8 dangerous myths about Twin Flame relationships

8 dangerous myths about Twin Flame relationships

When you first hear about Twin Flames the idea is appealing - largely because it’s misunderstood at first.

Most people make the mistake of thinking that a Twin Flame means guaranteed love - a guaranteed relationship.

The second reason that Twin Flames appeal is this desperate need we all have to be special - at least to one person… The One.

In this regard, ego has really screwed us over, as has society, with this idea of entitlement to love, a guarantee of love from Divine sources.

It really speaks to our laziness and entitlement as a society that we want an effortless and easy romantic relationship delivered to us, when we all know that relationships take work - a lot of time, dedication and work in fact.

You think I’m wrong? Then why are almost all Twin Flame teachings centered around the runner/chaser cycle?

Because it exists, that’s why.

In fact one Twin Flame running while the other chases is usually a NORM in Twin Flame relationships.

For most Twins, when they meet, it triggers untold chaos in one or both of their lives - usually partnered with a massive spiritual awakening.

This chaos, in fact, is exactly what triggers most Twins to seek a spiritual journey…. the emotional chaos and trauma becomes so great in certain instances, that they are forced to find relief, healing and help that truly speaks to the deepest parts of their soul.

So what other myths might be messing you up when it comes to understanding your Twin Flame?

1. You only have one Twin Flame
2. A Twin Flame is always a romantic relationship
3. Your Twin Flame is guaranteed to work and if it fails, it’s a False Twin
4. Twin Flame relationships will run smoothly from the moment you meet
5. You will be happy when you meet your Twin Flame and you will instantly recognize your Twin Flame
6. Your Twin Flame won’t be married or cheat you/cheat on you
7. All Twin Flame relationships follow the same pattern and trajectory
8. Sex and appearance are not important in romantic Twin Flames

Twin Flame Myth 1: You only have one Twin Flame

The idea that you only have one Twin Flame stems from three different concepts:

  • first, the need to be special again,
  • secondly, a misunderstanding about the Twin Flame mission, combined with a a lot of ego personalization,
  • and thirdly, misunderstanding about how souls are comprised.

Firstly, the need to be special.

Spirituality and many religions - and recently manifestation teachings like The Secret - have left us with a perception that every single one of us is special, and is entitled simply because we exist - because we were born.

But the truth that life throws this back in our faces every single day, tells us this isn’t the case. But we’re desperate to hold onto that hope, so we transfer the idea of being special onto specific life events - like meeting our romantic partner.

Of course there can only be one…. The One in fact.

But this isn’t logical, and the reason is free will.

Our Godlike natures and potential really boil down to one aspect - free will. We have the free will to choose our path and trajectory - and Source honors free will above everything else.

So the very idea that someone is DESTINED or predetermined to get involved with another specific person flies in the face of free will. Free will means you choose - a destined partner means you have no choice.

We always have choice.

But they want to give you the best chance of finding and experiencing the love you deserve, and so in order to do that, they send multiple Twin Flames. This way, if one dies in car accident, or misses the train and doesn’t meet you, or decides to a live a celibate life, there is a backup to take their place.

The reason this can happen is the third mentioned - how souls are comprised.

So your soul has an identity, and let’s say that identity’s name is Sue. Sue is a soul.

When Sue is ready for a life, a piece of her soul will be taken to create a new identity. So let’s say Sue is living four lifetimes at the same time - Mary, Jane, Sarah and Lee. So Sue leaves 20% of her soul energy behind, and takes 20% of her soul into each lifetime.

In order to employ free will though, they need to blank out our memories at birth.

Think about it…. if you knew you would meet the love of your life at 35, and you knew what they looked like and what your karma and soul history with them is, would you take the relationships that came before that seriously? Would you even have them at all, knowing that they were all doomed to fail?

And what if you knew that last lifetime you had been a violent and abusive partner, and this lifetime you’d agreed to enter into an abusive relationship as a victim… would you still enter into the relationship knowing it would mean years of abuse and torture?

Of course not!

Enter memory wiping at birth, and you believe you are making choices of your free will - which you really are. It’s blank slate and a chance to decide entirely based on where you are now.

