Life Coaches Toolbox by Chemory Gunko

Values Generator


Finding your values tends to be the easier, 'throwaway' part of the brand identity process.

This tool will help you get a fresh perspective of your values, and what they really mean.

  Values Generator Tool

Instead of giving you a blank spot where you can type in your values, we've already compiled a list of pretty impressive values for you - and you can work by process of elimination.

Drawn from kinesiology & research into the morphic field, these values are widely seen to be one of the most powerful condensed lists of human values. It really covers the spectrum without giving you 400 options (or more!) to wade through.

Instructions for Using the Values Generator Tool

Below you will find a series of accordions, each containing one of the High & Low Energy Power Patterns.

Inside the accordion, you find will delete fields containing synonyms of each - both positive and negative.

Your job is to go through and delete those that do not apply to you. This will save you the effort of having to come up with the answers in the first place, and secondly, it will give you an easy way to do this.

There are, however, a number of ways you can use this tool; ways that will let you illustrate & convey your values in your marketing & business practice.

Ways to Use the Values Generator

Below you will find a number of different suggestions about the ways in which you can use this tool.

The lists of synonyms found with each Power Pattern is by no means exhaustive. So remember to check for additional synonyms online.

Don't be afraid of just opening up an online dictionary and using those words that appear. You are aiming to find the way the world views these words - not going for your brilliant copywriting, marketing or professional understanding.

So what's important when you look at these lists, and synonym lists online, is that you understand that these are words that people ALREADY associate with the power pattern. That's what you'll be tapping into when you use this.

So sometimes the synonym words seem a bit weird, or not exactly the right meaning - this is okay.

When online dictionaries compile the lists, they're doing it according to the way the language is used and understood by people - and those are the sources people will be referencing to understand these words.

This is the knowledge you want when you are crafting your copy according to the way people will perceive it.

1. Identify & List Your Values

Use the Power Patterns to zero in on values you would like to express, and pick one of the synonyms listed below it.

2. Find Negative Power Patterns

See the Contrasts & Polarities of the Power Pattern values. Once you've identified what you do NOT want to value, you can list the opposite pattern as a value. Values can be what we are, what we aspire to be, and what we hold dear.

3. See the Extremes of Values

Once you've identified a Power Pattern, look at the extremes of that value: how it can go right & wrong. e.g. you can be 'humble' (high pattern), but you can also be 'too humble' and considered meek or weak.

4. Evaluate your Business Language

As you go through the list, identify the words that you use often in your speech. Is your language high or low patterned? Are you alienating people simply because of the vocabulary you use to frame elements?

5. Evaluate your Business Practice

Likewise, as you go through the list, take a moment to consider your business practices, and how you want to structure them going forward. Does the vocabulary you use support a high energy environment? e.g. team or unit is a much higher pattern word than division or branch. Both of these are low power pattern words.

If you use terms like unit or team, instead of branch or division, it will help people to feel more included - even if they don't know why.

6. Define Terms for Copywriting & Marketing

Spend time defining your values, and then define additional synonyms for each value, as well as additional value words. Once you're done, give this list to your marketing team and ensure that these words are regularly used in all your marketing communications.

This way you will constantly reinforce your values with every single piece of marketing that you do - internally and externally.

Additionally, by defining a list of no-go words, you can reduce the negative impact of certain vocabulary words.

Instructions for the Values Generator

The Values Generator works kind of like a backwards form... but instead of picking which statements or concepts you agree with, you're going to dismiss the statements and concepts you disagree with.

Why do we do this process backwards like this?

We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success.
We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do.
And probably... he who never made a mistake, never made a discovery.
Samuel Smiles (1812 - 1904)

The truth is that most people don't know how they feel, what they want, or where they stand on most issues.

BUT (big but!)... people DO know what they disagree with; in other words they know "what will not do".

For the most part, people are usually sure about what they don't like, what they don't want, and what they disagree with.

So, we've used this natural mental default to make this entire process easier for you.

Simply read through the statements listed below, one by one, and dismiss the statement if you disagree with it.

Let me say this carefully again... your task is to REMOVE the statements you disagree with - and ignore the statements that you don't disagree with. It's a process of elimination in other words.

Don't worry about how much you agree with the statement, or not; focus ONLY on removing the statements that you immediately disagree with.

At the end, what you're left with will be the balance of the statements, and this will be used to generate a crafted statement for you.

How to use the Values Generator Fields

Follow the instructions in the example fields below to learn how to use the Values Generator.

Remember that there are no right or wrong answers - just the information that you need to process.

You really can't get this wrong.

🗑 This is an example field. Click on the trashcan at the right of this block & watch me disappear.
🗑 This is another example field. Click on this wording & test the typing feature.
Any typing edits you make will be saved for you. This way, you are free to edit any of the statements to perfectly suit your individual situation.
🗑 Using conjunction words, like and, when & because, will you let you expand any statement, e.g. considerate and... or, professional because... or principled when...

  Values Generator List

Your values are the thoughts & principles that drive the daily decisions you make, the things you say, and the way you act.

It's no small feat to change a belief - and you will almost always require help to do so at first.

When you are going through the examples in the list below, it's NOT with the aim of painting yourself in the most favourable light - it's with the aim of discovering who & what you honestly are.

So don't judge the words - simply keep them if they apply to you.

No matter how ugly the value may seem to you, the truth is that there are millions of people out there who share that value - and they're already going to be attracted to, or repelled by, you on the energetic level.

Lying about your beliefs won't help either - because you will "live" (act, speak, say) in concordance with your true values.

If you don't like what that value says about you, then it's time to find help, and create real change.

The list is compiled according to WHAT THE WORLD BELIEVES - not the way you understand it necessarily.

