Compare Your Ideal Client to Your Brand Identity
In this tool we'll be looking at how your Brand Identity measures up next to your Ideal Client.
There are two key questions to keep in your mind with this: first, is my Brand Identity relatable for my Ideal Client? Second, will my Ideal Client find my Brand Identity attractive, appealing or desirable?
Take your time as you go through this. The time you spend doing this will help you understand your marketing & target market so much better, and can help you figure out where your marketing is going wrong.
The process of sorting through your mind will help you start to mitigate problems, but you need to take action once you've ascertained where the issues lie.
You may realize you've created a masculine brand that is trying to sell products to women, e.g. a cleaning chemicals company. Likewise you may need to define brand identities for certain products & product ranges.
You might have started out with workshop & car cleaning products, appealing to men, but as your range expands into home cleaning products & air fresheners, you may need to create another face your brand: the straight, hard, blocky approach you have for current products won't appeal to women who generally want pastel or bright colors, with feminine prints, like florals & butterflies.
You may even discover that you need different brand identities per product, or range.
How to use the Ideal Client & Brand Identity Comparison & Analysis Fields
Follow the instructions in the example fields below.
Any typing edits you make will be saved for you. This way, you are free to edit any of the statements to perfectly suit your individual situation.
Ideal Client & Brand Identity Comparison & Analysis Questions
In order to utilize this tool, you will first have had to complete the Brand Identity & Ideal Client Generator Tools, as you'll find it easier when you have that information on hand to reference.
As a shortcut, you can just answer the questions for each as you go through this tool. However, we've guided you on the other pages, by prepopulating answers you can select from - eliminating the need for you to thumb suck answers.
For each question in this tool, we've only allocated one space per Ideal Client & Brand Identity. Your answer sets from the previous tools may have multiple answers in each field.
By reducing the items down to one general fact per category, we refine your Ideal Client & Brand Identity a little more in your mind. This will help you to relate better to them.
Simplifying the answers down to one specific also makes it much easier for you to do the analysis & comparison: you're not juggling an endless list of answers.
Visual Comparison
How do Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare visually?
Would you normally see these two people walking down a street together?
Would these two people typically be friends?
Would they be attracted to each other on the level of physical appearance?
Your Brand Identity
Your Ideal Client
What observations do you have? Which changes do you need to consider making?
Name Comparison
How do the names of your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Do these names speak to each other?
Would you normally see friends with these names?
Are the names the same level of normal, or weird?
Are they relatable for each other?
Age Comparison
How do the ages of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Thinking outside of familial relations, are these age groups that you would normally find intersecting?
If people of these ages met at a social gathering for the first time, is it likely that they would seek each other out afterwards?
Geographic Comparison
How do the geographic locations of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Are these two likely to run into each other on a typical day? Are they likely to cross paths often?
How much traveling would be required if one of them were to get into a car & visit the other?
How convenient is access?
Language Comparison
How do the home & de facto languages of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
*A de facto language is the common language you'd use for business in your region, or around the world. For many people, this is English now.
Do the home & de facto languages align?
Is the primary language you're using a secondary language for your client?
Are you using copywriting that understands that your reader is a second-language speaker?
Do you use 'smart' or 'clever' copywriting that goes straight over your clients' heads?
Is your copywriting too professional for customers?
Could you adopt a warmer, more inviting style, or dumb it down a bit?
Race or Ethnicity Comparison
How do the race and ethnicity of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Are you dealing with any existing prejudices, or stereotyping?
Are there big cultural differences between the two?
Do the two share similar values in terms of social issues, holidays, creeds & lifestyles?
Would you commonly see friends from these two backgrounds?
Gender Comparison
How do the genders of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Typically, gender speaks to elements such as design, environments, activities, etc.
Is the gender of your Brand Identity relatable for your Ideal Client?
Do they see themselves in the identity, or can they relate to it as an expert in its field?
e.g. men would rather take baking advice from an old grandmother, while women would take sporting equipment advice from a sportsman.
