Mirrors of Relationship Healing Modality Tools

  • The Morphic or Holographic Field Explained - the missing information link you've been looking for to tie the puzzle together

    The Morphic or Holographic Field Explained - the missing information link you've been looking for to tie the puzzle together

    Hi Beautiful Souls

    I mention the morphic or holographic field a lot, because, well, it’s crucial to understanding everything… but like everything, the understanding unfolds in layers.

    It’s crucial though - right up there with ego, and so it is something that you do have to pay attention to. It’s also a game changer that will fill in so many of the missing blanks - there’s not a day I don’t realize something more about the field and how it applies. The missing pieces it ties together are just amazing.

  • The Shifting Cycle for the Year, with 2020 Dates

    Understanding the Shifting and Mercury Retrograde Cycles for the year, illustrated with 2020 dates.

    The Shifting Cycle is a cycle that looks at what you can expect from your healing journey, personal growth, or spiritual journey at different times of the year.

    If you’re looking for it, it won’t be too hard to notice this pattern, and it’s pretty simple: there is a busy half of the year for shifting, and a quieter half of the year. It’s like astrology: a global energy that affects us all.

  • Timeline of a Shift & Integration Periods

    In Timeline of a Shift & Integration Periods, we look at how long it takes your body to process trauma, shock, emotions, healing and more.

  • Twin Flame & Lightworker Prayer for releasing relationship bonds

    Twin Flame & Lightworker Prayer for releasing relationship bonds

  • Twin Flame Break Ups & The Physical Attraction Issue

    Twin Flame Break Ups & The Physical Attraction Issue

    Loads of the Twin Flames have remarked that there is an intense physical attraction to their Twin, and part of the problem is that the physical and sexual attraction is unforgettable.

  • Twin Flame Forgiveness Prayer

    A Twin Flame Prayer for achieving forgiveness release.

  • Twin Flame Souls & the Twin Flame Push Pull Duality

    In Twin Flame Souls & the Twin Flame Push Pull Duality we take a look at what sets Twin Flame souls apart from normal souls, why the relationships take such a toll on them, and why break ups are so hard for them.

  • Twin Flames... why do you long to be in a relationship?

    Twin Flames... why do you long to be in a relationship?

    Where does the yearning come from that keeps pulling you to seek romantic love and a partner?

    Everytime ONE reconciles in unification again, all the missing parts of soul (identities) that were sent to hell and "deleted" at the end of unity, leave behind a darkness in ONE that manifests as loneliness.

  • Unconditional love: Perpetuating a lack of personal responsibility

    There's no such thing as unconditional love. So, why do we keep lying about unconditional love?

    Unconditional love is a concept people love to bandy around - especially in spiritual circles, where anything that does not meet another person’s Godview of all-loving gets you labelled and judged.

  • Understanding Free Will

    Understanding Free Will

    Okay so reaching an interesting stage on unpacking free will, a stage that always happens for me.

    So this post is about the content, as well as the mechanism of the stage I’m at. it’s a double whammy learning LOL

    So the mechanism and stage is a scaled list, and even mirrors started like this.

    You’ve seen this in other scales and codifications, like PEMSC (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and cosmic) and the levels of lessons in faith, for example.

    It’s really an ordered duality scale, and seeing the scale is always a marker that you’re going through to new levels of understanding in a short while.

    When it appears, it will appear as a bunch of dualities, which will have a common thread. One of my favorites is the surrender scale:

  • Understanding God As All-That-Is

    In Understanding God As All-That-Is we take a look at the concept of God as separate, while still being everything that exists.

  • Understanding God, Energy & The Morphic or Holographic Field

    In Understanding God, Energy & The Morphic or Holographic Field, we've illustrated the concepts of energy, God, and the Morphic Field related to each other, and as they intertwine.

    Hopefully this will give you a clearer understanding understanding of these concepts.

  • Understanding Masculine & Feminine (Male & Female) Energies

    Understanding Masculine & Feminine (Male & Female) Energies.

    Understand the duality of masculine and feminine (male & female) energies, and how the two energies interact and interplay with each other, as well what they represent and their characteristics.

  • Understanding the Human Soul & Soul Aspects

    In Understanding the Human Soul & Soul Aspects we take a closer look at how the human soul is constructed, and the concept of past lives.

  • Universal & Unmet Core Life Needs

    A chart of Universal & Unmet Core Life Needs.

    Use this chart to help you identify core life needs when you are working with your past, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), childhood neglect, codependency and attachment theory.

  • We're Designed to Notice Problems & Complain

    In We're Designed to Notice Problems & Complain, we look at how the human mind works - and why it's so much easier for people to complain and notice problems.

  • What are MIRRORS in healing and personal development work? Understanding DUALITIES

    You know that feeling when you “can’t let go” of something or someone? When you “don’t know what keeps pulling you back” to them? That pull you feel when you “fall in love” or “experience chemistry”?

    When your mind and inner voice are racing at a mile a minute, looking for the thought that will help you reach internal peace and alignment? The thought of realization that will help you make sense of it all?

  • What differentiates my journey?

    So this piece is a question that I’ve been asking for a while and a few people have been asking with me - why do I develop so fast in contrast to others?

    My work involves me digging around in people’s spiritual stuff, and as I’ve been thinking the last while, I’ve been noting what the key differences are in other people. Those “I would have done that instead” kind of moments.

  • What Happens When You're Stuck In a Shift?

    For those of you that are working on your stuff long term and ongoing, you'll have noticed that when you are working with something big or a lifelong pattern that you'll often get stuck in the same place.

    If you shift in statements, you'll notice that you're repeating the same statements over and over again. If you shift in your head you'll recognise it as being stuck on the same thoughts.

  • What is a relationship?

    What is a relationship? A true relationship is three things:

    1. An agreement that creates a connection of thought layers in the morphic field
    2. A permanent place or space created for the partner's identity
    3. A revelation of the self to the partner

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