let it generate to the field above the button.

This function also copies the question you have selected to your clipboard, so you can paste it somewhere to answer at your leisure.

Step 6 - Answer the Question... HONESTLY!

Mirrors of Relationship by Life Coaches Toolbox

Paste the question/s you've selected into the text box provided & type your answers out.

It's more than enough to answer the questions in your head, or verbally. You can also discuss them with a coach, healer or friend.

Writing them down is just an extra tool to help you.


Step 7 - Coaching Toolbox & Healing Support

Life Coach in Your Pocket comes equipped with a toolbox of coaching basics, that cover day-to-day maintenance & 'plumbing' for your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual systems.

In addition, you have support tools to help you with forgiveness, & deal with shock & trauma, and on-the-go support tools to help you reduce stress and speed up the shifting process.


There are also a wide range of additional free resources, available on the lifecoachestoolbox.com website.

All Free Resources

Forgiveness Resources

Surrender Resources

Suicide & Depression

Shifting & Healing

Step 8 - Create Your Q&As and Get a Fresh Perspective

Mirrors of Relationship by Life Coaches Toolbox

Once you think you've answered the question, or series of questions, hit 'Generate Q&As' & your questions & answers will show in the block marked 'Your Results'.

Take a second here to READ the questions & answers out loud again, maybe looking at yourself in a mirror, or you can share them with a confidant.

You can also use any of the other 'Breaking Privacy' options listed here.

You can read more about 'Breaking Privacy' here.

Step 9 - Automatic Journaling or Create Worksheets

Mirrors of Relationship by Life Coaches Toolbox

Mirrors of Relationship by Life Coaches Toolbox

Use the 'MAKE PDF' button to generate a PDF that you can save for automatic journaling, if you're the kind of person who likes to go back & review.

The 'COPY TO CLIBOARD' function serves as a backup in case the browser or device you're using doesn't support a PDF creation function.

Simply press the 'COPY TO CLIPBOARD' button, and then navigate to the Word Processing or Notes program of your choice, and hit 'PASTE'.

Alternatively, by leaving spaces between each question, and using the 'INSERT ANSWER FIELD' button to insert extra lines for answering, you can create a worksheet that you can print & complete by hand - or give to a client to use.


Step 10 - Lather, Rinse & Repeat

Mirrors of Relationship by Life Coaches Toolbox

Once you're done with a question & have answered it the way you want to, you can move onto a new question page & generate a new category question.

Because of the way we've built this, most devices should keep anything you paste in the text field, as long as you stay on that page & use the 'GET NEW' option to generate additional questions.

If you're done with a page, you can also jump to another page, with another category question, and if you'd like a range of questions in the same category, you stay on a single page.

You have a choice of moving through the formats at 'RANDOM', or in order, if you use the 'NEXT' option.

Step 11 - Secure Your Journals & PDFs

If you've chosen to save your notes for journaling purposes, the make sure that you have put them away somewhere safely.

You don't want to have vented about your partner or boss & they accidentally find it!

Step 12 - Clear Your Cache

By the same token, go into your phone or device settings and clear your browser history and cache to be doubly sure that nothing has stored locally on your machine.

We've gone to great lengths to ensure your privacy with the app. Clearing your cache after using the tool is just double security for your benefit.

Video Overview

Watch this short video of the question tool being used to see it all together in action.

You may be tempted to JUST watch this video - please don't.

The content has all been designed to answer the obvious questions you will have when first using the Mirrors of Relationship Question tool.

  About Shifting


Watch the video below to understand the process of shifting & healing, and why we do it.

As with all the videos, they are linked online on YouTube and you will need Internet access to view them.

To read, or follow along with, the text of the video narration, click on the button below:


Shifting & healing are pretty interchangeable terms - they both refer to the process of moving energies in order to create a new experience for someone.

Shifting is my particular favourite term for the process of personal growth, firstly because it seems achievable.

If some says that they 'heal' you, it sounds miraculous & way out of reach. I mean isn't only Jesus capable of those kinds of miracles?

However, helping someone 'shift' a mindset, for example, denotes a manageable amount change - one that will vary from person to person, and will 'feel' manageable for them to achieve.

The second reason that the term 'shifting' applies so perfectly to the process of working with energy, is that it so perfectly describes the process of what you are able to do achieve when working with energy.

Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be moved or transformed.

When energy is moved, we 'shift' the position of the energy, and when energy is transformed, we 'shift' the shape, structure, appearance & more, of the energy.

