Why are Twin Flames so important?
When I got this info now I was quite shocked… as you always are with an obvious revelation LOL :)
In essence there are five types of romantic relationships:
- Physical - Sex only, Asexual, Sex for Procreation
- Emotional - Romance, Sex for Procreation
- Mental - Companionship, Possibly Asexual, Friendship
- Spiritual - Soulmates, Karmic Influence, Destiny
- Cosmic - Twin Flames are:
- Usually highly sexual with high sexual compatibility
- Deep emotional bonds, from the start in many cases (love at first sight, often one-sided at first)
- Mental connections that extend to telepathy (feeling each other call for example)
- Soulmate bonds with destiny and karmic bonds
- Cosmic bonds linked to the Age of Aquarius with cosmic destiny
- Tantric Union, or sex for love, pleasure and bonding (why so many of us don’t want kids around)
As we’ve discussed a few thousand times… Twin Flames and the Age of Aquarius are duality lessons of ALL-that-is, they incorporate everything.
In addition, Twin Flames is where the special relationships ego trap collides with the urge to oneness.
So until you recognize the urge to oneness as the final pull to God, your ego will always be able to tell you that special relationships and sexuality are the highest forms of closeness you’ll be able to experience on this plane.
In the Twin Flame relationship however, the urge to oneness is in fact the destiny call to the relationship.
The reason we haven’t been able to separate out the destiny from the relationship is that the relationship is the destiny. The urge to oneness will be fulfilled through the romantic attraction.
If it’s not making complete sense, just read it and let it settle and let the ideas start to flow.
Do the prayer for dedicating relationships to holiness: http://lifecoachestoolbox.com/index.php/dedicating-relationships-to-holiness
I desire a holy relationship for myself so that I may share it with my brother whom I love. It is not possible for me to have a Holy Instant without my brother, or for him to have one without me - yet it is wholly possible for us to share one now.
And so I choose this instant as the one to offer the Holy Spirit, that His blessing may descend on us both, and keep us in peace.
Holy Spirit, take this relationship and dedicate it to Holiness so that my brother and I may walk in the love of God, complete once again.
When you use this prayer, it invites the Holy Spirit into your relationship with your Twin Flame and opens the path for it to be used as a tool of healing. This can be applied to other relationships as well, but should be a requirement the moment you identify a Twin.
Healing looks like chaos!
You know this by now.
There is a conflict here…. you need to go with the flow, unless you’re getting a clear instruction to hold one particular outcome in mind.
Only you can determine this. If you don’t know and aren’t sure, contact one of the senior group members to help you unpack it. This is too important to leave.
It’s getting a little real now people… much more than just our stories. Be cognizant of that.
The info They gave you over the past few months is meant to sustain you in this time now. Use it wisely and remember what you have learned.
You matter so much. Thank you for being here. Thank you for holding up your end of the bargain, and thank you for continuing to carry the load - even when the load and responsibility of your own life seem overwhelming.
The only way we do this is together. You are therefore irreplaceable.
I love you and I’m proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with you.
Love & light always
Chemory xo