Life Coaches Toolbox by Chemory Gunko

I Forgive You Video Meditation Tool


An additional resource to help you achieve forgiveness - simply upload your photo and watch the video!

Watch the video below for an overview of how to use the I Forgive You Video Tool. The video (should!) start at the point this tool is being explained.

As with all the videos, they are linked online on YouTube and you will need Internet access to view them.

To read, or follow along with, the text of the video narration, click on the button below:


  Start with a Butterfly Release


In order to help you maintain mental and emotional balance, every question session starts with a Butterfly Release on the first page. You are strongly advised to start AND end every session with a Butterfly Release, as this will help your body cope with the changes you experience with every single question you answer.


1. Take your middle and index finger on either hand and place them on either side of your head, at the outer edge of each eye socket.

2. Look at the picture below and identify the purple section marked as sphenoid, next to the bright blue section marked zygomatic bone.

Butterfly Release by Life Coaches Toolbox

3. Move your fingers one finger width closer to your hairline and let them settle naturally into the depression or dip that you'll find there next to the zygomatic bone.

4. Apply medium pressure, pressing in on both sides for three to six minutes. You may want to rest your elbows on a table while you're applying pressure.

Need to Know

  • I am your 'go-to' system 'plumbing & maintenance' tool
  • I'm the energetic equivalent of brushing your teeth
  • I reduce your physical, mental & emotional stress
  • I reduce anxiety, worry and shock & help you stop feeling stuck
  • I relieve headaches

  • I help clear your body's energetic system
  • It is normal to feel waves of release, or to have a purge of emotion, like tears or laughter
  • It is normal for your tummy to work or run, or even to experience gas, belching, nausea and vomiting
  • Sweats, hot flushes & other symptoms are also just your body 'shifting' or releasing the emotion

  • I'm safe for everyone, at any age
  • I have no side effects & don't interfere with medication
  • I don't interfere with medical or psychological treatments
  • Medical Clearance is NOT needed
  • NO need to consult your doctor


A guided video with instructions and visual focus point



Use me once or multiple times a day. You can't overuse me!

Use me for 3 to 6 minutes each time. The longer and more often you use me, the more beneficial I will be to you.


  I Forgive You Video Tool


With this tool you will be uploading a picture, and then hitting play on the video below. Watch it as many times as you need to - just remember to do a butterfly release both before & after.

This video resource is loaded online on YouTube, and embedded from there. It may take a moment to load if your connection is slow.

How it Works

Repeat this affirmation:

Even though I may feel fear, anger and resistance, I want, I choose and I am ready to forgive type name here.

Use the controls to upload a picture, and start the video aid.

Repeat each statement out loud or in your head, including the name you have used, e.g. I forgive you Sally.

Keep going until you feel lighter, or feel some kind of release - even if you don't mean it in the beginning.

AudioVisual Aid

Use this tool to upload a picture of the person you'd like to find forgiveness for. The image will load below.

Hit browse, navigate to a photo and upload it, and then focus on the animations while repeating the mantras that appears.

This will work best if you upload a square photo of the person's face. If you are using this tool online, wait a few moments for it to finish loading, as it's a larger file than you'd normally expect from us - but worth it we think!

  Get Help

Once you start working with a tool like Mirrors of Relationship, it can get addictive quickly - especially as you begin to see results, and changes in the way you think and feel.

So, you might suddenly realize you want to go even further, and probably faster, or you've hit a major stumbling block that you need help clearing, or you are in shifting overload and experiencing physical, emotional and mental symptoms you need help with. That's what this section is for!

Simply pop us a message - or reach out via one of the message services listed below - and we'll have a coach or healer get back to you to assist you. This is a paid for service.