The High & Low Energy Power Patterns give us our categories, and the synonyms for each are COMMON dictionary definitions AT THIS TIME in the world.

As you go through this list, it may surprise you that a lot of the words we favour in business actually fall into the Low Energy Power Patterns synonym list.

So, even if YOU (and your management team) think that this is a POWERFUL WORD, the prevailing opinion out there in the world is negative. Most people perceive it as forceful instead of powerful, therefore.

A secondary use for the list is as a power patterns identifier. Simply search (CMD+F or CTRL+F) for the word you are thinking of using, and see if, and where, it appears on the list.


High: Abundant

🗑 bountiful
🗑 generous
🗑 rich
🗑 sufficient
🗑 overflowing
🗑 teeming

Low: Excessive

🗑 disproportionate
🗑 exaggerated
🗑 exorbitant
🗑 extravagant
🗑 needless
🗑 unreasonable


High: Admitting

🗑 accepting
🗑 affirming
🗑 agreeing
🗑 allowing
🗑 acquiescing
🗑 granting

Low: Denying

🗑 opposing
🗑 contadicting
🗑 refusing
🗑 rejecting
🗑 rebuffing
🗑 withholding


High: Aesthetic

🗑 artistic
🗑 creative
🗑 artful
🗑 gorgeous
🗑 inventive
🗑 pleasing

Low: Artsy

🗑 pretentious
🗑 self-conscious
🗑 stilted
🗑 artificial
🗑 posed
🗑 unnatural


High: Agreeable

🗑 delicious
🗑 delightful
🗑 enjoyable
🗑 pleasant
🗑 satisfying
🗑 pleasurable

Low: Condescending

🗑 arrogant
🗑 patronizing
🗑 snooty
🗑 disdainful
🗑 snobbish
🗑 superior


High: Allowing

🗑 granting
🗑 acquiescing
🗑 conceding
🗑 approving
🗑 supporting
🗑 empowering

Low: Controlling

🗑 governing
🗑 regulating
🗑 supervising
🗑 overseeing
🗑 authoritative
🗑 dominant


High: Appreciative

🗑 thankful
🗑 grateful
🗑 responsive
🗑 aware
🗑 considerate
🗑 receptive

Low: Envious

🗑 aspiring
🗑 craving
🗑 desiring
🗑 hankering
🗑 wishful
🗑 yearning


High: Approving

🗑 accepting
🗑 agreeing
🗑 confirming
🗑 endorsing
🗑 recommending
🗑 upholding

Low: Critical

🗑 fault-finding
🗑 detracting
🗑 analytical
🗑 diagnostic
🗑 discerning
🗑 exacting


High: Attractive

🗑 alluring
🗑 beautiful
🗑 engaging
🗑 fair
🗑 inviting
🗑 pleasing

Low: Seductive

🗑 captivating
🗑 charming
🗑 enchanting
🗑 fascinating
🗑 magnetic
🗑 tempting


High: Authoritative

🗑 accurate
🗑 authentic
🗑 definitive
🗑 dependable
🗑 trustworthy
🗑 truthful

Low: Dogmatic

🗑 assertive
🗑 confident
🗑 determined
🗑 tenacious
🗑 categorical
🗑 reasoned


High: Aware

🗑 attentive
🗑 cognizant
🗑 conscious
🗑 informed
🗑 mindful
🗑 wise

Low: Preoccupied

🗑 engaged
🗑 fascinated
🗑 obsessed
🗑 abstracted
🗑 immersed
🗑 spellbound


High: Balanced

🗑 equitable
🗑 fair
🗑 uniform
🗑 equivalent
🗑 proportional
🗑 symmetrical

Low: Extreme

🗑 intense
🗑 high
🗑 maximum
🗑 consummate
🗑 highest
🗑 supreme


High: Beautiful

🗑 alluring
🗑 appealing
🗑 charming
🗑 gorgeous
🗑 lovely
🗑 superb

Low: Glamorous

🗑 captivating
🗑 charismatic
🗑 exciting
🗑 glittering
🗑 seductive
🗑 glossy


High: Being

🗑 presence
🗑 vitality
🗑 essence
🗑 individuality
🗑 self
🗑 substance

Low: Having

🗑 acquiring
🗑 carrying
🗑 gaining
🗑 holding
🗑 including
🗑 retaining


High: Believing

🗑 trusting
🗑 accepting
🗑 positive
🗑 certain
🗑 having faith
🗑 sure

Low: Insisting

🗑 asserting
🗑 contending
🗑 demanding
🗑 maintaining
🗑 persisting
🗑 vowing


High: Brilliant

🗑 distinguished
🗑 excellent
🗑 exceptional
🗑 glorious
🗑 magnificent
🗑 celebrated

Low: Clever

🗑 able
🗑 adept
🗑 alert
🗑 capable
🗑 expert
🗑 intelligent


High: Candid

🗑 forthright
🗑 impartial
🗑 outspoken
🗑 sincere
🗑 straightforward
🗑 unequivocal

Low: Calculating

🗑 considerate
🗑 designing
🗑 artful
🗑 careful
🗑 cautious
🗑 discreet


High: Carefree

🗑 breezy
🗑 cheerful
🗑 cheery
🗑 happy
🗑 calm
🗑 secure

Low: Frivolous

🗑 impractical
🗑 petty
🗑 pointless
🗑 light
🗑 playful
🗑 whimsical


High: Challenged

🗑 assert
🗑 claim
🗑 require
🗑 demand
🗑 test
🗑 brave

Low: Impeded

🗑 block
🗑 cut off
🗑 delay
🗑 deter
🗑 disrupt
🗑 retard


High: Charitable

🗑 accommodating
🗑 altruistic
🗑 humanitarian
🗑 philanthropic
🗑 big hearted
🗑 helpful

