Mirrors of Relationship Healing Modality Tools

  • Camel Pose to Release Blocked Emotion

    Camel Pose is a useful tool to help you release blocked and stuck emotions.

  • CHILLS Mechanisms of Ego Question Wheel

    The CHILLS Mechanisms of Ego Question Wheel is an easy-to-use question set to help you deal with ego issues in yourself and others.

  • CHILLS Mechanisms of Ego Understanding

    The CHILLS Model of Understanding Ego Mechanisms is an easy to recall mnemonic to help you simplify Ego: Control, Hierarchy, Identity & Individuation, Lack, Love & Separation.

  • Christ Consciousness & the Religious Overtones for the Shift

    Christ Consciousness & the Religious Overtones for the Shift

    Like so many other lightworkers, I come from a strict religious background.

    My parents used to make us go to church sometimes every day of the week. My mom was in the choir and the church secretary. I grew to hate Christianity.

  • Circuit Against Depression

    This five point acupressure circuit will help your body to fight against feelings of depression, helping you to feel lighter.

  • Circuit Against Fear, Anxiety & Panic

    This five point acupressure circuit will help your body to fight against feelings of fear, anxiety and panic.

  • Circuit Against Negativity

    This five point acupressure circuit will help your body to fight against feelings of negativity.

  • Clear Headaches & Sinuses

    Use these acupressure points to clear headaches and sinus or nasal congestion.

    On average, you'll apply pressure to each spot for about a minute.

  • Coaching Strategy for Physical System Support & Practical Functionality (Getting stuff done day to day)

    Coaching Strategy for:

    • Physical System Support
    • Practical Functionality (Getting stuff done day to day)

    This will help you face the things you need to do, like work and focus and meetings and chores.

  • Common Ego Traps

    Common Ego Traps looks at some of the more frequent ways that Ego tries to trip you up on a spiritual or personal growth journey.

  • Confession Exercise: Forgive in Pairs

    The Confession Exercise allows you to work together with someone else to forgive in a conversation, and work on both of your 'stuff' at the same time.

  • CPTSD Core Wounds from Childhood Emotional Neglect & Abuse

    CPTSD Core Wounds from Childhood Emotional Neglect & Abuse

    An extensive list of common and subtle core wounds, along with examples of the active memories that may be at the root of those wounds.

    In addition, the graphic covers unmet needs, the ways in which these wounds may express in your life currently, and the unfulfilled desires that underlie these wounds.

  • Creating Hope for Love

    This set of exercises is designed to help you chip away at resistance and build hope that you can find love again.

  • EFT Tapping

    Use this EFT tapping technique to help remove negative emotions and calm down your system.

  • Ego and the belief in the physical body

    Ego and the belief in the physical body

    One of the reasons that physical healing miracles are held in such high esteem above other emotional healing, for example, is that it requires you to detach from the Ego identification of the body.

    What this means in practical terms, is experiences like: understanding that you have no physical body, and that the physical body, like everything in reality, is just accumulated layers of thought in agreement that the body exists.

    Being in the body while denying that it exists creates an interesting kind of cognitive dissonance, I'm not going to lie. It's not an easy balance to maintain.

  • Ego Deaths EVERYWHERE... tee hee hee

    I’m sorry, I can’t help finding it just a little funny watching all these ego deaths around me the past few days.

    Part of me, first of all, really can’t believe I used to be that bad and take stuff that personally - and yes I can clearly see some of my old behaviors in others lol

    Secondly, I am truly staggered at how much people seem to be determined to hang onto their drama and take it all personally. I was unpacking this with someone and it dawned on me that a lot of this is caused by boredom actually.

  • Ego Deaths vs. Trials by Fire vs. Dark Nights of the Soul

    Ego Deaths vs. Trials by Fire vs. Dark Nights of the Soul

    What's the difference?

  • Ego Deaths, Rock Bottoms & I Don't Matter

    When this stage of the journey first started happening to me, I couldn’t make any sense of it – it doesn’t make sense how accepting that you are worthless can lead to a breakthrough. I mean aren’t we meant to be realising we’re Gods?

    But the lessons kept coming, in deeper and deeper forms, and so I learned to surrenderto them over time, making the time period that they lasted shorter.

  • Ego in the world - The 8 Deadly Sins

    Ego in the world - The 8 Deadly Sins

    How perfect is this as a summation of what is wrong with the world and people today?

  • Ego Layers of Separation by Life Coaches Toolbox

    The Ego Layers of Separation by Life Coaches Toolbox is a model to help you understand the layers that make up your Ego, or what separates you from God and others.

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