6 reasons why lightworkers, empaths, indigos, crystal children and other spiritual types don’t do well in the 3D or “real" world

6 reasons why lightworkers, empaths, indigos, crystal children and other spiritual types don’t do well in the 3D or “real" world

So I had a foray back into the “real world” with a project I did recently… and it was a stark reminder as to why I don’t participate in 3D anymore lol ;)

I say lol… but maybe that’s a nervous laugh. 3D ain’t fun…. and the people in it are weird.

I thought about that a lot with this project I was working on, and for a while I had been thinking about the differences between us spiritual types and the people out there. These are some of the most glaring differences I spotted.

  1. We’re too ethical
  2. We’re too honest
  3. We look for compromise - they want superiority and control
  4. We focus on our communication skills and language
  5. We’re empaths
  6. Money is not our God

1. We’re too ethical

The ethics and principles thing has many effects. First and foremost, we tend to do things properly - even if we’ve given a really good price.

In fact, for most of us, it grates to do something sub-par (by our VERY HIGH standards) - even if we knew that was likely from the beginning. For me personally, it meant never getting used to the certain level of “ugly” that marketing clients require.

We also don’t cut corners, or cheat, or break the rules about stuff that could be a problem. This often means we stonewall when it comes to crossing ethical boundaries.

People don’t like ethics, and the entitlement in the world means that people don’t see how ethics apply to them. This is especially true when it interferes in their "instant gratification" and "fear of missing out” issues.

People aren’t used to people who walk their talk when it comes to ethics and principles. But the higher you progress, the more important it will be for you to practice what you preach.

The cognitive dissonance we experience when not being aligned to our internal truth is way greater than what we experience when (once again) running into people’s dislike and disappointment. Luckily, by the time you get to this stage, you’ve usually had a hell of a lot of practice in flipping the establishment off.

2. We’re too honest

This also means that we have very low tolerance about how people speak to us and treat us - and we tend not to shut up about it.

It’s the funniest thing to watch in those of us driven by truth (when you’re not IN THE MOMENT that is lol). The truth builds up inside us like a pressure cooker, and we HAVE TO let it out and say something. Immediately.

This pattern is common among people in break ups: you know you need to break up, and you develop a sense of urgency to do it.

In us spiritual types, this honesty often expresses as a need to “tell people the truth” when we realize something (lol yes you can laugh at yourself - we all do this!).

3. We look for compromise - they want superiority and control

The conflict here arises in that we are learning unity and to overcome ego. The people we’re dealing with are navigating within the ego levels, and using the Ego measures of happiness.

For us, happiness “happens” with a thought of relief - in other words we need to be in alignment with our “truth” internally, and have had found a way to balance that with the cognitive dissonance of the conflict in the morphic field.

What that means is that we carry one belief inside us (our truth), and there is another that exists in the morphic field (reality or society). There is energetic tension (cognitive dissonance) that takes place when these two conflicting energies meet. This is what triggers the discomfort and psychic pain and tension in us.

For people like us, we achieve peace when we’ve found a way to balance that energetic interplay.

For people not on a journey however, they live in the world of ego… and Ego aims to establish hierarchy (superiority or inferiority), by means of control.

So we get into a power struggle, where people are trying to establish control over us, in order to establish themselves as superior, while we’re trying to establish equality.

We then do this ridiculous back and forwards dance where we spend time trying to meet their needs for a while, and then try to swing back to our own truth. Then we get depressed that it’s not working, or they aren’t changing, or they don’t compromise to meet us halfway.

It becomes this ridiculous push-and-pull tug-of-war because the two parties are playing in totally different arenas. What each wants automatically invalidates the existence of what the other one wants.

Read more on Ego at http://lifecoachestoolbox.com/index.php/a-simple-analogy-to-understand-ego-with-7ps-of-ego-questions

4. We focus on our communication skills and language

Spiritual growth and journeys are all about language. We’re always trying to reach the right “thought” or “statement” - both of which take language to “express” in audio, thought, written, spoken, sung, verbal forms. These are just different frequencies of expressions of language.

We use healing “statements", have to have the “conversation" with someone - “say" something to them to settle stuff, or “hear" something from them.

This recurs in normal human life… all degrees are just an advanced vocabulary, jargon or language, specific to the field of study.

An engineer speaks of a “bridge” instead of a “pillared construction that allows people and goods to be transported over a body of water by foot or vehicle”. It is more efficient to say bridge - it streamlines the conversation.

Even in life, you’ve learned words and concepts like “house” instead of “a building where a family, friends, or housemates live together, conducting their personal lives: sleeping, eating and returning to after work each day.”

