What differentiates my journey?

So this piece is a question that I’ve been asking for a while and a few people have been asking with me - why do I develop so fast in contrast to others?

My work involves me digging around in people’s spiritual stuff, and as I’ve been thinking the last while, I’ve been noting what the key differences are in other people. Those “I would have done that instead” kind of moments.

If you’ve watched me for a while, you’ll have noticed that I am scary fast. I see it just as much as others do, but in reverse: where people battle to keep up with me, I battle more and more to slow down for people. Some people try to keep up, and even work with me to do so, but pretty quickly people need to take a break. But I’m like a freaking Energizer bunny, I just keep going. (Or was that Duracell lol? Mandela Effect there for you to check out btw ;) )

So yes, I battle that whole "balance with people’s perceptions of me" often as well; the whole external validation thing. For me however, I always find the strength to keep following the truth - regardless of the consequences that will have to my life.

Believe me there have been consequences everywhere - and I know those consequences scare people off. They scared me off too, to a large degree, for many years. I can’t believe I was ever a person who had multiple sessions to deal with my fear of people finding out about my past - just the striptease part of it. Now, I can’t understand what I ever had to be ashamed of LOL.

I’ve come to understand that people “feel" the energetic resonance of who you are and respond to that, so there’s no point in being quiet. Just being on my journey is enough to trigger them energetically, so I may as well make a noise and be disruptive. That’s part of the job ;)

Finding God’s truth always trumps any other consideration for me - eventually anyway lol ;)

I’ve come to understand that this is why so many Masters live as hermits eventually, and why we have the distinctions of Buddhas of Compassion vs Buddhas of Wisdom, or Messiahs vs Prophets, as well.

In Buddhism you will hear of Masters who use strictness, discipline, are hard and firm - even brutal. And there are hekoya, also known as sacred clowns or tricksters: they often use trickery, deception, fear and a hard line to get you to grow.

A Buddha of Compassion, or Messiah, resonates at 500 on the Human Consciousness Scale, Prophets and Buddhas of Wisdom are 700+. Messiahs cater more towards ego, caring about how ego receives the message. The Prophet cares about accurately getting what God has to say.

In truth, the two should work in consort, with the Prophet as the more hidden knowledge bank, and the Messiah as the mouthpiece. But this doesn’t happen, because one way that modern society screwed us over, is the expectation that we should be our own celebrity for what we’ve achieved. And there’s only ONE hero, ONE savior. You can’t be A hero, you have to be THE hero.

But not all people of knowledge are likable… nerds are never really popular LOL ;)

I am one of the people that falls into this category. So most people find me unlikable and hard. At first it used to hurt, but now I’ve just resigned myself to it.

Anything done shifting wise just widens the gap, and it’s the gap between us that causes the discomfort for them. So if I had to shift more, then I would just automatically create more layers of separation, exacerbating the situation by default.

But this is the price of being a pioneer - you’re the first to do something. This means you figure out how to do it: you’re stumbling around in the dark, making it up as you go along, with no idea of the tools or resources you will need for the journey. You’ve got no idea of where you’re going, how long it will take or what you’ll be up against. Or where you’ll find help and allies.

You also, by default, HAVE to break the unspoken rules of "don’t do what hasn’t been done before" - and people don’t like rule breakers and change agents very much either.

Yet still you leave… armed with your sword, heading off into the unknown, with only the certainty that you SHOULD(? Gulp!) be able to figure each challenge out as you get to it.

This is what it means to be a pioneer, a frontrunner, a wayshower - and why we celebrate these souls. But we also don’t understand them and the decisions they make, and we watch them as much for their “weird” and “eccentric” choices, as we do to celebrate their successes.

So one of the characteristics that really counts here, is that I have made peace with who I am and what that means in terms of how people perceive me. And the consequences attached to that.