So, when we're working with the process of 'shifting,' we're shifting the structure of our thoughts around the issue, or we're 'shifting' where we stand on the issue.

We've taken the time to unpack the background behind the process of shifting & healing for you, and highly recommend you take some time to read through the content provided.

Unpack the Basics of Shifting

Understand shifting on a practical level, and discover why it doesn't matter that you may be new to the whole process.

Learn more about the different kinds of lessons of you might encounter, and delve into different degrees of lessons you may experience.

Gain crucial understanding of the ego cycle, and unpack the kinds of results you can expect to see in your life.


Common Symptoms of Shifting

Shifting is not always an easy - or pretty - process. Often, shifting can create completely unexpected results.

These results can take place on the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual levels, and can be both positive & negative in nature.

We've unpacked common, moderate, severe & worst-case scenario symptoms you may experience while shifting - so that you can keep your sanity, and don't fall into the trap of thinking you are physically ill, depressed, or experiencing some sort of breakdown.


Shifting & Integration Periods

When you're looking at the shifting symptoms you'll encounter, the rule of thumb to distinguish a problem from a normal shifting experience, is time - how far are you on the integration timeline?

As a general rule, it takes six weeks for your body to catch up with the changes you have made in your mind, and ergo, your energy system.

The brief technical nutshell of how that takes place is best summed up in the work of Dr. Vladimir Poponin, on the Phantom DNA effect.

Briefly, what Dr. Poponin did was to create a vacuum, and then measure the atomic elements (like photons & neutrons), that were in that vacuum. As expected, the elements were in chaos.

After inserting a piece of DNA into the vacuum, however, Dr. Poponin recorded the atomic elements again, and found they had formed a holding pattern around DNA. This holding pattern stayed in place after the the DNA was removed.

At this juncture, you want to look into the work of Dr. Candace Pert, in Molecules of Emotion.

Dr. Pert discovered that medicine that is used to help heroin addicts while doing her PhD. With that research, she discovered that the brain release chemical combinations into our systems that we experience as emotions.

Over time, the more we expose our bodies to certain chemical combinations, or 'feelings,' the more our individual cells adjust to allow us to accommodate receiving more of that chemical.

Simply put, if you've been bombarded by a happy chemical, then as new cells form, you have more capacity to absorb that happy chemical - and therefore more happiness you can experience.

Most of us experience this when we learn something new: about three weeks after you start learning something new, your body and mind seem to suddenly 'catch up,' and you are able to understand what you are doing better than what you did before.

That day when you wake up and suddenly everything seems clearer - that is the physical experience of your body catching up with the mental changes you have made.

The same process happens with any realization or insight.

You get a thought of realization - an epiphany, aha moment, breakthrough or shift, in other words - and suddenly your body begins releasing a new chemical that bombards your cells.

Over the next few weeks, as your cells continue their natural process of splitting and dying and forming new cells, the new cells formed have a higher capacity to absorb this new chemical combination - or feeling - that you're experiencing.

In order for the cells to be able to change, microscopic changes have to take place in your DNA, and as your DNA changes, the atomic elements - which make EVERYTHING (including people) in the world around you - respond to your DNA differently.

As the atomic level is responding differently to you, the things you experience in the world begin to change, and you draw to yourself 'new energies' - new experiences, people, opportunities, knowledge, and so much more.

The integration & shifting symptoms period that you go through, which lasts for about six weeks from the moment of the epiphany, is the physical changes your body goes through as new cells are formed & old DNA & cellular material is flushed out of your system.



What is Shifting Used For?

Every. Single. Thing. In your life has a metaphysical cause - from your emotional response to circumstances, health to serendipity.

Shifting can be applied to improve any of these areas, whether you want to heal a physical illness, understand the world better, or even improve a relationship. Shifting can even be applied to your relationship to different aspects - like money, for example.

Once you get the hang of shifting properly, you are also going to discover that challenges & change no longer hold any fear for you.


Feeling Blocked or Stuck?

It happens to all of us - even when we've gotten into a good flow & feel like we've gotten the 'hang' of this shifting thing: suddenly we feel stuck & blocked; we've hit a plateau & feel unable to move forward.

Unpack & understand the most common reason why you might not be able to get any forward movement, or results: resistance.

In this section, you'll also do a practical exercise that will help you understand why your resistance can cause you so much pain.


Danger Signs of Shifting

If you've ever been really heartbroken, or upset about something, then you'll be able to relate to how physically drained you can feel after an hour of real crying.

