SWOT Analysis
Complete a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats Analysis, or SWOT Analysis for your Business.
A SWOT Analysis is powerful way to zero in on what sets you apart, and where you have room for improvement. So it's worthwhile doing this exercise properly.
The exercise means nothing however, if you don't take what you learn and put it into action afterwards.
As with most of these kinds of exercises, people usually don't know where to begin. So, we've prepopulated examples for you; you can simply delete those that don't apply. You can also click & type in any of the fields to edit & tailor them to your specific circumstances.
How to use the SWOT Analysis Fields
Follow the instructions in the example fields below to learn how to use the SWOT Analysis.
Any typing edits you make will be saved for you. This way, you are free to edit any of the statements to perfectly suit your individual situation.
SWOT Analysis
People Elements of Your Business
Skills & Skilled Workers
Our primary production skills are all in-house, with reliable staff members.
We are reliant on external or third part contractors in order to complete jobs.
We could hire externally & expand our product & service offering.
Our knowledgeable & experienced staff may want to leave or be headhunted.
Staff Satisfaction
Staff enjoy the office environment & are happy to come into work.
Staff take a lot of sick days, or seem disinterested in goings-on.
We have a reputation for being a great place to work.
We have a reputation as people you don't want to work for.
We're able to rely on staff to introduce trusted & already-known individuals into the business.
We have no connections via staff, into or into industry, that facilitate the hiring process.
We could form a bond with a recruitment specialist that specializes in our industry.
We make hiring decisions in social contexts, based on the fact the we like people.
Time Resources
Staff members waste a lot of time on unnecessarily long processes.
We could hire an external expert to help us streamline processes.
We overextend ourselves & fail to meet client deadlines.
We give ourselves a reasonable amount of time in which to deliver.
We overextend ourselves & fail to meet delivery promises.
We could hire an external expert to streamline our processes.
Competitors seem to be able to deliver a better product in less time.
Client Elements of Your Business
We have long, established relationship with multiple clients.
We are too reliant on one or two clients for most of our business.
We make effort to reach out to clients who have been happy with our delivery in the past.
We lose past or existing clients to a competitor with a superior offering or lower price.
Client Facing
We have longstanding sales employees who have developed one-on-one relationships with our clients.
We have a high turnover of sales staff, and often lose track of possible deals when they leave.
We could send sales staff on courses, or introduce tools that make their jobs easier.
We could lose a top sales representative to a competitor, along with their client list.
New Business
We look for new business opportunities & ways to expand our offering.
We rush new products to market before we know if we can actually pull it off.
We are aware of a need that people, or an industry, will have in the near future.
A revolutionary new approach to what we do could come out of another quarter, e.g. automating a manual process.
Repeat Business
We have no form of follow up with previous clientele.
Clients who are happy with our offering will refer us to industry & colleagues.
We could become too reliant on repeat business from a handful of clients.
Financial Elements of Your Business
We're constantly living month to month, just meeting expenses.
We could diversify, expand or change our direction with new offerings.
Our offering could become redundant because of advancements in technology.
If we don't get paid at the end of the month, we'll go under.
We could introduce offerings that require less turnaround time or resources.
Our offering has become outdated because of a recent advancement in technology.
Savings & Future Planning
We regularly save for aspects like annual bonuses.
We could set up a limited-access savings fund, like a 30-day notice account.
We might be hit with a big, unforeseen expense that we are not able to meet.
Your Product or Service
Staff live close to the office & have little to no real travelling time.
Many staff commute long distances, and traffic delays are often a problem.
Our office location requires clients to drive through a dodgy area.
We have an online presence that allows us to reach beyond our immediate geography.
It's easy for clients to get hold of us if they have a problem, or need to make an inquiry.
We could establish satellite branches to extend our geographic presence.
A competitor may make themselves more easily accessible than we currently are.
Our processes are streamlined to ensure that we take up as little of the client's time as possible.
We have long, complex processes that require a significant time investment from the client.
We could hire somebody external to automate or streamline a tedious manual process.
We are lagging behind competitors who have already automated a tedious manual process.
Product & Service
In most cases, clients never wait longer than a working day to get feedback on their inquiry.
Service staff are perpetually overbooked, and clients are forced to wait lengthy periods for help.
We can make an effort to understand our clients better, and tailor our offering to what they want.
We lose clients to a competitor who is willing to give the client exactly what they want.
We employ skilled professionals who really know what they're doing.
We hire juniors that we have to micromanage at every step.
We could spend more time researching new offerings before we develop them.
Our competitors always hire experts with the right skills to do the job.
We have reliable suppliers for quality raw material resources.
We offer good value for money in our product & service offerings.
Your Industry
We're a frontrunner, bringing new product & service offerings to market.
We lag behind our competition & only mimic what they have already done.
We could conduct a client survey to find out what new innovations our clients want to see.
A revolutionary new product version, or automated system, could make our offering obsolete.
Benchmarks, Best Practice & Industry Standards
We stay on top of trends & developments, adjusting our structure to accommodate changes in best practice.
We have no idea of current trends & developments, staying focused on getting the job done the way we know how.
We could attend industry conferences & events & make training facilities available to our staff.
A revolutionary new approach or system could radically change the landscape in a very short period of time.
Economic Condtions
We could find a way to position our offering as a need rather than a desire.
Resources Cost
We utilize minimal external resources. We mainly use employee hours.
We are tied into a specific supplier for raw materials.
We could negotiate a better price with a new player on the market.
Political conditions, such as civil unrest, have dramatically increased our costs.
Completely External Factors
We are aware of upcoming legislation that impacts how we do business.
We could host an informative talk to educate clients & industry peers on upcoming changes to legislation.
Rapid changes in legislation may force us to close our doors temporarily, while we catch up.
Data Privacy
We have implemented the required data privacy practices, and employees are aware of the realities & risks.
We have paid no attention to what data privacy laws entail, or how they impact our business practice.
We can highlight our company's existing data privacy best practices, and let clients know why they are secure.
Uninformed employees may cause a data breach that paints us in a negative light.
Social Trends
We're hopelessly out-of-date with how things have changed.
We can leverage the goodwill towards our company or brand to stimulate sales.
Social trends are changing fast, and it's easy to fall out favour in just one day.
Losses & Accidents
We have a cash reserve to help us deal with losses or accidents of assets, employees or clients.
We are not current with legislative requirements around Occupational Health & Safety.
We could highlight our particular strengths with OSHA, in order to give clients peace of mind.
Losses may occur as a result of equipment function due to supplier errors.
Acts of God
We're adequately insured against loss, and loss of income, as a result of acts of God.
We have no contingencies in place in case we lose people, or have production interrupted.
We could offer products & solutions that enable clients to safeguard against acts of God.
A large-scale act of God may severely inihibit the buying power of our client base.
We have adequate insurance, and loss of income protection, against unknown threats.
We do not adequately vet & validate the background of staff members before we hire them.
We are flexible enough to pounce when a an unexpected opportunity presents itself.
Generate Your SWOT Analysis
Generate Your SWOT Analysis
Now that you've worked through the various areas of focus, click the button below to GENERATE YOUR SWOT ANALYSIS.
The results will then appear below the buttons, and you'll have another chance to refine & edit. Simply click anywhere to type additional points, or use the trash icon to delete that statement.
When you're finished your edits, hit MAKE PDF to save the statement to PDF. The PDF view that is generated will also be editable.
If your device doesn't support PDFs, or you'd like to save the content elsewhere, then use the COPY TO CLIPBOARD button and the content will be copied for you.
Use the buttons below to generate your SWOT Analysis.
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