Twin Flames... why do you long to be in a relationship?
Where does the yearning come from that keeps pulling you to seek romantic love and a partner?
Everytime ONE reconciles in unification again, all the missing parts of soul (identities) that were sent to hell and "deleted" at the end of unity, leave behind a darkness in ONE that manifests as loneliness.
That loneliness triggers ONE to experience I AM which starts the whole cycle of creation again.
That longing that triggers the I AM separation is the statement: "seeking the perfect companion for all time and all eternity."
That's the core baseline recursion that keeps us yearning for a relationship.
We feel ONE's need for the perfect companion and ONE's loneliness.
That is the yearning for relationship that we can never seem to get rid of, even when the truth is that we really don't want a relationship or what it entails and means.
The whole of creation is about reconciling that darkness that is left behind each time.... BUT without the darkness continuing and existing creation would not exist or need to exist.
Note: this is the cosmic or I AM level recursion. So a core lesson. The more of us that get this awareness, the more it loosens in the morphic field. You only need awareness for this.