Mirrors of Relationship Healing Modality Tools

  • The Butterfly Hold

    The Butterfly Hold is a technique that you can use to help your body shift through emotions more quickly when you are processing and integrating.

  • The Butterfly Release

    The Butterfly Release is used at the beginning and end of Mirrors of Relationship energy coaching sessions.

  • The Butterfly Stress Switch

    Use the Butterfly Stress Switch to normalize and stabilize your stress thresholds and feel calmer and more relaxed.

  • The Butterfly Tapping Technique

    The Butterfly Tapping Technique is the basic release tapping technique used for Mirrors of Relationship releases.

  • The Chakras System of the Cosmos & the 12 Dimensions of Creation

    Learn more about the Chakras System of the Cosmos & the 12 Dimensions of Creation.

  • The Chinese Clock & Meridian Cycles

    The Chinese Clock & Meridian Cycles is a map of the 24-hour shifting and healing cycle that your body undergoes every day.

  • The Different Kinds of Lessons you can expect in 5D & the Age of Aquarius

    The Different Kinds of Lessons you can expect in 5D & the Age of Aquarius

    This is basically is an overview of the different kinds of lessons I’ve identified during the journey.

  • The Ego Emotions Question Wheel

    The Ego Emotions Question Wheel can be used to help you work through your own ego responses, as well as those of others.

  • The Emotional Scale

    The Emotional Scale is a tool that enables you to gradually improve your mood, in a sustainable way, as opposed to a sudden leap that does not last.

  • The Five Elements Attributes Chart

    The Five Elements Attributes Chart covers the important metaphysical and healing associations for the Five Elements as used in Chinese Medicine, and with Meridians: Water, Wood, Earth, Metal, Fire.

  • The Five Elements Meridian Emotions Chart

    The Five Elements Meridian Emotions Chart is a list of emotions linked to each of the Meridians, and the 5 elements: wood, water, earth, fire and metal.

  • The Gift of Loneliness

    In The Gift of Loneliness we take a look at why we experience loneliness as humans, and the other wonderful gifts that loneliness offers us in the human experience.

  • The Human Consciousness Scale Infographic Wheels

    The Human Consciousness Scale Infographic Wheels are a graphic display of the Human Consciousness Scale from Sir David Hawkins, in his book Power vs Force (1994).

  • The I Am Timeline of Creation

    In The I Am Timeline of Creation we take a look at the Primordial Creation Story, as well as concepts like time being the space that turns thought into experience.

  • The Lack of Someone to Love

    The Lack of Someone to Love

    Twin Flames Break Up Update 2 of 2

    When the first layer of this thought came through a few years back, it was just one of those nice insight thoughts. The concept was basically:

    We don’t want someone to love us - we want someone we can love and are in love with.

    How do we know this? Stalkers.

    That’s what we call someone who loves us when we don’t return that love - a stalker.

    You don’t want somebody who is in love with you, unless you are in love with them.

  • The Money Problem Part 0 - Index & Introduction

    The Money Problem Part 0 - Index & Introduction

    This page contains an index for the Money Problem article series.

    Please scroll down for the video version.

  • The Money Problem Part 1 - Your Money Mindset

    The Money Problem Part 1 - Your Money Mindset

    When money worries and anxiety set in, it seems to take over your whole world.

    It’s overwhelming and all-consuming and you just don’t know how to stop thinking about it.

    Worse than that though, it almost feels as if you are being cheated and deprived when you start having to make longer term lifestyle and budgetary adjustments, and when you feel cheated and victimized, you start getting despondent in other areas - like at work.

    I mean why are you working so hard if you can’t even afford a decent lifestyle?

    Please scroll down for the video version.

  • The Money Problem Part 2 - The Practical Reality of Tightening Your Belt

    The Money Problem Part 2 - The Practical Reality of Tightening Your Belt

    If you’re in the development and spiritual game, there’s a comment you will hear a lot from teachers and other seekers, and it has to do with confusion that people can’t understand them, especially when they’re talking so plainly and literally.

    At first you take this very personally, and land up spending a lot of time adjusting your communication style, but eventually, you realize that the reason people can’t understand you is because they don’t want to understand you - so they block you out.

    The reasons for this are varied, and usually have to do with the reward that they gain from the challenging aspect or behavior.

    Please scroll down for the video version.

  • The Money Problem Part 3 - Your ego responses to tightening your belt

    The Money Problem Part 3 - Your Ego responses to tightening your belt

    Look there is no silver bullet for this part - it’s going to keep coming up in small layers on a daily basis, and you will just keep chipping away at it, little bit by little bit.

    Ego is a mechanism of separation, and so Ego always aims to illustrate and indicate separation where it exists.

    Very few separation issues get ego’s attention the way that money challenges do.

    Please scroll down for the video version.

  • The Money Problem Part 4 - The Global Impact & Why is this happening?

    The Money Problem Part 4 - The global impact & why is this happening?

    The first thing you must understand about the money problem right now is that it’s everywhere.

    In every country, on every continent, at every level of normal, middle and lower class, people are finding life expensive. Nowhere seems to be immune really.

    Please scroll down for the video version.

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