Life Coaches Toolbox by Chemory Gunko

Base Chakra


The Base Chakra governs physical and material matters in your life, including survival, safety and security.

  Base Chakra Understanding

Your Base Chakra, governed by the color red, is located at the tip of your spine.

You can stimulate this chakra manually by rubbing your perineum, or the fleshy area between your genitals and anus.

Your Base Chakra life cycle years begin at birth and continue until your 7th birthday, and the element for the base chakra is earth.

The Base Chakra governs physical and material matters in your life, including survival, safety and security.

Use this text transcription to easily reference concepts we've covered in the video.

Understanding Chakras - Base Chakra

Your chakras are seven rotating points of energy on your body. The energy field given off by these seven points collectively makes up your aura.

Your base or root chakra is located at the tip of your spine.

If you wanted to stimulate it manually, you would do so by working the perineum which is the fleshy area between your genitals and anus.

The base chakra is governed by the color red, and it is represented by the following symbol.

The planetary association for the base chakra is Saturn. The element associated to the base chakra is earth.

The base chakra governs physical and material matters and relates to how we manage our physical world.

The base chakra governs things like survival, stability, acceptance, self-preservation, fear, and safety, and therefore it affects goals to do with stability, grounding, physical health, prosperity, and trust.

Organs governed by the root chakra include the immune system, the base of the spine, legs, bones and bone marrow, feet, rectum, and general physical body support.

Affirmations relevant to the base chakra include, "the universe supports me and wants me to do well, all my needs are catered for, it is safe for me to be myself, and my life is rich with abundance."

Base chakra governs the first seven years of your life. Until your first birthday, you are establishing the foundation of your security.

In your second year you start becoming more creative with security reaching further than just known figures such as mom and dad. Now you enter the terrible twos and three where the power struggle for security begins.

This continues in the heart chakra year where you are trying to find the balance of power in your relationships and establishing connections that will enable you to further establish your security.

In the throat of base chakra year, your voice comes into play and you begin to express the ideas you've uncovered and learned between the ages of five and six. You begin to take those ideas and form a future vision for yourself.

The final essence or soul year of this cycle is spent encapsulating the ideas you've learned and putting them into use as your foundation and framework for security and safety going forward.

Imbalances in your root chakra will often lead to you feeling angry, ungrounded, spaced out, and insecure as well as frequently you'll find you have money issues.

You may also discover that you are sluggish, lazy, tired, and you have problems with chronic disorganization.

Physical ailments arising from the base chakra include frequent illness, bowel disorders, problems of the large intestines, bones, teeth, legs, feet, eating disorders, depression, immune related issues, skin problems, and a lack of energy and vitality.

Conversely a balanced base chakra will lead to good health, vitality, a sense of being well grounded and having trust in the world, the ability to feel safe and secure, stability, prosperity, and the ability to let go, unwind, and relax.

The following three sounds are associated to the base chakra and will stimulate it - LAM, OO, and the laughter yoga chant will be HOO-HOO.

Crystals that are said to stimulate the base chakra include Garnet, Agate, Onyx, Hematite, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Blood Stone, and Red Coral.

Aromatherapy or essential oils that are recommended for base chakra work include Patchouli, Cedarwood, and Sandalwood.

Being the chakra of the physical world, the base chakra requires support that is in the physical world.

So look to physical activity, touch, massage, reconnecting with your body, grounding, and even practices like yoga.

If you are experiencing difficulties with your base chakra then try answering the following questions.

Where do I feel safe?
Where do I not feel safe?
Who or what am I pretending makes me feel safe or what makes me feel unsafe that I don't want to acknowledge?
Where do I judge myself when it comes to survival issues?
What doubts do I have when it comes to survival issues?
Who or what in my life makes me feel vulnerable?
Do I feel ashamed, embarrassed, or humiliated about my security or survival in some way?
What are my unmet expectations when it comes to my security and survival?
What have I lost or sacrificed that I have not made peace with?
Am I afraid that I will or will not be like my family when it comes to security and stability?
Do I feel like I'm living up to my own expectations about stability and security?
What were the circumstances of my birth and early childhood?
Do I have a foundation for security and stability?
Who or what makes me feel powerless when it comes to stability and security?
What feels like it is outside of my control when it comes to stability and security?
What actions can I take right now to feel more secure immediately?