Low: Prodigal

🗑 lush
🗑 opulent
🗑 luxuriant
🗑 extravagant
🗑 lavish
🗑 sumptuous


High: Cheerful

🗑 enthusiastic
🗑 good natured
🗑 joyful
🗑 upbeat
🗑 hearty
🗑 hopeful

Low: Manic

🗑 excited
🗑 high
🗑 mad
🗑 raving
🗑 up
🗑 wild


High: Cherishing

🗑 cultivate
🗑 defend
🗑 embrace
🗑 encourage
🗑 honor
🗑 treasure

Low: Prizing

🗑 enshrine
🗑 esteem
🗑 guard
🗑 rate
🗑 hold dear
🗑 value highly


High: Choosing To

🗑 choice
🗑 decision
🗑 option
🗑 selection
🗑 judgement
🗑 elect

Low: Having To

🗑 compelled
🗑 destined
🗑 driven
🗑 obliged
🗑 required
🗑 needs


High: Civil

🗑 civilized
🗑 cordial
🗑 courteous
🗑 diplomatic
🗑 accommodating
🗑 polite

Low: Formal

🗑 ceremonial
🗑 legal
🗑 precise
🗑 proper
🗑 strict
🗑 official


High: Concerned

🗑 active
🗑 attentive
🗑 affected
🗑 interested
🗑 caring
🗑 involved

Low: Judgemental

🗑 discretionary
🗑 optional
🗑 personal
🗑 superficial
🗑 arbitrary
🗑 subjective


High: Conciliatory

🗑 placid
🗑 yielding
🗑 calm
🗑 civil
🗑 placating
🗑 willing

Low: Inflexible

🗑 resolute
🗑 rigorous
🗑 steadfast
🗑 strict
🗑 stringent
🗑 uncompromising


High: Confident

🗑 bold
🗑 courageous
🗑 fearless
🗑 self-assured
🗑 self-reliant
🗑 sure

Low: Arrogant

🗑 audacious
🗑 domineering
🗑 proud
🗑 superior
🗑 cool
🗑 know-it-all


High: Confronting

🗑 facing
🗑 encountering
🗑 meeting
🗑 opposing
🗑 face up to
🗑 stand up to

Low: Harassing

🗑 badger
🗑 hassle
🗑 hound
🗑 pester
🗑 annoy
🗑 bait


High: Conscious

🗑 attentive
🗑 cognizant
🗑 informed
🗑 mindful
🗑 responsive
🗑 vigilant

Low: Unaware

🗑 ignorant
🗑 negligent
🗑 unconcerned
🗑 unfamiliar
🗑 uninformed
🗑 careless


High: Considerate

🗑 accommodating
🗑 attentive
🗑 charitable
🗑 compassionate
🗑 generous
🗑 thoughful

Low: Indulgent

🗑 lenient
🗑 permissive
🗑 tolerant
🗑 compassionate
🗑 easy going
🗑 liberal


High: Constructive

🗑 helpful
🗑 effective
🗑 positive
🗑 practical
🗑 productive
🗑 useful

Low: Destructive

🗑 adverse
🗑 detrimental
🗑 negative
🗑 offensive
🗑 troublesome
🗑 opposed


High: Contending

🗑 push for
🗑 pursue
🗑 encounter
🗑 face
🗑 stand
🗑 strive

Low: Competing

🗑 challenge
🗑 fight
🗑 grapple
🗑 rival
🗑 struggle
🗑 match wits


High: Courageous

🗑 adventurous
🗑 daring
🗑 heroic
🗑 strong
🗑 tenacious
🗑 tough

Low: Reckless

🗑 daring
🗑 adventurous
🗑 daredevil
🗑 wild
🗑 venture
🗑 carefree


High: Defending

🗑 guard
🗑 hold
🗑 maintain
🗑 retain
🗑 safeguard
🗑 uphold

Low: Attacking

🗑 beat
🗑 charge
🗑 brain
🗑 combat
🗑 rush
🗑 slog


High: Democratic

🗑 representative
🗑 self governing
🗑 autonomous
🗑 constitutional
🗑 free
🗑 equal

Low: Dictatorial

🗑 autocratic
🗑 domineering
🗑 bossy
🗑 firm
🗑 imperative
🗑 proud


High: Detached

🗑 emancipated
🗑 free
🗑 separate
🗑 discrete
🗑 impartial
🗑 neutral

Low: Removed

🗑 eliminated
🗑 extracted
🗑 withdrawn
🗑 separate
🗑 remote
🗑 solitary


High: Determined

🗑 decisive
🗑 purposeful
🗑 resolute
🗑 serious
🗑 steadfast
🗑 strong-willed

Low: Stubborn

🗑 adamant
🗑 determined
🗑 persistent
🗑 relentless
🗑 tough
🗑 unshakable


High: Devoted

🗑 caring
🗑 concerned
🗑 dedicated
🗑 faithful
🗑 loving
🗑 thoughtful

Low: Possessive

🗑 greedy
🗑 acquisitive
🗑 controlling
🗑 desirous
🗑 dominating
🗑 craving


High: Diplomatic

🗑 gracious
🗑 polite
🗑 strategic
🗑 adept
🗑 courteous
🗑 discreet

Low: Deceptive

🗑 false
🗑 fraudulent
🗑 misleading
🗑 sneaky
🗑 beguiling
🗑 crafty


High: Doing

🗑 achievement
🗑 action
🗑 deed
🗑 performance
🗑 accomplishment
🗑 execution

Low: Getting

🗑 appropriating
🗑 assimilating
🗑 earning
🗑 gaining
🗑 pursuing
🗑 winning


High: Educating

🗑 cultivating
🗑 developing
🗑 elightening
🗑 improving
🗑 informing
🗑 instructing

Low: Persuading

🗑 assure
🗑 entice
🗑 impress
🗑 influence
🗑 impel
🗑 prevail upon


High: Egalitarian

🗑 democratic
🗑 equal
🗑 equitable
🗑 even
🗑 impartial
🗑 unbiased

Low: Elitist

🗑 snob
🗑 highbrow
🗑 stiff
🗑 labels
🗑 name dropping
🗑 stuffed shirt


High: Empathetic

🗑 understanding
🗑 compassionate
🗑 sensitive
🗑 sympathetic
🗑 empathic
🗑 feeling

Low: Pitying

🗑 compassionate
🗑 sympathetic
