Your Baseline Marketing Pack
Use Your Baseline Marketing Pack to establish the baseline for your brand's look, feel & tone, and convey what you actually want to desingers & other creatives.
Designers & creative types will often ask (or want to ask!) you for the information listed below. Usually however, you're too busy, or you don't think it's important enough to remember.
This exercise is well worth doing... because creatives think in pictures for the most part. It makes it very easy for a creative to visualize what you want when you've taken time to gather representative images.
This exercise will also save you a lot of heartache and back-and-forth about the look of your creative marketing materials. Creatives should understand what you want, even if there is no pre-existing collateral to look back on.
How to use the Baseline Marketing Pack Fields
Follow the instructions in the example fields below to learn how to use the Baseline Marketing Pack Fields.
Any typing edits you make will be saved for you. This way, you are free to edit any of the statements to perfectly suit your individual situation.
Your Baseline Marketing Pack
Typefaces or Fonts
There are two important typeface sets you need when preparing your Baseline Marketing Pack: the logo typeface set, and the main copywriting typeface set.
Three options per set are recommended... because what you choose won't always work well together, and this gives the designer options to work with, as well as clear guidelines to the style you're after.
There are two main types of fonts:
serif and sans-serif.
In addition you get three other types of fonts:
display, handwriting & monospace.
Serif fonts have little lines, called serifs, at the ends of the characters, and tend to be used for books and other print marketing collateral. Serif fonts look untidy in digital design however, and so sans-serif fonts are preferred nowadays. Sans means 'without' in French; these are fonts without serifs.
When you are selecting your fonts, it's worth bearing in mind that modern design works better with a sans-serif typeface.
Paste the URL to the fonts you've selected, and not just the font name. This way you ensure that you land up with exactly what you chose.
Additionally, if you want more variety, check for a variety of font weights. Even if they are not available with the free font pack, the fact that you can purchase them later is worth consideration.
In order to find a wide variety of free, license-free typefaces, with web-safe versions, visit
Google Fonts.
Before you make decisions about heading and paragraph fonts, take time to download and install the fonts onto your machine. Then convert an entire document into that typeface and read it before you make a choice. A typeface can look very nice to you at a glance, but can be very uncomfortable to read in large swatches of text.
Web Standard Font Defaults
Even if you pick web safe fonts, from the Google collection, and run them from there, it is still best practice to pick a default or fallback digital font, from the original web safe fonts collection.
The purpose of this font stack is to cover you on very basic devices, as well as older devices & machines. Going back a few years, you had to specify a web safe font for all digital marketing.
Below you will the original web standard font stacks, with each typeface in the stack shown in its font-family styling. These are known as web standard fonts, because they are the default fonts installed on every device that has been ever sold. This means you can be sure that the corect typeface will be used.
In addition, you will find the font stacks for the two mobile device families, iOS & Android. It's called a font stack because it has fallback values that will come into play if the font is not available for some reason.
Why does all of this matter? Because different fonts can look make a layout look very different, and can turn your design from gorgeous into ugly. Specifying the correct font stacks will eliminate most, if not all, of that problem.
Web Standard Fonts
Mobile Device Font Defaults
All System Font Defaults
for OS X (10.11+), iOS (9+),
for OS X, Chrome,
'Segoe UI'
for Windows,
for Android 4.0+,
for Linux, KDE,
for Linux, Ubuntu,
for Linux, GNOME,
'Fira Sans'
for Firefox OS,
'Droid Sans'
for Android (until 3.2),
'Helvetica Neue'
for OS X (10.9),
for all default fonts
Brands You Like
In this section, you're going to gather website URLs of companies & brands that you like visually, or for content, tone, etc.
You may not necesarily like the website of this company, so it's important to note exactly what it is that you like about them, in the indicated fields.
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Website, Social Causes
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Website, Social Causes
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Website, Social Causes
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Website, Social Causes
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Website, Social Causes
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Website, Social Causes
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Website, Social Causes
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Website, Social Causes
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Website, Social Causes
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Website, Social Causes
Websites You Like
In this section we're looking only at websites that you like, even if you don't like the brand itself.
Remember to be clear about what it is that you like, and to include an active link so that you are sure the web developer is seeing the same thing.
Do not forget to check the mobile version of the website, as this is something the designer or developer will likely consider if you give them a link.
