Where Do I Start?
Even if you've been doing this for years, this is often the question you'll come to when you're in an emotional state that you'd like to shift... where do I start?
When you train your brain & system to choose new ways of doing & being, the old pathways - or the old ways you used to approach that particular element - don't go away; they just stop being used.
However, when you are more emotional, you aren't as clear, and are not always in conscious control of what you are doing. During these times, you will regress to old ways of being.
So even if you've learned a whole bunch of ways to shift stuff, when you need that knowledge, in the moment, in the middle of a shift, you suddenly discover that you can't remember what to do.
In most cases, you can't think of a SINGLE thing to do LOL!
It's funny when you're outside that moment... but when you're the one caught up in it, man, it stings!
We're always looking for the one tool or technique that will bring us relief, and we tend to beat ourselves up when we don't think of 'THE TOOL' first - you know, the one that brought the relief.
But here's the thing about that breakthrough piece of information - it only FEELS like it's the breakthrough point.
Imagine you're emptying a large bucket of water with a cup.
You empty each cupful at a time, dipping your hand back into the water for what feels like an endless amount of time... and when you look at how much you have left, you feel like you will be there forever.
Suddenly however, you look down, and you can visibly 'see' that you've lowered the level of the water.
In that moment, you feel a sense of relief: you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and you know you won't be here forever doing this.
However, in that moment just before you felt the relief, you felt like you'd made no progress at all.
The natural process of shifting works in the same way... you have a ton of thoughts (your inner voice), and even though you are clearing a thought at a time, it doesn't feel like you're making any progress.
And then suddenly, you have another thought & it feels like you've made a huge breakthrough.
All the thoughts that were mulling & repeating in your inner voice still contributed, but that 'breakthrough thought', or aha moment or epiphany, was the 'tipping point' thought... the one that enabled you to begin to feel relief.
So start anywhere... choose a tool, or jump into a random question, or just go to any question page!
It doesn't matter where you start - it only matters that you start!
In order to get relief, you have to have enough small realizations for a tipping point to be reached.
If you simply start answering questions - and keep answering questions - then every 5 to 30 questions, you'll probably reach a tipping point thought, and feel like you've had an epiphany or breakthrough.
So just start anywhere, and keep going, until it's happened enough times that you can see this tipping point pattern for yourself.
Learn more about the tipping point pattern here.