Closing Out 2017 - WHAT a year indeed ;)
Hi Beautiful Souls
So I’m very fresh off the back of a few days of R&R…. apart from a few client emergencies, this is the first thing I’m doing.
I’ve been thinking about this post for the past few days though, and I keep getting lost in it. A lot happened in 2017.
So first things first…. this post closes 2017 out specifically. After the new year we’ll do a "forward into 2018" post.
Even if you don’t write your answers down, at least do the post mentally for yourself - writing it down will help.
So yes - A LOT happened in 2017. For me, I’m honestly battling to remember much before May of 2017 - and it feels like 1700 lifetimes since May alone.
I’m only going to list a few personal examples…. way too much for me to list, and I hate filling the posts with personal examples, cos it’s personalization lol ;)
** So what were the biggest events and experiences for you this year? Both positive and negative?
The most memorable part of 2017 for me was the download period between May and October this year - I answered all my big questions about life, the universe and the nature of God and everything. I’ve spent so long with these questions burning inside me - and now I finally have answers. There was a series of journeys during that time period as well that were beyond amazing.
** Define your achievements this year without referencing money, possessions or material goods in any way.
** How did you serve God during this year?
** How did your faith grow this year?
** What karmic shadows are you left with after this year?
Karmic shadows are anything that could turn into karma when you die. Karma will trap you to the Earth plane AGAIN. I think we’re all wanting to avoid that one lol ;) Examples of karmic shadows include unfinished business, anything you can’t let go of, grief, yearning, missing, unresolved emotion and anger.
A huge one that most people miss is expectation and desire… any unfulfilled expectations and desires will become karma as well. So if you’re still waiting for your dream relationship to happen, that’s karma that will trap you to the plane.
** What miracles did you experience this year?
I had some amazing miracles that I witnessed this year, but without doubt, the two that most stood out for me were, first, finding the alternate reality trap and breaking out of that, and then secondly, the healing results that multiple clients have had with physical pain and illnesses.
** How have you further mitigated your ego this year?
** How has your money mindset changed during this year?
** Which parts of your old life are you ready to move on from and leave behind?
** What were your biggest realizations, revelations, insights and aha moments of this year?
Finding the state of "complete alone" is probably the biggest shock of 2017. I need to work on that shock - it’s delaying me lol ;) I was always someone who wanted a relationship, and planned my life around in being in a relationship…. and now I can’t imagine being in one ever again.
Every lesson and insight has repercussions - shockwaves that ripple through all the areas of your life, and this was no different. It’s been interesting to watch how I view relationships - and especially romance - since this resonance changed. I can see the trap that romance is, and how it distracts you. I can see how the focus on romance leaves very little time for anything else.
The spiritual understanding I gained this year was unparalleled… answers I could never have dreamed up in a million years. Answers that make so much sense.
** What were your major themes this year?
The four biggest I’ve been working on this year are standing firm in my faith, understanding why me, ego and the societal system, and becoming complete alone.
Can’t wait to hear your answers!
It’s especially important that you do a written version of this if you don’t keep a journal - even if you don’t share it here. Just take a moment to cement the learnings and get a gauge of what you’ve achieved this year, because it was a big year all round.
Peace & light always xo