🗑 tender
🗑 understanding
🗑 responsive
🗑 sensitive


High: Encouraging

🗑 bright
🗑 hopeful
🗑 promising
🗑 reassuring
🗑 supportive
🗑 empowering

Low: Promoting

🗑 develop
🗑 advertise
🗑 advocate
🗑 boost
🗑 cooperate
🗑 stimulate


High: Energetic

🗑 dynamic
🗑 enterprising
🗑 industrious
🗑 powerful
🗑 tireless
🗑 vigorous

Low: Agitated

🗑 distrubed
🗑 aroused
🗑 excited
🗑 flustered
🗑 moved
🗑 upset


High: Enlivening

🗑 animating
🗑 energizing
🗑 exciting
🗑 invigorating
🗑 stimulating
🗑 vitalizing

Low: Exhausting

🗑 tiring
🗑 debilitating
🗑 draining
🗑 taxing
🗑 depleting
🗑 wearying


High: Envisioning

🗑 anticipate
🗑 conceive
🗑 conceptualize
🗑 forresee
🗑 imagine
🗑 visualize

Low: Picturing

🗑 illustrate
🗑 interpret
🗑 paint
🗑 portray
🗑 represent
🗑 show


High: Equal

🗑 comparable
🗑 correspond
🗑 match
🗑 reach
🗑 balance
🗑 parallel

Low: Superior

🗑 admirable
🗑 exceptional
🗑 preferable
🗑 remarkable
🗑 exclusive
🗑 premium


High: Erotic

🗑 amorous
🗑 romantic
🗑 sensual
🗑 steamy
🗑 stimulating
🗑 titillating

Low: Lustful

🗑 amorous
🗑 aphrodisiac
🗑 liberal
🗑 free thinking
🗑 sensual
🗑 passionate


High: Essential

🗑 crucial
🗑 fundamental
🗑 imperative
🗑 capital
🗑 leading
🗑 principal

Low: Apparent

🗑 credible
🗑 plausible
🗑 discernible
🗑 evident
🗑 unmistakable
🗑 marked


High: Eternal

🗑 constant
🗑 enduring
🗑 indestructable
🗑 perpetual
🗑 timeless
🗑 persistent

Low: Temporal

🗑 earthy
🗑 materialistic
🗑 physical
🗑 sensual
🗑 mortal
🗑 secular


High: Ethical

🗑 honest
🗑 honorable
🗑 humane
🗑 principled
🗑 proper
🗑 virtuous

Low: Equivocal

🗑 ambiguous
🗑 muddled
🗑 unclear
🗑 vague
🗑 doubtful
🗑 uncertain


High: Excellent

🗑 accomplished
🗑 distinguished
🗑 exceptional
🗑 exquisite
🗑 skillful
🗑 choice

Low: Adequate

🗑 capable
🗑 competent
🗑 decent
🗑 fair
🗑 suitable
🗑 comfortable


High: Experienced

🗑 accomplished
🗑 competent
🗑 mature
🗑 professional
🗑 seasoned
🗑 practiced

Low: Cynical

🗑 derisive
🗑 ironic
🗑 pessimistic
🗑 sarcastic
🗑 skeptical
🗑 suspicious


High: Fair

🗑 courteous
🗑 decent
🗑 equal
🗑 equitable
🗑 generous
🗑 honorable

Low: Scrupulous

🗑 fastidious
🗑 fussy
🗑 meticulous
🗑 painstaking
🗑 rigorous
🗑 strict


High: Fertile

🗑 abundant
🗑 fruitful
🗑 lush
🗑 productive
🗑 rich
🗑 yielding

Low: Luxuriant

🗑 lush
🗑 opulent
🗑 sumptuous
🗑 deluxe
🗑 extravagant
🗑 palatial


High: Flexible

🗑 malleable
🗑 adjustable
🗑 elastic
🗑 pliant
🗑 tractable
🗑 yielding

Low: Rigid

🗑 adamant
🗑 definite
🗑 exact
🗑 stern
🗑 stringent
🗑 uncompromising


High: Forgiving

🗑 sparing
🗑 lenient
🗑 magnanimous
🗑 merciful
🗑 accepting
🗑 kind

Low: Resenting

🗑 angry
🗑 disliking
🗑 begrduging
🗑 insulted
🗑 offended
🗑 bitter


High: Free

🗑 liberate
🗑 clear
🗑 release
🗑 relieve
🗑 rescue
🗑 eager

Low: Regulated

🗑 coordinated
🗑 managed
🗑 monitored
🗑 organized
🗑 standardized
🗑 supervised


High: Generous

🗑 giving
🗑 big hearted
🗑 benvolent
🗑 charitable
🗑 hospitable
🗑 altruistic

Low: Petty

🗑 frivolous
🗑 narrow-minded
🗑 secondary
🗑 subordinate
🗑 casual
🗑 measly


High: Gentle

🗑 amiable
🗑 compassionate
🗑 considerate
🗑 moderate
🗑 pleasant
🗑 tender

Low: Rough

🗑 coarse
🗑 harsh
🗑 rugged
🗑 sharp
🗑 extreme
🗑 austere


High: Gifted

🗑 talented
🗑 intelligent
🗑 accomplished
🗑 brilliant
🗑 capable
🗑 skilled

Low: Lucky

🗑 fortunate
🗑 hot
🗑 successful
🗑 blessed
🗑 favoured
🗑 on a roll


High: Giving

🗑 bestowing
🗑 offering
🗑 allowing
🗑 contributing
🗑 distributing
🗑 presenting

Low: Taking

🗑 communicative
🗑 expansive
🗑 alluring
🗑 captivating
🗑 charming
🗑 fascinating


High: Global

🗑 worldwide
🗑 comprehensive
🗑 international
🗑 overall
🗑 universal
🗑 blanket

Low: Local

🗑 provincial
🗑 regional
🗑 district
🗑 limited
🗑 narrow
🗑 divisional


High: Gracious

🗑 accommodating
🗑 approachable
🗑 compassionate
🗑 considerate
🗑 courteous
🗑 hospitable

Low: Decorous

🗑 appropriate
🗑 suitable
🗑 civilized
🗑 polite
🗑 sedate
🗑 befitting


High: Grateful

🗑 appreciative
🗑 pleasurable
🗑 delicious
🗑 refreshing
🗑 rejuvenating
🗑 restorative

