Coaching & Healing Tools & Strategies

  • 12 Tools for Building & Rebuilding Trust in Your Relationship

    Rebuilding trust after a betrayal is difficult - especially when you feel like your heart is all caged up and there’s nothing you seem to be able to do to get through to it.

    As someone who has been there, I can honestly tell that this is not going to be easy... like forgiveness work, the exercises are simple but can be incredibly difficult to actually do.

    Likewise, you’ll hear people say that forgiveness and trust exercises are useless, which is true if your intention is wrong.

    Get your intention right and really mean for trust be granted again and it will happen - the exercises will work their magic.

  • 3 Coaching Questions that will Change Your Life

    Nothing beats the power of a really good question to get your mind’s flywheel up and spinning, and these 3 coaching questions have the power to change your life.

    How do you know you’ve found a good coaching question? You’ll keep coming back to it, understanding it from different angles, over and over again, over a period of years.

    The following three coaching questions are the most powerful I’ve ever come across, and they will have dramatic long-term impact on your life if you keep applying them.

    Fair warning, even though these look like simple and innocent questions, they will catapult you onto a new level in your development path over time. Unpacking these can also greatly accelerate your development journey.

  • 3 simple ways to quell your inner voice in stressful situations

    When you’re in the midst of a tumultuous or stressful situation, like a break up or grief, your inner voice often tends to run rampant with every possible thought: things left unsaid, anger, frustrations, sadness and more.

    These three simple tools rely on your natural processes for dealing with this kind of situation, and are easy to remember and do, even when you’re feeling run down or completely burnt out.

  • 3D vs 5D reality question - How will my spiritual growth & knowledge affect my relationship with my spouse and children?

    3D vs 5D reality question

    "How will my spiritual growth & knowledge affect my relationship with my spouse and children?

    I've already seen both negative and positive shifts; however I can't help wondering if as I grow more, that my inclination will be to separate myself from them - which I don't want to happen."

    So this isn’t just about immediate relationships, but every relationship that is around you.

    And the short answer is yes - the growth will impact your journey A LOT, and not in ways that you necessarily expect.

  • 6 hacks to make your next diet really effective

    Dieting and weight loss are not easy, but these six life coaching tips and hacks can help you make sure that your next plan will work more quickly and effectively by getting your body, mind and heart in on the game.

  • 6 reasons why lightworkers, empaths, indigos, crystal children and other spiritual types don’t do well in the 3D or “real" world

    6 reasons why lightworkers, empaths, indigos, crystal children and other spiritual types don’t do well in the 3D or “real" world

    So I had a foray back into the “real world” with a project I did recently… and it was a stark reminder as to why I don’t participate in 3D anymore lol ;)

    I say lol… but maybe that’s a nervous laugh. 3D ain’t fun…. and the people in it are weird.

    I thought about that a lot with this project I was working on, and for a while I had been thinking about the differences between us spiritual types and the people out there. These are some of the most glaring differences I spotted.

    1. We’re too ethical
    2. We’re too honest
    3. We look for compromise - they want superiority and control
    4. We focus on our communication skills and language
    5. We’re empaths
    6. Money is not our God
  • 7 common mistakes you make with energy healing & coaching

    Energy healing coaching and other modalities can yield amazing results in all areas of your life, if you apply them correctly.

    Are you making these 7 common mistakes in your personal growth and energy healing practices?

  • 7Ps of Ego by Life Coaches Toolbox

    The 7Ps of Ego will help you understand the seven most common ways in which your ego expresses itself, and when your Ego is being triggered.

  • 7Ps of Ego for Kids by Life Coaches Toolbox

    The 7Ps of Ego for Kids is reworked to help kids more easily understand how their Ego expresses - and get an early handle on this difficult concept.

  • 8 dangerous myths about Twin Flame relationships

    8 dangerous myths about Twin Flame relationships

    When you first hear about Twin Flames the idea is appealing - largely because it’s misunderstood at first.

    Most people make the mistake of thinking that a Twin Flame means guaranteed love - a guaranteed relationship.

    The second reason that Twin Flames appeal is this desperate need we all have to be special - at least to one person… The One.

    In this regard, Ego has really screwed us over, as has society, with this idea of entitlement to love, a guarantee of love from Divine sources.

  • 8 ways that energy healing & coaching will change your life

    How can you expect your life to change for the better if you begin to use energy healing and coaching as part of your regular practice?

  • A coaching tool for releasing depression & suicidal thoughts

    A coaching tool that you can use to release depression and suicidal thoughts.

    If you’ve battled the grip of depression and suicide in your life, then you’ll know just how insidious and tenacious that aspect can be.

  • A Course In Miracles - The Cliff Notes

    If you are interested in A Course in Miracles and would like to further your practice, but aren’t quite understanding the text, or are battling to read it, then this is a practical guide for daily actions to keep you in line with ACIM practice.

  • A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Daily Prayers for Lightworkers

    The two prayers below are daily prayers crafted from the A Course in Miracles (ACIM) text, and include what is instructed to be prayed for daily.

    An alternate way to use these is to use them as a dedication before repeating the Lord's Prayer or Ana B'Koach three times.

  • A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Prayer & Blessing for Teachers/Lightworkers

    A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Prayer & Blessing for Teachers/Lightworkers

    And now in all your doings be you blessed.

    God turns to you for help to save the world.

    Teacher of God, His thanks He offers you, and all the world stands silent in the grace you bring from Him.

  • A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Prayer for Healing for Lightworkers

    This prayer is carefully crafted from the direct statements from A Course in Miracles, and can practically be used at any time, for any application. It's one-size fits all :)

    You can also use sections of the prayer alone for specific applications. Each paragraph or verse of the prayer can be used as a standalone, with Lord heal me, Lord atone for me as the opening line.

  • A Different View of the Judgement of God

    A Different View of the Judgement of God

    For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

    2 Corinthians 5:10

  • A healer's perspective on manifestation

    A healer's perspective on manifestation

    A thought just occurred... the whole concept of single-mindedly focusing on a goal when you're manifesting is really difficult to do, and it's where most of us fall over.

    And then I realized its because it's an unnatural process - it requires us to ignore the shadow: the doubts and fears etc.

    Those ego/shadow emotions are not emotions that like to be ignored - if you just avoid them, they only get louder and louder.

    Then I thought, there has to be a way or point that the alignment with the resonance happens instantaneously - as a revelation.

  • A response to an Atheist's Questions

    In this piece, I give a response to an Atheist's Questions posted in a comment on my YouTube Channel.

    “Hello. I am an atheist. I define atheism as suspending acknowledgement of the existence of gods until sufficient evidence can be presented.”

  • A simple analogy to understand ego, with 7Ps of ego questions

    A simple analogy to understand Ego, with 7Ps of Ego questions

    Today we’re looking at the basics of how Ego works.

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