So when they blank our memory we forget that we are actually Sue, and we start to believe that we are only Mary or only Jane.

However, at the point of death, Mary and Jane and Sarah and Lee will return and become a part of Sue again - but Sue will still be the main identity.

The confusion of being a blank slate at birth means that we grow up thinking that Mary is our only identity, and then we assume that Mary will be the primary identity when we get back. But Mary won’t - she’ll go back to being Sue.

In truth, souls can have up to 144,000 incarnations going at the same time, and when special souls are created for big missions like this, they are actually comprised of pieces from up to 144,000 different souls - called soul aspects.

So a Twin Flame can be on your primary soul aspect, in which case it will have the potential to be a lifetime relationship, and there can be up to 144,000 of these souls incarnated on the same planet as you, at the same time.

Or, the Twin Flame can exist purely on a single soul aspect, in which case it would only be active for as long as that soul aspect is dominant. If you’ve ever experienced one of those lessons where you feel like a whole new person and it takes you a few days to readjust and reorient to your body, then you have experienced a soul aspect awakening.

So if you wanted to take it to it’s nth degree, it is potentially possible that you could have 144,000 x 144,000 Twin Flames on the planet at any given time, which is 20,736,000,000 potential Twin Flames.

We don’t even have that many people on the planet!

The reason this is all necessary is the second we mentioned - the Twin Flame mission.

We tend to personalize stuff like Twin Flames, thinking it is about our personal happiness, our personal glory and what God personally has planned for us, because we as individuals are so special.

However, the truth is that we are here as a collective group on a mission to change the world, and Twin Flames play an important energetic role in that.

In a nutshell it works like this: changing people one at a time would be too time consuming and too difficult - the Ego barriers at this time are immense. So instead, we are clearing and changing the collective energetic field of the earth - known as the morphic or holographic field.

We do this first through empaths, who absorb negative energy and scrub it, simply removing it from the field altogether. Now however, we are left with an imbalance - a shortage of energy in the field.

Enter Twin Flames, who release the highest form of creation energy, known as zero point energy, when they reconcile dualities.

The reason this happens is because Twin Flames are a recursion of the original I AM separation of creation.

Each time a duality is reconciled therefore, it releases a burst of clean, pure energy into the field to replace what has been scrubbed and removed by the empaths.

From here, the Messiahs enter. Their job is receive new downloads of new layers of information, and broadcast those teachings to others, as well as anchor them energetically in the field.

It’s a team job, and there is no “I” in T-E-A-M.

Twin Flame Myth 2: A Twin Flame is always a romantic relationship

Another common misconception is that Twins are always romantic relationships. This is also a belief that leads to thinking there can only be one Twin Flame.

Remember, Twin Flames are about the mission, and we want to get this done as quickly as possible.

So, if we already have a whole bunch of Twin Flames on earth releasing zero point energy, then doesn’t it make sense that we would give them multiple other Twin Flame relationships in their lives to increase zero point energy production?

On average, about 40% of souls are Twin Flames.

However, at this time on Earth, as many as 70 - 80% of the souls on the planet are Twin Flames.

Some of these are parent/child bonds, some siblings, some friends, some lovers…. the roles don’t matter. It only matters that these relationships are seeing issues reconciled and releasing that zero point energy in the field.

And since they sent backups anyway, it makes sense to have those backups floating around in your life, nearby, in case they need to step in.

Twin Flame Myth 3: Your Twin Flame is guaranteed to work and if it fails, it’s a False Twin

Twin Flames are difficult relationships to navigate.

You already carry these extreme dualities - like one is a liar and the other totally truthful. For this mission however, they added some fuel to the fire and picked Twin Flames that have huge karmic loads to balance as well.

This achieves something amazing from an energetic point of view… it greatly magnifies each burst of zero point energy, giving us way more bang for our buck, and helping the shift progress faster.

However, this also means that the already difficult Twin Flame bond is now going to be even more difficult to navigate.

Which then leads to the next misconception...

Twin Flame Myth 4: Twin Flame relationships will run smoothly from the moment you meet

I reference back to the runner/chaser. There is a good reason this is the most commonly recognized pattern among Twin Flames - it’s COMMON.