When you’re at the leading edge, swimming upstream, and breaking convention in order to generate different results, you are still swimming upstream - and that makes you stand out. So people create a perception of you based on the highest level of internal understanding they have, and then label you according to that.

If you are a healer and you meet someone who has experienced healing, then they know what you’re about. But meet someone who is new to it, and skeptical, and you’re liable to be ridiculed for thinking "you’re Jesus", or labelled as a religious freak who believes that magic and fairy dust are possible. (Sidenote - they are. #justsaying LOL)

People perceive you according to the knowledge they contain inside them.

It’s like a computer processing information - it can only compare what you input to the database you’ve allowed it to reference against.

So if you go search for something completely new in your personal documents folder on your machine, chances are good you won’t return any usable results. Try it now… go type in "natural condensed milk recipe" into your folder search structure and see how many results you come back with.

Now, go type that into Google. Massive difference when you add a few billion pages of documents to search isn’t there?

When people look at you, they are still personalizing, so they can only search for answers inside their own folder structure. And you know how limited the info people keep inside themselves is.

However, WE are starting to think at the level of ALL - which is like thinking with the whole Internet of knowledge to draw on.

So when someone says to an atheist “exorcism”, the atheist thinks “hogwash”. Because if God doesn’t exist then the need for exorcisms is nonexistent. His database doesn’t include religious, spiritual or healing experience to draw on.

However, say “exorcism” to someone like us, and we think clearing or entity removal - maybe more extreme. We know an entity attached can cause illness, exhaustion, fatigue, bad luck, and so much more. And we know that a good healer or shaman can remove that for us - even at distance.

People think to the limit of the knowledge they have installed into themselves.

My mind is broader because I breathed books my entire life, and took in so many ideas and pieces of information that it’s like walking around with the Internet in my head. I swear I’ve considered everything, from every angle, at some stage in my life… and I know how crucial all that was now.

Thank God I was so argumentative and strong willed lol… the consummate rebel without a cause ;) Thank God I also was not even cognizant of the hole I was digging for myself, or I may have been a lot more cautious LOL ;) Ignorance is bliss they say :)

So people are going to misperceive me - and in order to keep following this phenomenal path of truth I finally found after so many decades of fruitless searching, I will have to stomach that.

Don’t get me wrong - it’s a bitter pill to swallow at times. Every time I have to go through this energy again and recommit myself to my journey, I swallow that bitter pill again.

Recommitting happens often for me - and that is combined with my understanding that this journey is my free will choice. So I am aware I have to choose my journey in every second. Which means I’m CHOOSING to not have people like me.

Responsibility = power sucks at times lol.

But God always trumps - and I have to see the end of this story. Of HIS-story. It’s gotten too good to miss now LOL.

So, with every decision I make about my life, from relationships, to business, to making money, to survival, I put God first. And I mentally recommit myself to God daily.

In fact my morning prayer is: Today I make no decisions for myself. I ask only for the day that God would have me have. If you would have me do it, I will do it. If you will not have me do it, I will not do it. I give this day to God.

And then I live it - in every single decision I make. Every instant is handed over to God, and every action divinely inspired. If something didn’t happen, it’s because God didn’t want it that way. If something happened, it’s because God chose for it.

LOL a journeyer the other day called it being “driven” to do their work - basically my whole life is “driven” like that. If you’re one of us that gets that, you know exactly what I mean.

It took me years of practice to get to that point…. I started handing over every moment to the Holy Spirit in 2014 somewhere. By that stage I was already giving the day to God just out of natural habit. Took me at least a year of daily application before I REALLY started feeling like I was making progress that I could recognize.

I also spent 18 months praying daily to the Holy Spirit, asking to be shown how to have faith like she does. Asking her to choose correctly for me, to choose for faith for me. To show me what it means to have true faith. Really, 18 months non stop.

And that’s a big point… time. All of the things I’ve done and gathered, it’s taken time.