Other emotions cause that kind of drain too - but we don't usually notice it in the course of normal human experience.

When you really start growing & working with your 'stuff', you are going to dig through ALL of your thoughts eventually.

Each. And. Every. Thought. has it's own emotional load attached to it.

So if you can imagine how drained you feel after crying every day, non-stop for 60 days, then you can get an idea of the emotional stress you're putting your body under when you shift really fast.

The good news is that, with time, you will develop greater stamina & endurance, and it will all get a lot easier.

Until then though, here's what you need to seriously watch out for.


  Frequently Asked Questions

The most important thing you need to know about this app, is that the person writing this piece of copy right now, is also the person who created the healing modalities, provided the information, and - most importantly - coded the actual app itself.

You need to know this, so you know that when I say to you that this app is TOTALLY SECURE, I really know what I'm talking about.

Giving you this level of privacy, peace of mind & security, came at a price. To begin with, I can't tell you how many people told me that what I wanted to do, couldn't be done.

I refused to take no for an answer - and if it came down to it, and I couldn't get help, then I built it on my own. I know WAY more about coding than I did when I began this process LOL.

Secondly, people only think money nowadays - and they want to structure products in a way that yields the most money... in this case, that meant hosting the apps online ONLY. On a server.

But I wouldn't budge on what I set out to create. It took me a year, but I didn't budge.

What you have in your hands is a completely secure, completely private coaching app, that really guarantees your data privacy, and the security of your innermost information.

You can read the blocks below to learn more about the security features of Life Coach in Your Pocket.

Watch the video for an overview of of the data privacy steps we've taken with Life Coaches Toolbox Tools.

As with all the videos, they are linked online on YouTube and you will need Internet access to view them.

To read, or follow along with, the text of the video narration, click on the button below:


Your Data Privacy is Guaranteed

Data Privacy is a very real fear for many people using the Internet & apps nowadays - and people are even more afraid of having their innermost thoughts & feelings on display.

The realization of how afraid people are to share their shame, was one of the driving forces behind this app, in fact. You wouldn't believe how many people avoid getting therapy or healing help, purely out of the shame of people knowing what's going on inside of them.

Life Coach in Your Pocket removes this roadblock, by putting the questions & coaching support tools in front you, without the need for a healer to help you.

Not only does it make the shame issue non-existent, it also means you have an interactive coach 24/7 - and at 2am when you most often need one.

The second layer of understanding about the privacy guarantee of the app, is a bit more boring and technical.

Most systems rely on you inputting information, which is then sent over the Internet (first layer of risk), to a server (second layer of risk), and then results are sent back to your device (third layer of risk).

With Life Coach in Your Pocket, no matter what page you are on, or even whether you are using an online, server-hosted version of the tool, all the basic functions & content download onto your device first.

So when any functions happen, it's happening on the page you've already downloaded, and AT NO POINT does the data EVER leave your device.

This is also why you have a back up function to save your results - Make PDF or Copy to Clipboard.

Because there is no server involvement, all the functions happen on your device, and you save your results to your own specified (and completely private) location, there is no point of risk when you use any tool, or answer any question.

This isn't hearsay, or reliant on someone else's word - I can guarantee your data privacy because I built the app myself.

I know for a fact that your data is secure, because I personally ensured it's security.

If you make sure that you are using a downloadable version of the app, purchased from LifeCoachesToolbox.com, or using an online version hosted at the same website, you can ALWAYS rest assured that your data will never be at risk.

If you have any questions or queries, hit 'EMAIL SUPPORT' below, and message me directly.

With Warm Regards,
Chemory Gunko


Total Peace of Mind

In addition to ensuring your data privacy, Life Coach in Your Pocket has a few other cool features to make doubly sure that no one ever else sees anything that they shouldn't.

The way the app is built means that anytime anyone opens it, they will always open the front page, and start at the beginning.

This means that there's no way that they will accidentally land up on the page you were last answering questions on, or accidentally see your answers.

Even if a browser session is restored, the way the page loads will ensure a fresh copy of the page is loaded - and anything you typed will be gone.

However, this means that it is important that you use the 'Make PDF' & 'Copy to Clipboard' functions to save anything that you feel is important.

Once again, security here lies in your hands - so save your results away somewhere safe, away from prying eyes!

If you lose your questions & answers, or notes, we will NOT be able to recover them for you - we chose data privacy & security over collecting your data.

At the end of the day, the chances that you'll ever look back over any of these notes is slim to none - so it's not all necessary to save them. But most journeyers like to keep journal records for the major digging out part of their journey.... so we included the feature to make your life easier.

