Mirrors of Relationship Healing Modality Tools

  • Prayer to Ask the Holy Spirit for Help

    This simple prayer, to Ask the Holy Spirit for help, can be used by anyone, in any circumstance, for anything.

    It is short, sweet, powerful and easy to remember.

  • Quick Coherence

    The Quick Coherence Technique is an in the moment DIY stress management and energy healing resource that can also be used daily for overall well being.

  • Release Your Fear Energy Exercise

    The Release Your Fear Energy Exercise is a great way to release large amounts of fear, or fear in general. This is a powerful exercise that yields instantaneous results.

  • Remember Your Shifting Basics!

    Remember Your Shifting Basics!

    When Life Coaches Toolbox first started life, it started as a book (if you've seen the PDF downloads on free tools, that's it).

    The point of this book was to aggregate all the primary basics and all the tools you could possibly need, with one major tool per double page spread.

    So the idea was, if something falls over, you grab the book, flip it open and let Source guide you to the healing tool you need.

    The reason you need a resource like that is because when you are shifting hectically, you don't remember basics. Hell you hardly remember anything!! LOL

  • Removing Scars from the Energetic System

    This five point acupressure circuit will help your body to effectively remove scars from the energetic system and heal more deeply.

  • Reshimot - When you feel like a whole different person after a lesson

    Reshimot: When you feel like a whole different person after a lesson

  • Restoring the Energetic Coordination of the Brain

    This five point acupressure circuit will help your body to balance duality energies in, and restore the energetic coordination of your brain.

  • Restoring the Fundamental Vibration

    This five point acupressure circuit will help your body to feel more balanced and integrated after you've done energy healing and coaching work.

  • Restoring the Yin Yang Balance

    This five point acupressure circuit will help your body to balance duality or yin yang energies in your system.

  • Science is as much a religion as Christianity or Islam

    Science is as much a religion as Christianity or Islam

    Unless you have physically conducted every experiment yourself, and verified the existence of every element of any scientific "evidence" you present, your scientific evidence has no more validity than anything presented in any spiritual or religious text.

    Whether you are reading a text book or a religious text, you are reading the words of a man you don't know, written down, and you have accepted them as the truth - when you don't even have proof that that author exists in fact.

    Like the stories presented in religious and spiritual teachings, science (fiction) is the hearsay and observation of others who (apparently) experienced it, and then recorded it for posterity.

  • Shifting Overload: Healing Too Much, Too Fast

    In Shifting Overload: Healing Too Much, Too Fast, we look at what shifting overload is, what causes it, and how you can fix it.

  • Shifting too much and too fast

    Shifting too much and too fast

    When you do vigorous shifts like we're doing right now, you run the risk of going into shifting overload.

    What is shifting overload or shifting crisis?

    Basically you've been processing through emotion and thoughts so much that it puts enormous strain on your system.

    You land up sick, fatigued, having a breakdown or even potentially having a mental breakdown.

  • Simple & Powerful Daily Prayer

    This Simple & Powerful Daily Prayer puts the Holy Spirit firmly into your corner, and makes sure you always start on the right foot.

  • So, you think you’re open minded?

    So, you think you’re open minded?

    You’ve got 3 chances to prove it! LOL ;)

  • Suggested Coaching Strategy to Fight Addiction

    Suggested Coaching Strategy to Fight Addiction

    This strategy has developed as I’ve been thinking about addiction as the polarity scale of free will, and so it is untested.

    Two things with that: I’m really open to feedback and suggestions on improving this, as it’s a first draft.

    I would also love to hear from people fighting addictions what they think of this as an approach.

    Anyone who does want to try it, I’d been keen to watch and stay in touch as you do to see how it plays out as a DIY strategy.

  • Suicide & Depression Tools

    In this collection of suicide and depression tools, you'll find unique resources that help deal with the specific aspects of suicide and depression.

  • Surviving Cancel Culture

    In Surviving Cancel Culture we take a look at how your ego is likely to respond when you come up against the Outrage Mob.

    In addition, we unpack what it is you are probably trying to understand about their behavior.

    It's not curative, but it will help lessen the sting and the psychic pain you're feeling.

  • Techniques to Use During Difficult Times

    So yes.... ego deaths and emotional releases.

    I've noticed a few things about August, including that I either have a major ego death or a major forward surge. Sometimes both.

    I've also noticed that it's a year since my huge Ego death last August. Go look back over your August patterns and see what you notice.

    I've also noticed that the movement from August shifting comes through in September usually.

  • The 7Ps of Ego - Understanding Ego and Easily Solving Issues with Mirrors

    The 7Ps of Ego - Understanding Ego and Easily Solving Issues with Mirrors

    Remember Ego is all about separation and identity.

    Ego is the tool that enables us to break a larger soul into smaller, individuated pieces that have a complete identity. So it’s the mechanism of creation.

    Ego responses and emotions (what humans call Ego), is anything that makes you feel inferior or superior to the person or situation in front of you.

  • The 7Ps of Ego Question Wheel

    The 7Ps of Ego Question Wheel can be used to help you work through healing issues related to your Ego, and the Ego responses of others.

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