I started writing publicly about lightworkers and twin flames back in 2015 already - so my website is massive because I’ve been sharing downloads and teachings OPENLY for three years already. Just think how long it’s taken you to get brave enough to start writing, or even just share stuff out.

Time is not one you want to hear or accept - but time is something you need on this journey. You have to do this one layer at a time, letting each layer assimilate, and giving it time. Push yourself as far as you can, but accept that you will only go so far on each layer and it will take time.

The Buddhists say you should work towards ascension without expecting you will achieve it, while diligently working towards it anyway. Same thinking: keep slogging away, knowing that you haven’t got there, and may never get there, but you’ll keep digging anyway.

And nothing - no layer - is EVER finished, or completely healed. There is always more to shift. In fact, your journey will never be finished.

I’m gonna give a rare glimpse into something I was shown on one of the many weeks and months of Ascension journey I experienced. Rare because that journey is not something I share very often; it’s beyond words honestly: to describe it would be an injustice. I’d rather show you how to get there yourself, so that you see it for yourself.

Anyway, in this particular part of the journey, I was shown the restoration of the divine feminine, and what that means practically on Earth.

Because Earth plane was created with a feminine imbalance and excess masculine energy, only male figures really became prominent as the spiritual history of earth unfolded. This was one of the ways that the imbalance showed itself recursively and is why the feminist movement is part of the lightworker mission.

So, one of the things that will happen during this time on Earth now, is that female energies that ascend will rise to fill the missing feminine aspects of those historical male counterparts, restoring the feminine balance. Ergo, you can expect to see a lot of females ascending this lifetime - which is what we’re already seeing as teachers come forward.

This group of women however, will also go on to an approximately 8,000 year journey to be fully ready to take those roles. 8,000 years of growth to do AFTER we’ve finished what people think of as the “big” part of this current phase of the lightworker mission.

Sidenote: time is not linear - so don’t try and figure out how that works. You could get to the end of the journey and then send consciousness back here to make the changes effective now. EVERYTHING is possible up there - when you open your mind, it’s just incredible the answers you can see.

So, this is not only the starting line, it’s the very beginner stages. There’s no way I’m finished a layer or aspect so early in my development - there’s ALWAYS more to learn and unpack, cos I know there’s an 8,000 year journey waiting for me after this. One I am excited to get to as a result of the glimpses I’ve been privileged to see.

So… so far we’ve covered:

  • The journey is perpetual, there’s always another layer, I just have to find it
  • I’m only at the starting line
  • I made peace with the fact that people won’t understand me
  • I made peace with people’s misperceptions and paradigm blindness of me
  • I am willing to be a pioneer and walk alone
  • Consequences are par for the course… you can’t make it to the top without a few enemies lol ;)

Interestingly, on the walking alone: from the day I was born, my spirit animal was the great white shark. They are known for walking alone too . LOL I know - strange spirit totem to have, but it is mine ;)

Another key characteristic that I have is that it is crucial for me, is to “walk my talk”, and be living in alignment with what I feel inside. So not to live in cognitive dissonance in other words.

Walking your talk is about more than talking the truth, it’s about living your truth.

For me, that put focus on the question of "how do I serve God effectively if I’m perceived as so unlikable?” It was only years later that I finally saw that the standing firm and being willing to be unlikeable, actually gives me credibility.

My life is lived completely in alignment with what I teach, and no one will be able to find any fault with it. I say break privacy because I have done it. I say cut expenses because I’ve done it myself. I give a tool because I used it first and know it’s efficacy. I say anyone can do this because I did - and I know where I have come from. I say you can come back from anything because I have come back from everything - and probably quite a few more traumas that you wouldn’t even consider in your worst nightmares.

Yet, you could investigate every nook and cranny of my life with a magnifying glass, and you would find NOTHING that I have hidden or lied about or that is not in congruence with what I teach. NOTHING.

So yes, I am hard on myself as well - just like I push others hard. I don’t let up on myself at all; not just in my thoughts, but in every action in my life.