You don't need the notes... the real value will come from defining the question, and the multiple fresh perspectives & edits you'll have with each subsequent 'view'.

It's way more crucial that you do the work, than it is that you hang on to the work.


Total Portability

Life Coach in Your Pocket is not a traditional app - it's actually a self-contained website.

So even if your company has strict rules & restrictions against installing other software on your laptop, you;ll still be able to use this app at work, because it is basically a set of files & folders - no installation is required.

In fact, you could run the app off a USB drive if you wanted to, although it is better to copy it onto the device you're working on.

Just make sure that you have purchased an original version from LifeCoachesToolbox.com, so that you are sure you are using a completely data secure version.

Why did I make it so easy? Because this isn't about making millions - it's about changing the world.

God & I have a deal that, while I'm here, on this beautiful planet, I will put my God-given skills & talents to good use, and do what I can to put healing into the hands of the people who really need it - not just the people who can afford it.

I have no doubt that this tool will be shared & replicated, and given away to others who need it. I wouldn't want to stop that, and I am believer in the free Internet.

If you have been given it though, and want to make sure you have a clean copy, then hop on over to the website & purchase a clean version - or just help us continue providing great resources by giving us a donation.

Every tool we create is also provided for FREE, no login required, on the same website, and you are free to use any of the tools you need to. They are there to help you.

Once you have downloaded a clean version of the app, you will have a totally portable version of the app, that DOES NOT require any Internet access to function.

If, however, you're using the free online versions, you will need Internet access. The free versions contain adverts, so you'd be doing a us a solid if you watched ads and occasionally clicked through when you're genuinely interested in a product.

We do what we can to keep providing you with free tools & resources.

Even if you have purchased a tool, there is a limited amount of content that you will require an Internet connection for.

In most cases, the content you will require a connection for is video content, which will be streamed from YouTube; particularly in the case of very large video files. You wouldn't want to store these video files on your machine anyway.

All that will happen if you don't have an Internet connection on a purchased version, is that some of the videos will not work.

If you are using an app version, purchased from an app store, there may be one or two additional tools that are linked to online versions - usually because phones don't support those kinds of functions.

But these instances are very rare and should not limit your experience of the app, or the main tools, in any way!

If you would like to purchase a complete pack, including the videos offline, then please feel free to email us and we'll happily assist.



Limited Online Video Content

In order to keep the package folder for the app as small as possible, we've hosted a limited amount of video content online, and allowed it to stream to the app.

This means that if you are using the app without Internet access, you may not be able to see or use the video tools - but all the other functionality will be available to you.

Video files can get HUGE! You don't want to store them on your machine, and we don't want to store or stream them on our servers.

If you would like to purchase video content to make sure your whole app functions offline, feel free to email us.


Where Do I Start?

Even if you've been doing this for years, this is often the question you'll come to when you're in an emotional state that you'd like to shift... where do I start?

When you train your brain & system to choose new ways of doing & being, the old pathways - or the old ways you used to approach that particular element - don't go away; they just stop being used.

However, when you are more emotional, you aren't as clear, and are not always in conscious control of what you are doing. During these times, you will regress to old ways of being.

So even if you've learned a whole bunch of ways to shift stuff, when you need that knowledge, in the moment, in the middle of a shift, you suddenly discover that you can't remember what to do.

In most cases, you can't think of a SINGLE thing to do LOL!

It's funny when you're outside that moment... but when you're the one caught up in it, man, it stings!

We're always looking for the one tool or technique that will bring us relief, and we tend to beat ourselves up when we don't think of 'THE TOOL' first - you know, the one that brought the relief.

But here's the thing about that breakthrough piece of information - it only FEELS like it's the breakthrough point.

Imagine you're emptying a large bucket of water with a cup.

You empty each cupful at a time, dipping your hand back into the water for what feels like an endless amount of time... and when you look at how much you have left, you feel like you will be there forever.

Suddenly however, you look down, and you can visibly 'see' that you've lowered the level of the water.

In that moment, you feel a sense of relief: you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and you know you won't be here forever doing this.

However, in that moment just before you felt the relief, you felt like you'd made no progress at all.

The natural process of shifting works in the same way... you have a ton of thoughts (your inner voice), and even though you are clearing a thought at a time, it doesn't feel like you're making any progress.

And then suddenly, you have another thought & it feels like you've made a huge breakthrough.

