Mirrors of Relationship Healing Modality Tools

  • Energies have been hectic! Global Check in - 8 May 2018

    Energies have been hectic! Global Check in - 8 May 2018

    If you feel like you're taking serious strain the past few days, then check your empath load and your water consumption, so your hydration levels.

  • Energy Healing Basics: Plumbing & Maintenance Sessions

    In Energy Healing Basics: Plumbing & Maintenance Sessions, we take a look at the areas to consider when you're performing basic healing and energy maintenance on yourself and others.

    This covers all the basics you'd normally cover, as well as a few extras that are impacting us during this time on Earth.

  • Express Your Feelings Chart by Life Coaches Toolbox

    The Express Your Feelings Chart by Life Coaches Toolbox is a visual tool that helps you identify what it is that you are feeling in that moment.

    Often just naming the emotion is enough to begin it releasing.

  • Extend Forgiveness Process

    The Extend Forgiveness Process will take you through a series of healing questions and steps that you can follow in order to extend forgiveness to someone else.

  • Fantasies of Love - CPTSD Childhood Core Wounds

    Fantasies of Love - CPTSD Childhood Core Wound

    Spend some time understanding how we create fantasies, especially rescuer and romantic fantasies of love, in order to mentally protect ourselves from the childhood neglect we experienced.

  • Feararchy - the 5 Basic Human Fears

    Understand the 5 Basic Human Fears we all carry and have to deal with in our lives.

    • Extinction - the fear of annihilation, of ceasing to exist.
    • Ego Death - the fear of humiliation or shame.
    • Separation - the fear of abandonment, rejection and loss of connection.
    • Mutilation - the fear of losing part of our body.
    • Loss of Autonomy - the fear of being immobilized, trapped, restricted, or otherwise controlled.

    View the full infographic at https://lifecoachestoolbox.com/FreeCoachingHealingTools/marelyejcmhmdlcbddahsac/Infographics/5BasicFears-Feararchy-LifeCoachesToolbox.com.jpg

  • Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn - The Trauma Response, with Positive Alternatives

    Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn - The Trauma Response, with Positive Alternatives

    Understand the Trauma Responses of Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn, as well as other subtle layers of trauma response that might help you understand, and be able to apply, the knowledge better. 

    In addition, the infographic contains a range of alternative behaviors and responses you could consciously choose to go with, instead of the instinctual responses.

  • Forgiveness Exercise with Energy & Light

    Use the Forgiveness Exercise with Energy & Light to facilitate a powerful forgiveness release for yourself and everyone else linked to the situation.

  • Free Will & Why We Remember Nothing at Birth

    Free Will & Why We Remember Nothing at Birth

    This is a plane of free will. That means that free will is honored first. That's what they mean by we're born as Gods - our free will is honored first.

    Also why they say the universe will respond to manifestation - it is obliged to honor your free will.

    So every time you put something out there, anything you manifest, you are automatically making God your servant.

    Therefore, the ONLY way to serve God fully is to hand over your free will in every second. To make no decisions for yourself.

  • Generational Patterns

    Generational Patterns

    So healing work aside, I still needed to unpack the emotional pathology behind the lockjaw and mouth pain. What I experienced was an entire shift of generational patterns.

    This one so rare, it's worth a mention just because it's so rare. Apart from yesterday, I've only ever seen this happen once before, in a shifting session I did for myself when I first started creating the mirrors process.

    A generational pattern is a belief, fear, energy, habit, pattern you inherit on the genetic line from one of your parents. You can think of it like family karma - it's passed down but not from soul to soul; it's passed down parent to child.

    One distinguishing way of looking at a Generational Pattern (GP) therefore, is that the energy would not follow you into a next incarnation. Unless you had personal experiences with that energy that created new karma, a new life would mean saying goodbye to those GPs permanently.

  • Get Angry!

    Okay so you pushed the red button... and this is a real emergency!

    You are your wit's end, and unless you get some sort of assistance things are just not looking good.

  • Getting physically ill after a Kundalini Awakening

    Why can you get physically ill after a Kundalini Awakening? Or any shift for that matter?

    I’ve seen a few of these articles doing the rounds lately, where the general gist is “I had a kundalini awakening and it made me sick or have some sort of mental breakdown - so kundalini and spiritual work is dangerous.”

    The short answer is yes the work is dangerous - if you don’t know what you’re doing and you don’t do it properly.

  • Go Ape

    Use this technique to release shock & trauma and stop the flow of stress chemicals in your body.

  • Going Numb on the Ego Journey - Why you need to create drama

    Going Numb on the Ego Journey - Why you need to create drama

    Thomas Szasz has a few really good books worth reading, if you can get past the superfluous language lol :) One of my favorites is pleasure and pain.

    In the book, Szasz presents the following idea: pleasure is not a thing in and of itself, pleasure is actually the absence of pain.

    So in order to experience pleasure, you need the contrast of pain to know the pain has gone away.

  • Grounding

    Find basic and advanced grounding techniques you can use to help you feel more stable and settled.

    Grounding is a powerful tool to help you feel more settled and secure within your body and space.

  • Healing yourself - a practical example

    Healing yourself - a practical example

    Soft drinks, cool drinks, cola and all the fizzy stuff

    So, like meat and dairy, one of the more common natural evolutions journeyers go through is eliminating fizzy drinks from their diets.

    For years, I had eliminated fizzy cold drinks, but had stuck to sparkling water. I finally gave the sparkling water up last year June, 2017.

    This week however, I was craving something different, and there was Sprite in the fridge, and so I had two small glasses over two days.

    Wow have I ever paid for it.

  • Hermit Mode

    At the point when I ascended and the penny finally dropped about why complete alone is so important, I was really amazed.

    It’s so obvious – you can’t rely on external validation to tell you where you are on this journey, and you cannot rely on others’ opinions or their reactions to information, because you’ll fall into cognitive dissonance.

  • How Alternate Realities & Timelines Work

    How Alternate Realities & Timelines Work

    Okay for background there are articles on my site on the morphic or holographic field.

    • Alternate Realities, Timelines & Tinnitus: http://lifecoachestoolbox.com/index.php/alternate-timelines-realities
    • Morphic Field Understanding: http://lifecoachestoolbox.com/index.php/the-morphic-or-holographic-field-explained-the-missing-information-link-you-ve-been-looking-for-to-tie-the-puzzle-together
    • You can also read this one to help you understand the thought reality thing: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/03/13/creationism-vs-evolution-a-spiritual-perspective-on-the-debate-that-will-really-make-you-think/
  • How Much Have You Grown?

    Think about a period about two years back and compare it to now.

    Here are a few questions to ask yourself :)

  • How my mind works and how much I actually see

    So if the fact that I have incredible insight into stuff scares you about me, then you will probably be positively petrified by the end of this post. Probably best to stop reading now LOL

    However…. I challenged an ALDG member to stretch himself enormously. This member was anti-Trump and managed to find ten positive things to say about Trump as part of a forgiveness and acceptance lesson. I truly respect that kind of stretch.

    In order to create a safe space for this seeker to express himself, I offered to stretch myself equally by posting something that makes me uncomfortable.

    I do this regularly, exchanging pieces of information about myself and my journey to show seekers that they can safely reveal themselves.

    The weirdness of what we deal with means that people are often scared to verbalize their experiences for fear of being grandiose, delusional and insane - or having others think that they are. Sharing my experience and offering an equal return means that clients just have to follow my lead - they don’t have to take all the responsibility.

    So this is that post that stretches me and makes me uncomfortable :)

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