More often than not in fact, Twin Flames will be total chaos from the moment you meet.

And if the relationship isn’t chaos, other areas of your life will start falling apart.

One very interesting pattern is the push-pull effect… as one of you comes right in an area, the other will get thrown off balance again.

So one of you is sick or miserable or having a hard time at work, and as soon as you come right, it seems that your partner has something that falls apart.

It can be very frustrating if you don’t balance it, because there always seems to be an imbalance and inequality in the relationship.

This is actually true, because it’s one of the ways that the Twin Flame bond forces you to work as a team - as a single united soul.

Twin Flame Myth 5: You will be happy when you meet your Twin Flame and you will instantly recognize your Twin Flame

I’ve met more Twin Flames where there was disinterest from one party at first, than I have Twin Flames where both instantly fell in love.

It’s almost like some Twin Flames are guaranteed to start with the runner/chaser cycle, with one the Twin Flames instantly falling in love and beginning a (sometimes VERY long) chase to win the other’s affection.

Interestingly, almost all these particular Twin Flames see a switch over in runner/chaser orientation when a commitment is finally made.

Once the runner has been caught and a relationship starts, often that runner becomes the chaser for the duration of the relationship, and in many cases is the heartbroken party at the end of it all.

Twin Flame Myth 6: Your Twin Flame won’t be married or cheat you/cheat on you

This particular misconception causes so much backlash when you talk about it, but it’s very common on this particular cycle.

And before we get into the whole ‘God would never send you anybody married debate,’ I would like to offer this story from the Bible.

So Abraham, the father of Israel, if you don’t know his story, was married to Sarai - later Sarah.

For many years she was barren and could not give him a son. Eventually, in order to ease his pain, Sarah offered him her Egyptian maidservant, Hagar, to mate with. Hagar bore a son for Abraham - his first son - Ishmael.

However, many years later, Sarah was blessed by the Lord and bore him a son, Isaac, who was his father’s favorite.

Isaac grew. The time came for his mother to stop breast-feeding him. On that day Abraham prepared a big celebration. But Sarah saw Ishmael making fun of Isaac. Ishmael was the son Hagar had by Abraham. Hagar was Sarah’s Egyptian slave. Sarah said to Abraham, “Get rid of that slave woman! Get rid of her son! That woman’s son will never have a share of the family’s property. All of it belongs to my son Isaac.” What Sarah said upset Abraham very much. After all, Ishmael was his son.

But God said to Abraham, “Do not be so upset about the boy and your slave Hagar. Listen to what Sarah tells you, because your family line will continue through Isaac. I will also make the son of your slave into a nation. I will do it because he is your child.” - Genesis 21: 8-13

So even God will play favorites and send a partner away.

We can’t always see the bigger picture or the reasons why though.

The reason it’s so common in this time though, has a lot more to do with our own entitlement and instant gratification.

Patience is not a common trait nowadays - not in our quick fix society of instant everything.

This impatience, combined with our desperate loneliness, a need for connection and love, and this idea that we are mature before our time, leads many of us into hasty relationships at an early age.

So the truth is that many of the Twin Flames that are meeting now actually married the wrong person 10 or 15 years ago, and now the universe is finally playing out the fate that you were too impatient to stick around and wait for.

In addition, a lot of people settled or compromised, or fell pregnant or felt ticking biological clocks… and they too got married for the wrong reasons.

It’s not pretty, but it also does fit with the need for massive zero point releases - because the leap to leave a marriage and commit to someone else is a huge thing to reconcile.

The bigger the reconciliation, the bigger the release of energy.

It’s messy, but it serves the purpose - and actually gets the job done a little more quickly than if we’d made it pretty.

And if you think that is hasn’t gotten ugly before… they nailed Jesus to a cross on that last go round. Just think about how gruesome and messy that scene is.

We sadly have to work within the confines of the energies and stories available in people’s lives and the morphic field.

If this story and energy is most prevalent, then this is the resource we will use to achieve our aims.

Twin Flame Myth 7: All Twin Flame relationships follow the same pattern and trajectory

Another big misconception we’ll discuss today is that all Twin Flames follow the same path and trajectory. This simply isn’t true.