All the thoughts that were mulling & repeating in your inner voice still contributed, but that 'breakthrough thought', or aha moment or epiphany, was the 'tipping point' thought... the one that enabled you to begin to feel relief.

So start anywhere... choose a tool, or jump into a random question, or just go to any question page!

It doesn't matter where you start - it only matters that you start!

In order to get relief, you have to have enough small realizations for a tipping point to be reached.

If you simply start answering questions - and keep answering questions - then every 5 to 30 questions, you'll probably reach a tipping point thought, and feel like you've had an epiphany or breakthrough.

So just start anywhere, and keep going, until it's happened enough times that you can see this tipping point pattern for yourself.

Learn more about the tipping point pattern here.




How to Fix Glitches

If the app is being glitchy, head over to settings on your device, and clear your browser caches & history.

Regardless of the device you're using this resource on, the tool is being 'rendered' (cool word hey?) to your screen by a browser. You know... Safari, IE, Chrome, Firefox, etc.

Most people don't think to clear their browser histories properly, and over time, as you use the Internet more & more, files get stored on your device that take up space - and sometimes clog up the works.

So if any of the functions are glitching, make it your first call to go to settings, and clear caches & histories for any browsers you have installed on your device.

If you are using a desktop or laptop machine, there's this great little program called CCleaner that you can find for free online.

CCleaner, or similar, will take over the work of clearing out unnecessary system & cache files for you - which is great if you are new to all this tech stuff.


Using Scrolling Text Boxes

There's probably an argument to be made that this info block should be the first thing you see when you open the app LOL ;)

You've probably noticed by now that the text information blocks contain their own scrolling function.

The purpose of this is three-fold... firs so that you don't have to scroll through endless text to find something, second so that you don't have to scroll forever on mobile screens, and third so that the text view stays static on your mobile screen.

Once you get used to it, you'll also find it makes finding your place much easier while reading.

We've left a little space around the text information blocks so that you can grab and scroll the whole page when you want to.

How To Use Additional Tools

We've included a number of additional tools in your coaching toolbox, all designed to support you while you're shifting, and to make sure that you have a way to tackle the most common problems people encounter when shifting.

The How To Guide information for each of these additional tools is contained on the page that the tool appears - sometimes within the tool itself.

So a form field may have the detail if what you should type into the field, or an element may be labeled to tell you what to do with it.

Most of the tools are pretty self explanatory, but if you think I'm wrong, then pop me an email and I'll update the how to information for that tool.


Make PDF vs Copy to Clipboard

Let's just say upfront that it doesn't matter at all if you save your work after you've done it - the healing process happens while you answer & edit questions.

But, as a journeyer myself, I know there is a long period of time on your journey where you want to save every little piece of work you do - and so I built a save function into this.

You have a choice of two different kinds of save functions, Make PDF or Copy to Clipboard.

Make PDF allows you to generate a PDF document to save somewhere, and Copy to Clipboard copies the results view so that you can go paste it somewhere.

Which one of the two save options you prefer it up to you entirely, so feel free to use either.

In some cases however, like when the tool is packaged into a mobile app, the PDF function may not always trigger. The same may be experienced with users of the online versions, when using a mobile device.

In this case, Copy to Clipboard acts as a backup function that allows you save the document.

So if the Make PDF button suddenly doesn't work, just hit Copy to Clipboard, navigate to a Notes or Word Processing program, and hit Paste, and your results will be there.

Whichever option you choose, just remember to save these results in a safe place, away from prying eyes, so that people who aren't supposed to read it, don't read it.

This part about saving the results is important - all the security features in the world won't make a difference if you don't utilize them!

And if that isn't enough to make you more aware of it, then heed this warning: I've actively had to sit and fix relationships, that almost ended, because one partner picked up the other partner's shifting diary, and read something they don't like.

People are naturally curious beings, and if you leave something like your coaching results lying around, where people can find it, then those that run across it are likely to open it up & read.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!


Real Healing Help

Do not let the relatively simple nature of each of the tools fool you - you're holding very powerful healing tools in your hands right now.

Over the years, as I've worked with people on their issues, I've come to realize a few things, including that people are very ashamed of their 'stuff', they're ashamed of looking for help, and they really need help at odd times - like at 2am, or when they have absolutely no money to go to a practitioner.

Shame is one of the biggest reasons people avoid getting healing help, and it makes perfect sense when you look at the way society responds to emotions, emotional instability, mental confusion, depression, anxiety & so much more.

