Jump to any section by clicking on one of the headings below :)

LCIYP Apps  |  LCIYP Infographics  |  LCIYP Meditation  |  Our Best Tools  |  Emergency Tools  |  Lightworkers & Light Warriors  |  Creativity & Careers  
|  Healing Modalities  |  Relationships  |  PDFs

Lifecoachestoolbox.com's free DIY life coaching and healing tools are designed to help you unpack an entire belief system - on your own - without anyone to help you.

In most cases, all you need to do is answer the healing and coaching questions. The questions are designed to bring the thoughts to conscious awareness - which is the aim of any existing healing modality.

The tools fall into a few key styles:

It seems too simple and easy to bring real healing relief... but each little aha-moment or moment of insight brings a small amount of relief from psychic pain, worry and anxiety.

Before you know it, you’ve mined all the healing statements needed to unearth the entire belief system.

🖼  Life Coach in Your Pocket Infographics

The LCIYP Infographics section is an accumulation of information found in articles, videos and tools from Life Coaches Toolbox - put into an easily readable infographic for each concept.

And don't forget the pretty pictures that make you want to read them the whole day long!

🧘  Life Coach in Your Pocket Meditation

Here you will find practical exercises, video tools & interactive tools that utilize platonic solid shapes, as well as color healing.

⭐  Our Best Tools

Below is a personal selection of our favourite and best tools on the website - that will help you in relationships, your career, and to help smoothly move you along your spiritual journey.

🏥  Emergency Tools

When you've gone through a trauma, your system has gone into shifting overload, or you're stressed from your job, family, social life and everything in between - these tools will help quickly release stuck energy and calm your system down.

🐛  Resources for Lightworkers & Light Warriors

Whether you're a lightworker, a light warrior, empath, starseed, indigo child, earth angel, guru, buddha, or just a plain old journeyer - these are all resources that should be in your spiritual toolbox.

🐛  Creativity & Careers Tools

Do you need a creative boost? Are you experiencing writer's block? Do you need tools to increase your work team culture?

Then try these practical tools to get your and your colleague's mental flow back!

🙏  Healing Modalities

All our healing modalities are linked on a separate page that you can access here, or by clicking on the Healing Modalities heading above.

The tools listed below are only a few of the healing modalities we offer!

💘  Relationship Tools

All our relationship tools are linked on a separate page that you can access here or by clicking on the Relationship Tools heading above.

The tools listed below are only a few of the relationship tools we offer!

📜  PDFs

All our PDFs are linked on a separate page that you can access here or by clicking on the PDFs heading above.

Some of the PDFs are big in size so give it a few minutes to load once you've opened the file - these PDFs are worth the wait!