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Interactivity, Specific Content, Mobile Version, Desktop Version
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Interactivity, Specific Content, Mobile Version, Desktop Version
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Interactivity, Specific Content, Mobile Version, Desktop Version
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Interactivity, Specific Content, Mobile Version, Desktop Version
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Interactivity, Specific Content, Mobile Version, Desktop Version
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Interactivity, Specific Content, Mobile Version, Desktop Version
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Interactivity, Specific Content, Mobile Version, Desktop Version
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Interactivity, Specific Content, Mobile Version, Desktop Version
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Interactivity, Specific Content, Mobile Version, Desktop Version
What do you like?
e.g. Visuals, Imagery, Content, Messaging, Interactivity, Specific Content, Mobile Version, Desktop Version
Logo Styles You Like
Here you will include links tp pictures of logo styles that you like.
The first easy way to do this is to head on over to Google Images and find an existing logo image that you like. Then paste the URL below & make notes about what you like about it.
Alternatively, follow this link to Freepik Logo Vectors & take a look at some generic logo shapes that you can use. Remember to click through to the full page view of the logo style you like, before you copy the URL.
What do you like about this logo style & shape?
e.g. Shape, Color/s, Lettering, Style
What do you like about this logo style & shape?
e.g. Shape, Color/s, Lettering, Style
What do you like about this logo style & shape?
e.g. Shape, Color/s, Lettering, Style
What do you like about this logo style & shape?
e.g. Shape, Color/s, Lettering, Style
What do you like about this logo style & shape?
e.g. Shape, Color/s, Lettering, Style
What do you like about this logo style & shape?
e.g. Shape, Color/s, Lettering, Style
What do you like about this logo style & shape?
e.g. Shape, Color/s, Lettering, Style
What do you like about this logo style & shape?
e.g. Shape, Color/s, Lettering, Style
What do you like about this logo style & shape?
e.g. Shape, Color/s, Lettering, Style
What do you like about this logo style & shape?
e.g. Shape, Color/s, Lettering, Style
What You Want Your Imagery to Look Like
In this section, you'll select images the represent the look & feel you want for your brand & marketing.
Head on over to Freepik's Photo Collections and take a look at the photo collections, or search by keywords that represent your business or industry, or what your clients will be interested in.
Remember to paste the URL of the images you like, and make notes about what you like about each image. If you download the images, they could get lost or take up a bunch of space, whereas the URLS will be saved to the results view for you.
What do you like about this image?
e.g. Certain Elements, Colors, Masculine or Feminine Style
What do you like about this image?
e.g. Certain Elements, Colors, Masculine or Feminine Style
What do you like about this image?
e.g. Certain Elements, Colors, Masculine or Feminine Style
What do you like about this image?
e.g. Certain Elements, Colors, Masculine or Feminine Style
What do you like about this image?
e.g. Certain Elements, Colors, Masculine or Feminine Style
What do you like about this image?
e.g. Certain Elements, Colors, Masculine or Feminine Style
What do you like about this image?
e.g. Certain Elements, Colors, Masculine or Feminine Style
What do you like about this image?
e.g. Certain Elements, Colors, Masculine or Feminine Style
What do you like about this image?
e.g. Certain Elements, Colors, Masculine or Feminine Style
What do you like about this image?
e.g. Certain Elements, Colors, Masculine or Feminine Style
Generate Your Baseline Marketing Pack
Generate Your Baseline Marketing Pack
Now that you've worked through the various areas of focus, click the button below to GENERATE YOUR BASELINE MARKETING PACK.
The results will then appear below the buttons, and you'll have another chance to refine & edit. Simply click anywhere to type additional points, or use the trash icon to delete that statement.
When you're finished your edits, hit MAKE PDF to save the statement to PDF. The PDF view that is generated will also be editable.
If your device doesn't support PDFs, or you'd like to save the content elsewhere, then use the COPY TO CLIPBOARD button and the content will be copied for you.
Use the buttons below to generate your Baseline Marketing Pack.
Get Help
Once you start working with healing tools, it can get addictive quickly - especially as you begin to see results, and changes in the way you think and feel.
So, you might suddenly realize you want to go even further, and probably faster, or you've hit a major stumbling block that you need help clearing, or you are in shifting overload and experiencing physical, emotional and mental symptoms you need help with. That's what this section is for!
Simply pop us a message - or reach out via one of the message services listed below - and we'll have a coach or healer get back to you to assist you. This is a paid for service.