"Many are called but few are chosen"...should be, "All are called but few choose to listen." Therefore, they do not choose right. The "chosen ones" are merely those who choose right sooner.
- A Course in Miracles
The idea that any single person is destined to be special, be the Messiah, is entirely wrong - most importantly because it flies in the face of free will.
How can you have free will if your life path and events are already predetermined? You can’t. The only way you can have free will is if the outcome of your life is uncertain… and that’s why we live on a plane of uncertainty - it makes free will possible.
The idea of a special soul, a predetermined or destined Messiah, is a way of abdicating responsibility for your journey. If it’s predestined then they skills you need will be natural talents or inherent, and you won’t have to work to develop them. Because you don’t have to work to develop them, then you can be lazy on your spiritual journey and live your life for yourself… and still have the big leading spiritual role.
The idea of a special Messiah, known from birth, means that you don’t have to ask yourself the question of is it me - and you can leave the work up to someone else.
The truth is that ALL of us are called - most of us just choose to live life for ourselves, serving our own ego desires, instead of following God’s lead.
All of us are destined for a spiritual life and journey - it is an ego trap to choose any other kind of life.
All of us called, but very few choose to listen. And of those who choose to listen, even fewer stay the path.
It’s hard work to do this, and that’s why they put people like us in temples and monasteries in times gone by…. it’s a full-time job to be a servant of God.
But ALL of us are called - repeatedly.
And because this is a plane of free will, God is bound to serve your free will by default… and your “free will” is almost always your Ego desires.
So do you serve God or does God serve you?