Romantic Relationships

  • 10 reasons you’re unhappy in your relationship

    10 common reasons you’re likely unhappy in your romantic relationship.

  • 12 Tools for Building & Rebuilding Trust in Your Relationship

    Rebuilding trust after a betrayal is difficult - especially when you feel like your heart is all caged up and there’s nothing you seem to be able to do to get through to it.

    As someone who has been there, I can honestly tell that this is not going to be easy... like forgiveness work, the exercises are simple but can be incredibly difficult to actually do.

    Likewise, you’ll hear people say that forgiveness and trust exercises are useless, which is true if your intention is wrong.

    Get your intention right and really mean for trust be granted again and it will happen - the exercises will work their magic.

  • 3D vs 5D reality question - How will my spiritual growth & knowledge affect my relationship with my spouse and children?

    3D vs 5D reality question

    "How will my spiritual growth & knowledge affect my relationship with my spouse and children?

    I've already seen both negative and positive shifts; however I can't help wondering if as I grow more, that my inclination will be to separate myself from them - which I don't want to happen."

    So this isn’t just about immediate relationships, but every relationship that is around you.

    And the short answer is yes - the growth will impact your journey A LOT, and not in ways that you necessarily expect.

  • 3D, 4D & 5D Realities - What's The Difference?

    In the inequal 3D/4D world, the idea of unconditional loves exists - someone can love you and you don't have to be worthy of it. Ways it expresses is when people don't look after themselves and then want a partner that does, or the use of gifts and money to buy affection.

    In a 5D world however, we come to a mother's love... and a mother's love is NOT unconditional - it is fair and just.

    A mother knows that the child has to sleep and will enforce rules and structure. A mother doesn't just accept everything. A mother will employ discipline and tough love.

  • 5 answers to the question: what does he or she want?

    As a relationship coach I often hear the question, “What does he/she want?”

    Here are five possible answers to the question of what your partner, or the person you’re longing after, wants.

  • 5 signs you’ve met your false Twin Flame

    What signs can you look for in your relationship that will tell you you’ve met your false twin flame and you may be wasting time by chasing this relationship?

    Right from the very moment you meet, twin flame relationships are intense and overwhelming, and you usually know you’ve met someone serious, someone important.

  • 5 signs you’ve met your twin flame or soulmate and that your relationship is karmic or destined to happen

    What are five signs that you can look for that will let you know you you’ve met your twin flame or soulmate, and that the relationship in front of you is of importance in your life, as in karmic or destined to happen?

  • 5 tips for raising star children

    The new generation of children, star, crystal and indigo children, sometimes require different handling to traditional parenting methods.

    Here are 5 tips to help you parent your new age child.

  • 5 ways an abusive relationship changes you

    The worst thing about being in an abusive relationship with a bully, abuser or narcissist is the long-term damage it does to your self-esteem – the way it changes how you feel about, see and interact with the world.

  • 5 ways that narcissists and psychopaths break down your self esteem in abusive relationships

    Maybe it’s a result of the greed and ego focus of the world we live in, but many of us are, or have been in relationship with narcissists and psychopaths.

    How do narcissists and psychopaths break down your self-esteem in abusive relationships?

  • 6 ways that empaths sabotage their relationships

    What are 6 common ways that empaths land up sabotaging the relationships around them through their natural behaviours and actions?

    Being an empath is not easy – you basically live your life experiencing your own feelings, as well as the feelings of most of the people around you.

  • 8 dangerous myths about Twin Flame relationships

    8 dangerous myths about Twin Flame relationships

    When you first hear about Twin Flames the idea is appealing - largely because it’s misunderstood at first.

    Most people make the mistake of thinking that a Twin Flame means guaranteed love - a guaranteed relationship.

    The second reason that Twin Flames appeal is this desperate need we all have to be special - at least to one person… The One.

    In this regard, ego has really screwed us over, as has society, with this idea of entitlement to love, a guarantee of love from Divine sources.

  • A Course In Miracles - The Cliff Notes

    If you are interested in A Course in Miracles and would like to further your practice, but aren’t quite understanding the text, or are battling to read it, then this is a practical guide for daily actions to keep you in line with ACIM practice.

  • An incredible forgiveness release

    An incredible forgiveness release

    What an incredibly powerful and healing day yesterday (16 May 2017) was. In the space of an hour, we reconciled 17 years of pain, abandonment and misunderstanding and achieved a complete forgiveness release among all the parties involved.

    Yes - in an hour, really. Then we went out for milkshakes as a family.

  • Ask For Forgiveness Process

    Use the Ask For Forgiveness Process when you need to apologise to someone, and get their absolution.

  • Ask for Forgiveness to be Chosen for You

    The Ask for Forgiveness to be Chosen for You is an exercise you can turn to when you are not achieving forgiveness in any other way. It's so effective that you may want to skip straight to it in future though.

  • Astrological time of conception

    So what about using the astrological time of conception, if it can be calculated, as a map to understand the influence of your parent's relationship as it plays out in your life?

    So putting parental relationship influence into its own category like active memories, karma and generational patterns?

  • Betrayal, Empaths & Narcissists

    Betrayal, Empaths & Narcissists

    As empaths we seem to magnetically attract narcissists.

    I'm still in two minds as to whether there is a twin flame push pull aspect at play here: the purity of the empath further escalates the negativity of the narcissist maybe?

  • Bonding tools for Long Distance Relationships

    How do you build and maintain a romantic bond without touch, smell or sex in a long distance relationship?

    When you’re in a long distance relationship it can feel like you are limited in so very many ways, first because you don’t have the basics available to you – you can’t make love or walk over and give each other a hug for example.

  • Breakups & death - why grief hurts so much

    After a death or breakup, what causes that grief, why does it hurt so much and what can you do to alleviate it?

    If you’ve experienced the loss of a person, either through death or the breakup of a relationship, you’ll know that you’re often left with a whole bunch of unanswered questions, and this horrible, dreadful heavy feeling that you can’t quite pinpoint and don’t know how to begin releasing.

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