Answer the questions below to further explore your Base Chakra.

Where do I feel safe?

Click & type here to answer.

Where do I not feel safe?

Click & type here to answer.

Who or what am I pretending makes me feel safe or what makes me feel unsafe that I don't want to acknowledge?

Click & type here to answer.

Where do I judge myself when it comes to survival issues?

Click & type here to answer.

What doubts do I have when it comes to survival issues?

Click & type here to answer.

Who or what in my life makes me feel vulnerable?

Click & type here to answer.

Do I feel ashamed, embarrassed, or humiliated about my security or survival in some way?

Click & type here to answer.

What are my unmet expectations when it comes to my security and survival?

Click & type here to answer.

What have I lost or sacrificed that I have not made peace with?

Click & type here to answer.

Am I afraid that I will or will not be like my family when it comes to security and stability?

Click & type here to answer.

Do I feel like I'm living up to my own expectations about stability and security?

Click & type here to answer.

What were the circumstances of my birth and early childhood?

Click & type here to answer.

Do I have a foundation for security and stability?

Click & type here to answer.

Who or what makes me feel powerless when it comes to stability and security?

Click & type here to answer.

What feels like it is outside of my control when it comes to stability and security?

Click & type here to answer.

What actions can I take right now to feel more secure immediately?

Click & type here to answer.

Concentrate on the indicated area of your body when working with a particular chakra.

Simply look at the symbol to help stimulate or calm this chakra.


Base Chakra Color: Red

exciting, energizing, sexy, passionate, hot, dynamic, stimulating, provocative, dramatic, powerful, courageous, magnetic, assertive, impulsive, adventurous, demanding, stirring, spontaneous, motivating, earthy, warm, strong, sturdy, established, rich, elegant, refined, tasty, expensive, mature, sumptuous, luxurious, robust, aggressive, violent, warlike, temperamental, antagonistic, danger

Stimulate & speed up your energy
Feel better & more energized


Red Jasper
Black Tourmaline
Smokey Quartz
Red Coral


Red or Brown Foods
Root Vegetables
Meat & Tofu


Laughter Sound


Black Pepper

Base Chakra Location

Base of spine or Tailbone

Your base or root chakra is located at the tip of your spine

If you wanted to stimulate it, you would work the perineum; the fleshy area between the genitals & anus

Planets & Signs



Yoga Pose or Movement

Knee to Chest Pose
Bridge Pose
Half & Full Locust Pose
Head to Knee Pose
Deep Relaxation
Grounding Stance

Jumping Up & Down


I have

Centered & calm

Trusting & safe

Anchored & grounded

Still, solid, & clear

Safety, security, stability


Earth Element
Soil, Rock & Wood

Foundational Matters
Survival Issues
Manifestation of consciousness in its final form

Solid & Tangible
Physical Reality

Base Chakra Governs

Physical matters of survival; safety & security

Issues related to money & survival

Staying alive & vitality


Acceptance of limitations


Matter, the material expression of existence, and the physical body

How we manage our physical world

Self-preservation, acceptance, fear, safety

Stability, grounding, physical health, prosperity and trust

Immune system, base of spine, legs, bones & bone marrow, feet & rectum

Base Chakra Imbalances

Sluggish, Lazy, Tired
Spaced Out, Depression
Lack of Energy or Vitality

Bored, Restless
Lack of Discipline
Chronic Disorganization

Eating Disorders
Overeating, Obesity
Weight Problems

Hoarding, Materialism, Greed
Money Issues, Financial Difficulties
Focused on Materialism & Money

Fear of Change
Anxiety about Security
Fearful, Anxious, Ungrounded

Frequent illness
Hemorrhoids, Constipation
Sciatica, Joints, Degenerative Arthritis
Knee Troubles

Base Chakra Affirmations

All my needs are catered for

It is safe for me to be myself

My life is rich with abundance

I live fully supported & grounded within the material world

The universe supports me & wants me to do well

I am a divine being of light & I am peaceful, protected & secure

I laugh freely & easily to remind myself that I am safe, at peace & feeling secure

Healing Approaches

Admit & Face Your Fears

Do Some Yoga
Get Some Exercise
Go for a Walk

Give Someone a Hug
Get a Massage

Ground Yourself
Feel your energy connected to the earth below your feet
Unwind by letting your body do any movement it feels like doing

Accept Reality & "What Is"

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