Does your design style appeal to the market you want to attract, or does it represent you?
Beyond the typical considerations, you have contemporary ideas about gender identity to deal with today.
Studies from several nations, including the U.S., have produced a statistical range of 1.2% to 6.8% of the adult population identifying as LGBT.
Are you targeting a niche market, in one of these new gender specifications?
Are you identifying as a modern gender but alienating your conservative client base?
Is this something that you need to express in your marketing?
Marital Status Comparison
How does the Marital Status of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
In a nutshell, marital status speaks to characteristics like loyalty, commitment, stability & consistency.
Marital Status also strongly speaks to where & how you place family values.
Do the marital status of your Brand Identity & Ideal Client relate?
Are they on the same page? Do they have the same values?
Are you taking into account the realities of family, and the limitations this places on activity, resources & time? e.g. are you planning weekend activities for moms who don't have someone to take care of their kids? Could you add an element like childcare & make your product or service more welcoming?
Religion or Faith Comparison
How does the religion or faith of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
According to Wikipedia, only 14.91% of the world's population identify as nonreligious, atheistic or secular. This means that, on average, 8,5 out of every 10 clients, has a religious affiliation.
Religion & faith are much more important that most people would like to recognize; and it's also a truism that people of a certain faith will give business preference to others that share that faith.
The Western Business World has, by-and-large, adopted a secular marketing calendar, based on Judeo-Christian traditions. Both Easter & Christmas are Christian holidays, for example.
However, there are almost as many Muslims in the world as Christians, and there are as many Hindus as Atheists.
Have you taken the time to discover the religious & faith affiliations of your target market?
Can you incorporate faith-based messaging, such as Hanukkah, Diwali or even Ramadan wishes?
Or could you perhaps even offer holiday-style discounts to these clients, in acknowledgment of their holiday days?
Highest Level of Education Comparison
How does the Highest Level of Education of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
You might need to be a scientist or engineer in order to create a turbine that installs simply & converts any running water source into an electrical generator, but you don't even need to have finished school in order to buy it & install it.
Accordingly, you will often find huge disparity the education levels of the Brand Identity & Ideal Client. What matters here is that the marketing speaks to the Ideal Client in a language that he or she will understand.
Is your marketing material too technical or academic?
Are you giving people more information than what they're actually interested in?
Do you give people easy access to the information they really want to know?
Does your marketing focus on technical specifications instead of features & benefits for the end user?
Hours Worked Each Week Comparison
How do the hours worked each week for Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
The amount of hours that somebody works a week tells you A LOT about them. In particular, it says a lot about how pedantic, particular, dedicated, diligent & focused they are.
A person who works a 60 or hour week, is not someone who is looking for a 'quick fix' or patch solution... this is a person who will diligently chip away at the task until they get the 'right' solution.
How do the average working hours of your Ideal Client & Brand Identity compare?
What kind of work ethic are you dealing with here?
Is this someone is willing to take the hard road, or someone who wants to take the easy way out?
What does this person value more: getting the job done properly, or having downtime?
Are you selling the right kind of solution to the right market?
Is your solution well thought out and thorough?
Does your marketing message about time focus on creating free time, or creating time to focus on core capacities?
Company Size Comparison
How does the company size of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
As entrepreneurs & management, we're often dreaming of the big client that will help us move to the next level. But are you really geared to handle a client of that size?
How close in size is your Brand Identity to your Ideal Client?
Do you understand the unique perspectives of a business of that size?
Are you geared to handle the time, resources & commitment that a large client would require?
Is your pricing concordant with market benchmarks for the size of business you're targeting?
Does your marketing speak to the concerns of a business of that size?
Are you basing your points of reference on clients of a similar size?
Type of Employer Comparison
How does the type of employer of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Do you understand the intricacies of your client's business landscape?
Do you understand the limitations placed on them by their business classification?
Is your pricing concordant with market benchmarks for this type of business?