Low: Indebted

🗑 obligation
🗑 beholden
🗑 duty-bound
🗑 hooked
🗑 bound
🗑 liable


High: Harmonious

🗑 agreeable
🗑 corresponding
🗑 balanced
🗑 coordinated
🗑 peaceful
🗑 symmetrical

Low: Disruptive

🗑 confusion
🗑 disturbing
🗑 troublesome
🗑 rowdy
🗑 unruly
🗑 upsetting


High: Healing

🗑 restorative
🗑 curative
🗑 invigorating
🗑 mending
🗑 refreshing
🗑 rejuvenating

Low: Irritating

🗑 annoying
🗑 bothersome
🗑 disturbing
🗑 provoking
🗑 trying
🗑 troublesome


High: Helful

🗑 beneficial
🗑 constructive
🗑 cooperative
🗑 essential
🗑 practical
🗑 supportive

Low: Meddling

🗑 interfering
🗑 interrupting
🗑 meddlesome
🗑 nosiness
🗑 prying
🗑 snooping


High: Holistic

🗑 complete
🗑 whole
🗑 comprehensive
🗑 integrated
🗑 total
🗑 universal

Low: Analytic

🗑 logical
🗑 investigative
🗑 problem-solving
🗑 rational
🗑 sound
🗑 systematic


High: Honest

🗑 truthful
🗑 authentic
🗑 conscientious
🗑 proper
🗑 reliable
🗑 trustworthy

Low: Legal

🗑 permissible
🗑 authorized
🗑 chartered
🗑 legitimate
🗑 protected
🗑 prescribed


High: Honoring

🗑 recognize
🗑 respect
🗑 appreciate
🗑 celebrate
🗑 commend
🗑 praise

Low: Enshrining

🗑 cherish
🗑 consecrate
🗑 preserve
🗑 revere
🗑 dedicate
🗑 treasure


High: Humble

🗑 unassuming
🗑 modest
🗑 ordinary
🗑 quiet
🗑 respectful
🗑 unpretentious

Low: Diffident

🗑 hesitant
🗑 bashful
🗑 meek
🗑 self-conscious
🗑 sheepish
🗑 unassuming


High: Humorous

🗑 amusing
🗑 comic
🗑 entertaining
🗑 playful
🗑 pleasant
🗑 comical

Low: Sombre

🗑 muted
🗑 laid-back
🗑 matte
🗑 charcoal
🗑 jet
🗑 slate


High: Impartial

🗑 fair
🗑 unprejudiced
🗑 candid
🗑 equitable
🗑 neutral
🗑 objective

Low: Righteous

🗑 conscientious
🗑 ethical
🗑 honorable
🗑 noble
🗑 pure
🗑 upright


High: Ingenious

🗑 brilliant
🗑 creative
🗑 imaginative
🗑 inventive
🗑 resourceful
🗑 skillful

Low: Scheming

🗑 deceitful
🗑 calculating
🗑 crafty
🗑 designing
🗑 artful
🗑 cunning


High: Inspired

🗑 energized
🗑 excited
🗑 motivated
🗑 influenced
🗑 galvanized
🗑 moved

Low: Mundane

🗑 ordinary
🗑 everyday
🗑 normal
🗑 commonplace
🗑 routine
🗑 workday


High: Intentional

🗑 deliberate
🗑 voluntary
🗑 willful
🗑 advised
🗑 considered
🗑 planned

Low: Calculating

🗑 considerate
🗑 contriving
🗑 designing
🗑 careful
🗑 cautious
🗑 intelligent


High: Intuitive

🗑 instinctive
🗑 emotional
🗑 innate
🗑 perceptive
🗑 spontaneous
🗑 visceral

Low: Liberal

🗑 enlightened
🗑 flexible
🗑 humanistic
🗑 reformist
🗑 tolerant
🗑 humanitarian


High: Inventive

🗑 creative
🗑 imaginative
🗑 ingenious
🗑 innovative
🗑 original
🗑 resourceful

Low: Prosaic

🗑 everyday
🗑 clean
🗑 factual
🗑 literal
🗑 matter-of-fact
🗑 practical


High: Inviting

🗑 appealing
🗑 attractive
🗑 delightful
🗑 encouraging
🗑 welcoming
🗑 warm

Low: Urging

🗑 persuading
🗑 insitence
🗑 beseeching
🗑 coaxing
🗑 imploring
🗑 pleading


High: Involved

🗑 affected
🗑 concerned
🗑 entangled
🗑 interested
🗑 participating
🗑 enmeshed

Low: Obsessed

🗑 consumed
🗑 dominated
🗑 controlled
🗑 engrossed
🗑 gripped
🗑 seized


High: Joyful

🗑 cheerful
🗑 ecstatic
🗑 elated
🗑 jubilant
🗑 merry
🗑 upbeat

Low: Pleasurable

🗑 enjoyable
🗑 entertaining
🗑 gratifying
🗑 pleasing
🗑 satisfying
🗑 sensual


High: Just

🗑 fair
🗑 impartial
🗑 equitable
🗑 conscientious
🗑 dependable
🗑 ethical

Low: Punitive

🗑 disciplinary
🗑 penal
🗑 punitive
🗑 retaliatory
🗑 correctional
🗑 ordered


High: Kind

🗑 amiable
🗑 charitable
🗑 compassionate
🗑 considerate
🗑 courteous
🗑 gracious

Low: Cruel

🗑 vicious
🗑 brutal
🗑 relentless
🗑 ruthless
🗑 hard
🗑 unrelenting


High: Leading

🗑 superior
🗑 dominant
🗑 noted
🗑 preeminent
🗑 principal
🗑 champion

