As the Age of Aquarius dawns and the 5D reality becomes our own, which personal growth lessons are you likely to be grappling with right now?
The keys to understanding the Age of Aquarius and the new 5D reality are the following:
- Everything is a duality and all of creation takes place in scales of duality.
- The main duality is a polarity of separation and unification.
Effectively what this means is that if you move through creation moving down from level 12 to level 1, you’ll be experiencing a process of creation or separation and individuation.
Moving back up from level 1 to 12 you experience the reverse, the process of unification and joining. So it breaks up into smaller pieces going down and amalgamates into larger units moving upwards.
At this moment in time, lightworkers and empaths are performing a service that is greater than just their own lives – they’re helping to clean up and transmute the negative energies of earth into light energy.
What this means for you at an individual level is that there are going to be similarities and trends across the lessons the collective is experiencing, because we’re shifting the world’s energy collectively.
If you’ve been on a shifting journey for a while, you’ll also know how powerful relevant information can be in releasing shifts; the awareness and insight is usually what we’re after anyway when we shift.
By presenting these higher-level ideas to you, the aim is to help you see the bigger picture lessons more quickly so that you can stop grappling with these lessons on a personal level.
By changing your energetic resonance on just one issue, we change the entire morphic resonance of that issue for the world. So simply sharing this information with other likeminded people can cause a knock-on effect that can accelerate the shift for all of us.
Read more about the holographic field here and here.
To use the ideas, simply think about and meditate on them for a few days by reading over them a few times a day.
After a few days they will begin to unblock stuff for you and it will naturally flow out. Always go with what you are most strongly drawn to: that’s often the thing that is most ready to release.
Privacy & honesty
The concepts of privacy and honesty are key concepts to understand in the long-term spiritual ego vs. God’s Love battle.
A Course In Miracles clearly speaks about the effects of holding private thoughts from God. Basically every private thought you hold is a barrier that stands between you and God.
The reason for this is that you and God are one and the same mind. Your mind is still in God and you think with God. You just believe that you are separate from God, and it is that very belief that keeps you in this ‘reality’, and separate from God in your experience.
In order to bridge that gap between you and God, you need to be able to hand over every single thought to God, because you realize that there is no separation and God already knows all those thoughts. When you try and keep a thought private, the energy of that action blocks you from a full connection to God.
So the long and short of it is that you are being called to be more openly honest and have less to hide. The more freely and completely you share of yourself, the closer you will move forward to God.
Loneliness is a peak of the energy of separation in the creation and unification process.
For those of us who resonate with a 5D reality, loneliness truly is more unbearable than what it is for the average person – and that will never change. Our very energy as lightworkers is an energy of unification, which is a polar opposite of separation.
The energy of loneliness makes us uncomfortable because we’re meant to fix it and change it. Our job is to make it go away - so we’ll never be comfortable with it. You just have to learn to live with it, or set your life up in a way that ensures that you always have company.
Free will: control, power, consent & force
The lesson of free will manifests in so many ways, and is most often seen as a power struggle or clash of wills.
As with many of the lessons right now, this presents in dualities, so you’re likely to have someone subjugating your will in one area of your life while you feel overwhelmed by responsibility in another area of your life.
The lesson of free will is that free will is our most inherent and basic right as souls – we have the right to choose our destinies.
At the most advanced spiritual levels, it’s again part of the ego battle, and it’s an interesting complexity that takes you a little while to wrap your head around, so give this one a few weeks or months to settle into your system ☺
Basically because free will is the foundational principle of our universe and creation, free will trumps everything.
In fact, your free will to be in this Ego reality, away from God’s love, is the only thing that is keeping you here.
Every second of every minute since you stepped into the karmic existence, the Holy Spirit has been trying to right and rectify your mind to choose for God again, making your will his own. Each and every time, your free will has made the decision to stay in this reality, as the god and creator of your own existence.
All of us inherently understand our right to free will and free choice – every human being feels that.
By making you aware of the circumstances in which people’s free will is being taken away, you are being asked to exercise your free will and choose for God, by choosing to reinstate the right of free will of your brother. The reason for this is that we cannot return to God until we ALL return. One soul withheld from the Sonship inhibits all souls.
So until we rectify the free will and consent issues on earth, we won’t be able to rectify the spiritual alignment.
Equality, inequality & balance
When this part of creation was created in order to play out the balance of the duality of separation, it was created under the energy of inequality, when Eros, the creator god, forcibly took his daughter, Gaia, as his mate.
In a nutshell, earth’s creation started with the energy of rape. What this has created on earth is the concept of imbalance and inequality – you can do a little work and get a lot of reward, or one can have less or more than another in terms of resources.
As we move towards more unified communities in a 5D reality, concepts of inequality and imbalance cannot be sustained in a world where every member of society is equal and has completely equal value.
What you come to realize in the lesson of ALL-that-is with equality and balance, is that equality is actually the only option: inequality was created because this part of creation is outside of the majesty of God. Everything here is the contrast of what it would be in ALL-that-is.
The lesson of impermanence is at its upper levels a lesson on Ego identity and what that means. It is also the lesson of how we truly create immortality and what that is.
The human experience is a recursive experience of knowing the self as a mini-God, the creator of your own reality. That spiritual understanding has gotten lost in the mainstream world though and we’ve begun to create ways that we can be immortal within our human experience – most notably through the concepts of family, money and history.
We use history as a way to ensure that our identity is remembered on a large scale – it’s why we all want to ‘make our mark’. If we can’t stretch ourselves that far, it’s okay because we can have descendants who will remember us and continue or legacy – that will ensure our immortality.
And of course it’s all neatly wrapped up in a bow if we can supply those children (and grandchildren and great-grandchildren) with a trust or nest egg that will ensure the continuity of our bloodlines. Financial immortality in other words.
The attachment to, and lesson of, immortal identity doesn’t end there though.
Take it one step further, and it will be to realize that the concept of a soul identity is the very trap that keeps you here in this karmic reality.
In order to ascend and reach the top of this lesson then, you will have to give up all sense of individuated identity and completely surrender yourself INTO God, becoming one with him again – becoming God. You won’t exist as a separate being in that anymore.
We know this because we don’t talk about God and Moses, Noah, Abraham, Mohammed, Buddha and Gandhi… it’s just God.
Your belief that your identity and soul exist is in fact the very barrier that is keeping you from God.
The lesson of attachment is an interesting one, because like money, most of the lightworkers I know have not been able to reconcile this in their lifetimes. Yes that includes me LOL ☺
The reason behind this inability to reconcile the concept is because lightworkers stem from a 5D reality where the concept of attachment DOES NOT EXIST.
In 5D and above, you are ALWAYS attached, always connected – being separated in the higher dimensions is as foreign an idea as living the rest of your life without oxygen would be to you. In a reality where you are always attached, attachment is a way of being, a way of existing – it is IMPOSSIBLE to not be attached in fact, so it’s a total non-issue.
It’s only on earth, where we are here to experience the reality of separation and individuation, where you can have a concept like attachment. You HAVE to be a separated entity in order to attach to another separated entity.
Again, attachment is not an energy that we are meant to understand or reconcile – we just got caught up in pop psychology and a 3D way of thinking. You cannot be attached because you are already ALWAYS connected to ALL-that-is… and that’s what you’re here to show the world.
All you have to do to be a lightworker is be yourself
So get out there, get soppy and attached and spend as much time as possible with the people you love – it’s what we’re here to do, how we be ourselves, and how we change the world.
I love you deeply. Thanks for being here. <3