Twin Flame & Lightworker Prayer for releasing relationship bonds
I desire a holy relationship for myself so that I may share it with my brother whom I love.
It is not possible for me to have a Holy Instant without my brother, or for him to have one without me - yet it is wholly possible for us to share one now.
And so I choose this instant as the one to offer the Holy Spirit, that His blessing may descend on us both, and keep us in peace.
Holy Spirit, take this relationship and dedicate it to Holiness so that my brother and I may walk in the love of God, complete once again.
Holy Spirit, I dedicate this relationship to your care, and invite you into the relationship to use it as a tool to bring us all closer to God.
(Other Party Full Name/False Name), I ask God and the Holy Spirit to please choose for peace and forgiveness for us all, across all space and time.
Even though I feel resistance, fear, doubt, loss and grief, I, (Own Name), want, choose and am ready to deeply and completely accept (your decision/choice to) (worst fear).
I want, I choose and I am ready to release you from all obligation to me, and us both from all obligation to each other - past, present and future.
I want, I choose and I am ready to willingly relinquish any unfulfilled desires, unrealized expectations, plans and dreams that we have left unfinished.
I want, I choose and I am ready to release us both from all karma and karmic bonds between us, across all space and time.
I want, I choose and I am ready to surrender to the highest and best outcome for all of us, as decided by God.
I'm sorry, I love you, I forgive you, please forgive me. I'm sorry, I love you, I forgive you, please forgive me. I'm sorry, I love you, I forgive you, please forgive me.
May the Lord and Lady bless you and keep you. May They turn Their faces towards you and shine the light of Their countenance upon you.
And if we never meet again, may the Lord and Lady hold you in the palm of Their hand, and bless you with joy and peace, now and forevermore.