Low: Coercing

🗑 compel
🗑 press
🗑 strong-arm
🗑 bulldoze
🗑 force
🗑 push


High: Liberating

🗑 freeing
🗑 emancipating
🗑 redeeming
🗑 rescuing
🗑 saving
🗑 delivering

Low: Restricting

🗑 confine
🗑 limit
🗑 regulate
🗑 contract
🗑 moderate
🗑 qualify


High: Long-Term

🗑 abiding
🗑 continuing
🗑 deep-rooted
🗑 durable
🗑 permanent
🗑 stable

Low: Immediate

🗑 instantaneous
🗑 without delay
🗑 prompt
🗑 urgent
🗑 critical
🗑 up-to-date


High: Loyal

🗑 faithful
🗑 dependable
🗑 devoted
🗑 steadfast
🗑 trustworthy
🗑 steady

Low: Chauvinistic

🗑 biased
🗑 dogmatic
🗑 conservative
🗑 individualistic
🗑 loyal
🗑 dedicated


High: Merciful

🗑 kind
🗑 charitable
🗑 compassionate
🗑 gracious
🗑 humane
🗑 easygoing

Low: Permissive

🗑 indulgent
🗑 open-minded
🗑 tolerant
🗑 easy-going
🗑 liberal
🗑 free


High: Modest

🗑 proper
🗑 moderate
🗑 prudent
🗑 reserved
🗑 simple
🗑 temperate

Low: Haughty

🗑 arrogant
🗑 cavalier
🗑 snobbish
🗑 snooty
🗑 lofty
🗑 proud


High: Natural

🗑 everyday
🗑 essential
🗑 logical
🗑 reasonable
🗑 universal
🗑 familiar

Low: Artificial

🗑 fabricated
🗑 hype
🗑 manufactured
🗑 plastic
🗑 simulated
🗑 synthetic


High: Noble

🗑 dignified
🗑 distinguished
🗑 great
🗑 honorable
🗑 imposing
🗑 splendid

Low: Pompous

🗑 flowery
🗑 important
🗑 inflated
🗑 ostentatious
🗑 rhetorical
🗑 showy


High: Nurturing

🗑 maintenance
🗑 development
🗑 discipline
🗑 nourishing
🗑 training
🗑 sustain

Low: Draining

🗑 tiring
🗑 exhausting
🗑 taxing
🗑 depleting
🗑 wearing
🗑 tiresome


High: Observant

🗑 attentive
🗑 discerning
🗑 discriminating
🗑 intelligent
🗑 mindful
🗑 perceptive

Low: Suspicious

🗑 careful
🗑 cautious
🗑 watchful
🗑 questioning
🗑 quizzical
🗑 suspecting


High: Open

🗑 accessible
🗑 clear
🗑 free
🗑 expanded
🗑 extended
🗑 revealed

Low: Secretive

🗑 covert
🗑 enigmatic
🗑 close
🗑 cryptic
🗑 reserved
🗑 silent


High: Optimistic

🗑 bright
🗑 cheerful
🗑 confident
🗑 hopeful
🗑 positive
🗑 promising

Low: Pessimistic

🗑 discouraged
🗑 fatalistic
🗑 cynical
🗑 resigned
🗑 troubled
🗑 worried


High: Orderly

🗑 methodical
🗑 neat
🗑 precise
🗑 regulated
🗑 thorough
🗑 exact

Low: Confused

🗑 puzzled
🗑 chaotic
🗑 messy
🗑 blurred
🗑 out of order
🗑 topsy-turvy


High: Outgoing

🗑 demonstrative
🗑 extroverted
🗑 open
🗑 warm
🗑 communicative
🗑 easy

Low: Reserved

🗑 cautious
🗑 composed
🗑 modest
🗑 restrained
🗑 serene
🗑 cool


High: Patient

🗑 capable
🗑 enduring
🗑 calm
🗑 forgiving
🗑 gentle
🗑 tranquil

Low: Avid

🗑 enthusiastic
🗑 devoted
🗑 hungry
🗑 keen
🗑 passionate
🗑 eager


High: Patriotic

🗑 devoted
🗑 loyal
🗑 dedicated
🗑 dutiful
🗑 faithful
🗑 jingoistic

Low: Nationalistic

🗑 loyal
🗑 dogmatic
🗑 chauvinistic
🗑 fervid
🗑 zealous
🗑 bigoted


High: Peaceful

🗑 serene
🗑 calm
🗑 harmonious
🗑 peace
🗑 smooth
🗑 steady

Low: Belligerent

🗑 combative
🗑 militant
🗑 hot
🗑 battling
🗑 fierce
🗑 scrappy


High: Polite

🗑 mannerly
🗑 civilized
🗑 attentive
🗑 considerate
🗑 diplomatic
🗑 respectful

Low: Obsequious

🗑 submissive
🗑 compliant
🗑 deferential
🗑 flattering
🗑 respectful
🗑 subject


High: Powerful

🗑 effective
🗑 authoritative
🗑 capable
🗑 energetic
🗑 potent
🗑 robust

Low: Forceful

🗑 commanding
🗑 compelling
🗑 convincing
🗑 persuasive
🗑 vigorous
🗑 electric


High: Praising

🗑 advocate
🗑 appreciate
🗑 celebrate
🗑 commend
🗑 endorse
🗑 recommend

Low: Flattering

🗑 complimentary
🗑 favourable
🗑 charm
🗑 court
🗑 glorify
🗑 high praise


High: Principled

🗑 ethical
🗑 conscientious
🗑 decent
🗑 honest
🗑 honorable
🗑 moral

Low: Expedient

🗑 desirable
🗑 appropriate
🗑 advantageous
🗑 feasible
🗑 opportune
🗑 pragmatic


High: Privileged

