So in my sojourns through various religions and beliefs this weekend, with my newfound understanding, I was amazed at how clearly all the books say the same thing.
It's all a battle of ego vs the love of God, and it's an all or nothing thing - either you live in ego or in the love of God.
The Bhagavad Gita has some very interesting tips for application and day to day life, but by far the most comprehensive insight into how to balance normal life with spirituality comes from the Kabbalah.
I was struck by two things in my readings into Kabbalah:
1. This is my life - these are the things I've been understanding and working out.
2. I wish I'd found this earlier - my journey would have been so much shorter.
The really practical advice from the Kabbalah comes in the form of ideas like:
- If there's a difficult situation, there's a direct Ego test to what you're learning.
- If you're dealing with xyz emotions, it means you're operating at a certain level.
- You can reach out to others for help. There are others who know what you're going through.
- Your Ego will get bigger as your journey progresses - and that's normal by the way.
- There is an answer to the question of how to desire or want something in your life without being greedy or materialistic.
And wow - so many, many more insights that would have made my path a million times easier on a day to day basis.
So me and my HUGE Ego are going to go off and offend a few people ... lol just kidding ;)