So, over the years, I started wondering how you'd address all those issues... and the first few versions of the app were formed. This version is the sixth, and by no means my last attempt, to tackle this set of issues.

LifeCoachesToolbox.com tools & resources are designed to help you put healing in your hands - real healing that generates real results in your life.

This tool - and all our resources - are designed to suit both beginners, and the more advanced journeyer; and tools like Life Coach in Your Pocket are designed to helped advanced journeyers do an endless amount of digging into their stuff.

Just answer questions - and keep answering questions, for as often as you remember, even if it's only one question at a time.

Over time the work you do will accrue, and you will suddenly start experiencing massive changes in your life.

No matter whether you are new to this, or looking for a way to accelerate your journey, this tool will make a difference in your experience, and help you to achieve real growth.

We've already done the work to ensure that most of the work is done for you, and you only have to focus on giving your answers... which is as close as we can get you to sitting in front of a coach or healer, without forcing you to go through the actual pain of having to really sit in front of one.

All the benefits of a coach or healer, without the cost, effort or embarrassment of going to one.

What Progress Looks Like

Please head on over to the About Shifting section to read about this in depth.

Whether or not you've ever been aware of it, your body has an ongoing natural shifting process as a default: this is why you occasionally have an epiphany, idea or breakthrough, and why do you change - even if it is slowly.

When you start doing any kind of healing or shifting work, essentially what you're doing is speeding up the natural process, and shortening the time between breakthroughs, allowing you to have more shifts and progress further.

By default, people usually have one big breakthrough thought, or reshimot in their lives. That's what you're allocated to complete.

When you start actively pursuing it though, it gets WAY faster... and you can have multiple reshimot (spiritual lifetimes) in a single day.

This places enormous strain on your bodily system, which is usually used to working much more slowly than that.

So when you first start digging into your stuff, progress looks a lot like being sick, as you overload your mental, emotional and physical systems with energies to process & release.

Your system uses the natural process of release available to it: your bladder, bowels, passing gas, belching or burping, tummy bubbling, sweating, heavier periods, headaches, and even skin infections and breakouts.

If you've ever done a proper detox or water fast, or properly lost weight, then you'll have experienced this firsthand: as your system cleanses itself, the first reaction is to push out all the stored toxins that it couldn't process previously.

Your mental & emotional systems are no different from your physical system: when you clear it all out, your body is going to take the opportunity to catch up on what it couldn't clear in the past.

It's always darkest before the dawn - and when you really properly start doing this kind of work, it always gets worse before it gets better.

If you're prepared for the fact that progress looks like getting worse at first, then it won't scare you off when it happens, and you won't give up on the process too early.

The emotions that have led you here, have done so because they cause you pain, psychic tension & total discomfort - you've avoided facing them for the same reasons.

Pain is inevitable on this journey - but suffering, suffering is entirely optional.

Stick it out - it's just a detox. Once you're past the worst of it, you'll never look back.

Duality Themes

So, this isn't the only Life Coach in Your Pocket Mirrors of Relationship Question Generator app... we've taken doing the work even further for you and given you a whole range of targeted question generators to choose from.

Each question generator has an assigned list of duality theme words, relevant to that duality, populated into the question generator.

So there are general question generators, question generators for romantic relationships, parent issues, money stuff, spirituality, and so much more.

There's even an additional question generator that has no dualities - just the baseline question.

So what are duality theme words?

Well... when you work on an issue, say faith, you're not just dealing with matters of faith, you're dealing with what is related to that theme as well.

In the case of faith, the obvious other duality is doubt. But confidence, anxiety, worry, impatience, and so many more themes, can also influence the way you see faith, and what you're learning about faith.

Collectively, all those words together are known as dualities... and if you want to get bang for your buck when you're shifting, you want to include all the dualities of the theme you're working on.

The reason you want to do this is that you are often working with a duality of a theme as the next layer - this way you can draw it out, and make the connections.

As you tackle all the layers of the theme, you get a complete big picture view - often circumventing the time you would have had to spend learning all those different layers later on.

To learn even more about dualities, follow the link below.


  Get Help

Once you start working with a tool like Mirrors of Relationship, it can get addictive quickly - especially as you begin to see results, and changes in the way you think and feel.

So, you might suddenly realize you want to go even further, and probably faster, or you've hit a major stumbling block that you need help clearing, or you are in shifting overload and experiencing physical, emotional and mental symptoms you need help with. That's what this section is for!

Simply pop us a message - or reach out via one of the message services listed below - and we'll have a coach or healer get back to you to assist you. This is a paid for service.