🗑 honored
🗑 powerful
🗑 empowered
🗑 licensed
🗑 qualified
🗑 eligible

Low: Entitled

🗑 authorized
🗑 permitted
🗑 accredited
🗑 enfranchised
🗑 licensed
🗑 rated


High: Prolific

🗑 productive
🗑 creative
🗑 rich
🗑 abundant
🗑 fertile
🗑 fruitful

Low: Barren

🗑 arid
🗑 empty
🗑 infertile
🗑 sterile
🗑 waste
🗑 unproductive


High: Purposeful

🗑 resolved
🗑 deliberate
🗑 resolute
🗑 persistent
🗑 determined
🗑 strong-willed

Low: Desirous

🗑 hopeful
🗑 aspiring
🗑 wishful
🗑 eager
🗑 enthusiastic
🗑 ambitious


High: Receiving

🗑 accepting
🗑 acquiring
🗑 earning
🗑 gathering
🗑 making
🗑 bringing in

Low: Grasping

🗑 acquisitive
🗑 avid
🗑 miserly
🗑 rapacious
🗑 selfish
🗑 stingy


High: Releasing

🗑 let
🗑 clear
🗑 deliver
🗑 dispense
🗑 exempt
🗑 yield

Low: Tenacious

🗑 cohesive
🗑 determined
🗑 forceful
🗑 relentless
🗑 steadfast
🗑 tough


High: Reliant

🗑 subservient
🗑 contingent
🗑 controlled
🗑 depending
🗑 provisory
🗑 regulated

Low: Dependent

🗑 weak
🗑 defenseless
🗑 reliant
🗑 vulnerable
🗑 inferior
🗑 humbled


High: Requesting

🗑 asking
🗑 petitioning
🗑 requisitioning
🗑 seeking
🗑 soliciting
🗑 calling for

Low: Demanding

🗑 challenging
🗑 urgent
🗑 ambitious
🗑 critical
🗑 strict
🗑 taxing


High: Respectful

🗑 courteous
🗑 appreciative
🗑 considerate
🗑 defferential
🗑 humble
🗑 well-mannered

Low: Demeaning

🗑 humble
🗑 humiliate
🗑 detract
🗑 cut down
🗑 lower
🗑 condemn


High: Responsible

🗑 accountable
🗑 answerable
🗑 liable
🗑 subject
🗑 decision-making
🗑 executive

Low: Guilty

🗑 blame
🗑 fault
🗑 liable
🗑 impeached
🗑 judged
🗑 sentenced


High: Satisfied

🗑 content
🗑 convinced
🗑 fulfilled
🗑 compensated
🗑 gratified
🗑 supplied

Low: Sated

🗑 gratify
🗑 satiate
🗑 stuff
🗑 cram
🗑 devour
🗑 force


High: Selective

🗑 discriminating
🗑 careful
🗑 choosy
🗑 discerning
🗑 particular
🗑 selective

Low: Exclusive

🗑 restricted
🗑 fashionable
🗑 privileged
🗑 restrictive
🗑 sole
🗑 swank


High: Serene

🗑 calm
🗑 composed
🗑 cool
🗑 peaceful
🗑 smooth
🗑 tranquil

Low: Dull

🗑 ordinary
🗑 repetitive
🗑 tame
🗑 plain
🗑 stock
🗑 routine


High: Serving

🗑 deliver
🗑 distribute
🗑 give
🗑 handle
🗑 present
🗑 provide

Low: Ambitious

🗑 determined
🗑 earnest
🗑 energetic
🗑 enthusiastic
🗑 resourceful
🗑 aspiring


High: Sharing

🗑 giving
🗑 allocation
🗑 distribution
🗑 partaking
🗑 participating
🗑 cooperate

Low: Hoarding

🗑 accummulate
🗑 amass
🗑 stash
🗑 stockpile
🗑 acquire
🗑 garner


High: Significant

🗑 meaningful
🗑 compelling
🗑 monumentous
🗑 powerful
🗑 serious
🗑 meaning

Low: Important

🗑 substantial
🗑 critical
🗑 influential
🗑 decisive
🗑 essential
🗑 urgent


High: Sober

🗑 calm
🗑 restrained
🗑 sedate
🗑 serious
🗑 controlled
🗑 moderate

Low: Intoxicated

🗑 delirious
🗑 absorbed
🗑 captivated
🗑 concerned
🗑 excited
🗑 stimulated


High: Spontaneous

🗑 impulsive
🗑 willing
🗑 casual
🗑 simple
🗑 unplanned
🗑 voluntary

Low: Impulsive

🗑 instinctive
🗑 passionate
🗑 ad-lib
🗑 emotional
🗑 intuitive
🗑 involuntary


High: Spiritual

🗑 otherworldly
🗑 divine
🗑 sacred
🗑 ethereal
🗑 nonphysical
🗑 platonic

Low: Materialistic

🗑 secular
🗑 sensual
🗑 temporal
🗑 acquisitive
🗑 earthy
🗑 material


High: Steadfast

🗑 loyal
🗑 steady
🗑 dedicated
🗑 faithful
🗑 resolute
🗑 unwavering

Low: Faltering

🗑 fluctuate
🗑 quaver
🗑 drop the ball
🗑 topple
🗑 trip up
🗑 vaccilate


High: Striving

🗑 try
🗑 aim
🗑 endeavour
🗑 seek
🗑 tackle
🗑 contend

Low: Struggling

🗑 cope
🗑 toil
🗑 attempt
🗑 grind
🗑 hustle
🗑 strain


High: Surrendering

🗑 capitulate
🗑 concede
🗑 cede
🗑 relinquish
🗑 waive
🗑 yield

Low: Worrying

🗑 troubling
🗑 disquieting
🗑 distressing
