We're definitely butting heads with control structures and 3D souls who want to try and control what they see and cannot understand.
Luckily yesterday I did see a lot of stuff lift in that regard, and things are starting to flow more easily.
Control is one of the key recursions, and you can expect to run into mirrors of control along your whole path as a lightworker and empath.
Control is one of the energies that Earth plane was created under, so we're going to be reconciling that energy up until the very end - as empaths we get a multi-fold dose of recursion energy to clear, because we agreed to come here and help with the clean up.
What's the best strategy for dealing with control issues around you?
Radiate forgiveness and compassion. Keep yourself in a space of forgiveness and compassion by using a chant like "I'm sorry, I love you, I forgive you, please forgive me."
Mitigate your ego reactions and emotions like fear, doubt, vulnerability, judgement, inferiority, etc. Do this by handing over to the Holy Spirit - Holy Spirit, I give you this ego identification of the thought of judgement, for example.
If you recognize a mirror in the other person, try to drop the awareness statement into the conversation. For example, if the issue is trust, you could ask "What will it take for you to trust me again?"
State the obvious. If you've made a comment like "doesn't he know?" or "can't she see?", then you have a problem where they don't see - so state the obvious.