The truth is there are actually 2 kinds of Twin Flames - and I don’t mean romantic and platonic, or even Twin Flames, False Twins and Twit Flames.

The 2 kinds of Twin Flames are Expressing Love Twin Flames, and then Creating Love Twin Flames.

Expressing Love Twin Flames are those relationships where it is all sunshine and roses (mostly anyway), and is smooth sailing in regards that the two parties want to be together, and move heaven and earth to make that happen.

The second kind of Twin Flame is a Creating Love Twin Flame, and as the name suggests, these Twins have to work to create the love or opportunity for love.

Whether it’s because one is running, or because of life circumstances, or because one is tied down by obligation, often work, family or marriage, these Twins have to work to traverse and cross huge boundaries to be able to share a life together. Many of theses bonds are also long distance.

In many cases, there is a love triangle where the choice is money/obligation or love.

If these two do manage to get it together, the relationship can also often be rocky when they are living together, and these bonds can be described as passionate and fiery. They can get very fiery in fact.

They’re also often very sexual, with high drama and high energy and tension, which makes them irresistible in many cases. This is especially true for healers and fixers and problem solvers, who prefer the thrill of fixing and solving to the boredom of everything going smoothly.

The many psychopath/narcissist and empath connections coming to light are creating love bonds.

Many of these relationships have already had years of back and forth running and chasing, and have now been rocked by all sorts of terrible betrayal. So there are already two major layers of trust and abandonment to overcome - the runner history and betrayal.

In addition, if these Twins had to choose to move forward, there would be a massive amount of work required to rebuild these relationships or reach a level of trust and connection that would make it worth pursuing again.

Many Twins are battling to walk away from these bonds though, as there does seem to be some importance to the history of the past five years.

There’s some relevance to the fact that these relationships viewed the spiritual transformation we’ve all been undergoing the past few years.

Somehow understanding who we were previously will make a difference later on; but I’m not entirely sure how yet?

Twin Flame Myth 8: Sex and appearance are not important in romantic Twin Flames

This last one really confuses me, and I think it’s about the prudishness of society, combined with spiritual bypassing.

Whatever the reason though, the truth is that almost every romantic relationship has a sexual component - it is a natural expression of the urge to oneness - the urge to move closer to God.

We all understand that our Twin Flames are a spiritual experience, and we know that they trigger a spiritual awakening, which is also about moving closer to God.

These bonds have come into our lives to help us express that need to be close, enjoy shared experience, and be one with the person.

Sex is the most natural expression of this - and most importantly, it is the mechanism of tantric union.

Sexual experience within a Twin Flame romantic bond is meant to help you greatly accelerate both of your trajectory towards Source.

Whether or not you are a Twin Flame, you need to feel, and find your partner, sexy, in order to keep that sexual connection going.

So many Twin Flames are falling apart and having their partners cheat because they are not fulfilling the sexual needs of their partner.

The deal with monogamy is that when you tell the person to be faithful, it is not just for your fidelity in return: the underlying agreement is that you will meet the person’s sexual needs, and be all that they desire, so that they can keep their promise to remain faithful to you.

It doesn’t matter how good you are as friends and companions and parents - living a half life with a romantic Twin Flame you are not sexually engaged with is only living at 70%.

The sex is amazing in Twin Flame bonds for a reason…. the sex contributes to the overall energetic work we are doing. Tantric union is the mechanism of unity.

Every mechanism that we are using to navigate and do the work we are doing is a natural mechanism or expression that occurs normally in our daily lives.

This is the backup mechanism from the universe, and reason they do it like this is so that they can be sure it will still happen, or start to happen, even without conscious interference from lightworkers in the field.

So basically, by building the mechanisms into our normal day to day life expression, they could be sure the shift would start - even if none us had woken up already.

Another key point to note about appearance is that we come programmed with the knowledge of what our ideal Twin will look like.

First impressions count, and you don't want to miss the mark because you haven't kept up your side of what they expect you too look like...especially if you only have one or two chances at meeting your Flame.

Written by Chemory Gunko/Amara Christi

Chemory GunkoThe author and creator of the Life Coaches Toolbox, Healer, Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, Chemory Gunko, also known as Amara Christi.

To learn more about working with Amara, click here.

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