🗑 disturbing
🗑 unsettling
🗑 worrisome


High: Tender

🗑 green
🗑 new
🗑 youthful
🗑 thoughtful
🗑 touching
🗑 warm

Low: Hard

🗑 solid
🗑 strong
🗑 tough
🗑 concentrated
🗑 compact
🗑 consolidated


High: Thoughtful

🗑 attentive
🗑 cautious
🗑 considerate
🗑 deliberate
🗑 prudent
🗑 heedful

Low: Pedantic

🗑 academic
🗑 doctrine
🗑 dull
🗑 formal
🗑 learned
🗑 particular


High: Thrifty

🗑 economical
🗑 frugal
🗑 prudent
🗑 careful
🗑 conservative
🗑 provident

Low: Cheap

🗑 competitive
🗑 low-cost
🗑 cut-price
🗑 reasonable
🗑 bargain
🗑 budget


High: Timeless

🗑 eternal
🗑 enduring
🗑 immortal
🗑 constant
🗑 continual
🗑 lasting

Low: Faddish

🗑 popular
🗑 famous
🗑 fashionable
🗑 prominent
🗑 trendy
🗑 celebrated


High: Tolerant

🗑 open-minded
🗑 easygoing
🗑 forgiving
🗑 permissive
🗑 progressive
🗑 receptive

Low: Prejudiced

🗑 biased
🗑 bigoted
🗑 dogmatic
🗑 opinionated
🗑 inclined
🗑 influence


High: Tractable

🗑 manageable
🗑 amenable
🗑 compliant
🗑 flexible
🗑 pliable
🗑 willing

Low: Contrary

🗑 opposite
🗑 adverse
🗑 incosistent
🗑 negative
🗑 opposed
🗑 counter


High: Trusting

🗑 believing
🗑 confiding
🗑 credible
🗑 faithful
🗑 loyal
🗑 certain

Low: Gullible

🗑 trusting
🗑 unsuspecting
🗑 green
🗑 innocent
🗑 simple
🗑 taken in


High: Truthful

🗑 accurate
🗑 honest
🗑 correct
🗑 factual
🗑 pracise
🗑 reliable

Low: False

🗑 made up
🗑 distorted
🗑 arroneous
🗑 inaccurate
🗑 misleading
🗑 invalid


High: Unifying

🗑 unite
🗑 consolidate
🗑 merge
🗑 affiliate
🗑 associate
🗑 cooperate

Low: Dividing

🗑 branch
🗑 section
🗑 segment
🗑 share
🗑 deal
🗑 dispense


High: Unselfish

🗑 generous
🗑 noble
🗑 altruistic
🗑 charitable
🗑 humanitarian
🗑 giving

Low: Selfish

🗑 egotistical
🗑 greedy
🗑 narcissistic
🗑 narrow-minded
🗑 prejudiced
🗑 self-involved


High: Valuing

🗑 caring
🗑 faithful
🗑 generous
🗑 loyal
🗑 thoughtful
🗑 warm

Low: Exploitative

🗑 crafty
🗑 petty
🗑 ruthless
🗑 naive
🗑 green
🗑 functional


High: Virtuous

🗑 honest
🗑 principled
🗑 wholesome
🗑 effectual
🗑 efficient
🗑 excellent

Low: Celebrated

🗑 famous
🗑 distinguished
🗑 acclaimed
🗑 eminent
🗑 famed
🗑 important


High: Warm

🗑 hot
🗑 gracious
🗑 hearty
🗑 compassioante
🗑 responsive
🗑 animated

Low: Feverish

🗑 fiery
🗑 burning
🗑 on fire
🗑 heated
🗑 passionate
🗑 restless

  Edit, Refine & Finalize Your Values Statements

Edit, Refine & Finalize Your Values Statements

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The Values Statements will then appear below the buttons, and you'll have another chance to refine & edit your Values Statements. Simply click anywhere to type additional points, or use the trash icon to delete that statement.

When you're finished your edits, hit MAKE PDF to save the statement to PDF. The PDF view that is generated will also be editable.

If your device doesn't support PDFs, or you'd like to save the content elsewhere, then use the COPY TO CLIPBOARD button and the content will be copied for you.

Use the buttons below to generate your Values Statements.



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Once you start working with healing tools, it can get addictive quickly - especially as you begin to see results, and changes in the way you think and feel.

So, you might suddenly realize you want to go even further, and probably faster, or you've hit a major stumbling block that you need help clearing, or you are in shifting overload and experiencing physical, emotional and mental symptoms you need help with. That's what this section is for!

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