It’s way more efficient to have agreed-upon meanings for concepts because it makes communicating more efficient. Just like we enjoy talking to people like us, because they understand that we’re empaths, for example, and we don’t have to explain the concept. And then wait for them to process it and catch up to what they’ve just “learned”.

So, whether or not you realize it, all of life, and the journey you’re on, is about language.

You will focus more and more on language as you grow - purely by dint of the fact that you are always looking for the perfect “statement” to verbalize your latest shift, insight or aha moment of understanding.

LOL you can laugh at yourself now for how we struggle to “verbalize” our insights and aha moments to the people around us ;) Makes sense hey?

However, people don’t listen - especially if they’re not into “changing" or “growth", and want to be “consistent" and “themselves" and "the same”.

People don’t like change, they don’t believe that they can change. Often, the ongoing rapid, mental and emotional changes they see in us scare them, and makes them label us as insane.

So we take enormous pains to explain ourselves - and the people we’re speaking to hear nothing.

So we take even further pains to explain ourselves… which leads to labels like we “think too much” and “talk to much” and “nag” and “obsess”.

Truth is that we live in a field of energy, and us spiritual types can actually “feel” that as an extra sensory layer.

Until we are sure that there is agreement and alignment in the morphic field, we keep returning to a communication issue, because it’s like something chafing us until we get rid of it. See honesty above.

And we take pains to “explain” ourselves and our point of view, looking for energetic alignment in the field.. and the person who didn’t listen the first time is still not listening the tenth time.

They are however getting more and more and more irritated with us each and every time we try to sort this out.

We feel that energetic and emotional psychic tension growing in the field, which only spurs us onto greater urgency to “sort” the problem out - to “fix” it by creating energetic alignment.

5. We’re empaths

An empath is a scrubber or filter for the morphic field. The empaths are here to literally “suck” all the negative energy out of the morphic field, in order to clean it up. It’s a major part of the lightworker mission.

The thing about empaths is that we do not become ugly people when we absorb and process this energy - if this was left to the humans among us, we’d be drowning in serial killers.

So Source sent a whole bunch of us to Earth to absorb energies and shift them, so that we can clean up the morphic field and make it hospitable.

So we’re kind of geared to absorb the ugliest energies around us, aligned to those issues that we’ve shifted and are good at shifting. And we attract mirrors (people) aligned to our own mirrors - in duality.

A duality can be a conflict, contrast, complement or polarity. Read more at http://lifecoachestoolbox.com/index.php/defining-duality-statements

So we’re attracting people aligned to our own energies, and creating conflict situations with them because our energies conflict and create friction, and then we are absorbing those excess energies into our own systems.

Once a path has been created and followed in the field, it’s like osmosis: where there is a higher concentration, the energy will move to where there is a lack.

We’ve usually shifted that particular set of energies, and the person we’re dealing with keeps creating more of those energies because they can’t process what they have. So each time we see them, we absorb the excess energy they’re creating.

Over time, these channels get so entrenched, that it becomes an almost constant feed of excess negative energy to shift.

This is why you keep “shifting the same issues” repeatedly, and land up with cords and attachments and relationships that keep "coming back". It’s also where you "can’t move the person out of your life".

Twin Flames also face this issue when they try to separate: the energetic cords linking them keep feeding Twin Flame energy to the Twin who is more proficient at shifting.

It’s very common for one Twin to be significantly more “spiritual” than the other, so this is often a one-way street.

6. Money is not our God

When Source, a Higher Power, or God, is King in your life, the customer will NEVER be King.

This is the flipside of the “bad at money” theme that so many of us battle: money holds little to no sway over us.

We’re not scared of being broke, because well, we’ve lived there most of our lives. We don’t mind tightening our belts because we’re used to it. And we don’t mind walking away from money to secure our peace of mind!

So in a world where people are used to having power by virtue of money, our attitude of “well bugger your money” and walking away is something unheard of. It's completely in their paradigm blindness window.

Most people will bend over backwards for clients and employers who pay the bills… we’d rather have the drama of unemployment to sort out than live in constant psychic pain and tension.

So where clients are used to getting away with any kind of behavior, we have a limit. When they’ve crossed that limit, no amount of money will persuade us to work with them again.

To people who believe that money is crucial, and all there is, this is honestly as weird as not needing to breathe or eat.

Written by Chemory Gunko/Amara Christi

Chemory GunkoThe author and creator of the Life Coaches Toolbox, Healer, Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, Chemory Gunko, also known as Amara Christi.

To learn more about working with Amara, click here.

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