Does your marketing speak to the unique challenges that business in this arena face?
Do you understand the legislative requirements that your clients need to meet?
Have you taken the time to get to know your client's business landscape, or are you drawing on experience in a different types of business?
Industry Sector Comparison
How does the Industry Sector of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Do you understand the intricacies of your client's business landscape?
Do you understand the limitations placed on them by their industry sector?
Is your pricing concordant with market benchmarks for this industry sector?
Does your marketing speak to the unique challenges that business in this sector face?
Do you understand the legislative requirements that your clients need to meet?
Have you taken the time to get to know your client's industry sector, or are you drawing on experience in a different business sectors?
Decision Making Authority Comparison
How does the Decision Making Authority of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Does your brand understand what clients consider important when making a purchasing decision?
Does your Brand Identity relate to the issues & challenges that Senior Decision Makers face?
Does your Brand Identity have a holistic view of the realities of operating a businesses of various sizes?
Does Your Brand Identity understand the full impact legislation has on decisions made?
Does your marketing address concerns that are valid for the target you wish to reach?
Does the level of Decision Making Authority you're targeting have the authority to make purchasing decisions?
Are you highlighting concerns that have no relevance to those who make the purchasing decisions? e.g. creating more free time means nothing to a company who does not pay overtime, but a lot to the employee who takes work home every night. 'Free up your time to focus on your core competencies' would be a more effective message here.
Job Title Comparison
How does the Job Title of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Is the job title of your brand Identity one that your Ideal Client will relate to? e.g. a hippie-like creative director won't appeal very much to a conservative bookkeeper.
Do the two job titles share a comparable level of seniority?
Does your Brand Identity understand the demands & challenges faced by your client?
Media Consumed Comparison
How does the media consumed by Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Do you understand the media your target market will be consuming? Enough to make educated decisions about it? e.g. picking a time range for radio adverts on a station you've never listened to, or when you don't listen to radio yourself.
Do you know enough about what is important to your clients to craft an adequate message for the medium?
Do you understand enough about the medium to make an educated decision about the quality of the message?
Does your messaging speak to people in a language & style they are familiar with on this medium?
Typical Day Comparison
How does the typical day of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Do you understand enough about your target's typical day to be able to make an educated choice about when they would hear, or be receptive, to your message?
Do you understand enough about your target's typical day to know when they will likely be frustrated, and when you should avoid marketing messaging?
Do you understand your target's typical day well enough to know when they will be receptive to business messaging, versus consumer or retail messaging?
Do you understand enough about your target to know how & when to reach them via Influencers?
Weekends or Holiday Days Comparison
How do the weekends & holiday days of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Do you recognize holiday days that are relevant to your target, or stick to a secular calendar?
Do you know how to subtly market your business within social contexts, so as to avoid people feeling like you are infringing on their personal time?
Do you know enough about the activities to ensure that your presence & marketing strategies are relevant & appealing?
Customer Values Comparison
How do the customer values of Your Brand Identity & Ideal Client compare?
Do clients appreciate the customer value that you think they should value you for?
Does your messaging do an accurate job of conveying the customer values you want to promote?
Do clients & other external parties agree with the customer values that you believe you embody?
Generate Your Ideal Client & Brand Identity Comparison & Analysis Results
Generate Your Ideal Client & Brand Identity Comparison & Analysis Results
Now that you've worked through the various areas of focus, click the button below to GENERATE YOUR COMPARISON ANALYSIS.
The results will then appear below the buttons, and you'll have another chance to refine & edit. Simply click anywhere to type additional points, or use the trash icon to delete that statement.
When you're finished your edits, hit MAKE PDF to save the statement to PDF. The PDF view that is generated will also be editable.
If your device doesn't support PDFs, or you'd like to save the content elsewhere, then use the COPY TO CLIPBOARD button and the content will be copied for you.
Use the buttons below to generate your Ideal Client & Brand Identity Comparison & Analysis.
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