LOL, truth is, I’d probably bore you to tears, because ALL I ever think or talk about is growth and God ;)

More than anything I want the truth of God.

There was a recent global energy of the recommitment and the people balance thing - quite a few folks went through it. For most it turned into “I must be more compassionate” which translates into "I must pander to Ego more". The measure of “compassion” is usually what the other person feels - that’s mirrors and Ego.

For me, this lesson period became a lesson in "I really want the truth of God above all else - there’s nothing else worth living for".

I lived a very 3D secular life for many years, and I had the bells and whistles and trappings, and I can honestly say that there is nothing on this planet that has ever compared to what I have experienced journeying so closely with God over the past six years.

If you took God away from me now, I would just go jump off a cliff. No jokes. I cannot imagine ANYTHING worth living for that is not God. I can’t imagine doing any work that is not to further the cause of God. I definitely could never do work where the sole purpose is to make money again.

This is my free will choice - and I will stand in line for what I sign up for. I will accept whatever consequences this brings.

So it’s probably a VERY good thing I mastered the attachment lesson set early LOL :)

When people get offended by you spiritually, you will lose relationships and even business credibility. This is one of the ways our Dark Nights are triggered - the increasing “drive” to speak up causes a cascade effect that closes doors and alienates people.

Now that I’m looking at that system from the other side, with understanding, I have to say it is elegant and beautiful in its design - efficient in a startling way. However, living through that process of loss nearly killed me more than a few times - or it felt like it at least.

I’m not entitled to anything, including reward. I keep reminding myself that - because there is no guarantee, in any holy book, that says that God rewards people with wealth. In fact, history shows a link between asceticism (read: poverty), and religious and spiritual practice.

Like those before me, my rewards have all been spiritual and the recognition comes after I leave this plane. My Ascension was my reward, and I earned that.

The second-to-last pattern that’s been mulling in my head is that I don’t slow down.

We started speaking about the fact that people working with me will take breaks because they can’t keep up…. I don’t take breaks.

I may slow down for a few days if my system is run down… but when the shift gets hectic, I see that as a sign to shift harder.

The period where you are in the chaos is the time when that stuff is there to clear - your physical symptoms are only caused by the metaphysical stuff. The moment you clear those, the tiredness and other symptoms will also go away.

So when everyone else sees a sign that says slow down, you need to be calm before you deal with this, my system says: the only way to get calm is to shift this.

So if I look shocked if we ever touch on this topic in a session, it’s because I am genuinely surprised by the need to take a break that people have.

I understand it occurs because people compartmentalize physical and emotional and mental and spiritual, but we’re learning that everything is the same and all of it has a metaphysical cause.

So why rest your physical body before dealing with your emotions? Your body is only tired because there are undealt with thoughts and emotions in the first place.

Also we’re learning the body doesn’t exist ;) And everything is connected.

All these ideas are conflicted by the process of compartmentalizing. When you need to rest and take a break, you’re saying the body exists, this can be too much for you, your emotional state is separate to your mental and spiritual, and so many more presuppositions that undermine all the spiritual work you’re doing.

If your head creates your world, then it is EVERY single thought, EVERY single word you think, hear, utter, speak, obsess over. ALL of them. Including the thoughts about the body, illness, physicality and the reality of medicine.

Medicine helps you manage symptoms - metaphysical healing finds the root cause and CURES you permanently.

So no, I can never see why people need to take a break to feel better before they can deal with something. You feel better by dealing with something permanently and getting it done forever.

LOL… it’s so easy to see it now, but I remember when I couldn’t. It wasn’t so long ago.

And onto the final pattern, which is… faith.

Not pretty painted words on a pillow faith, but roll your sleeves up and climb in with both feet faith. Nailed to a cross faith.

Faith builds over time… you get a message or intuition and you wait for a result. And then you see it. And next time you get a message, you trust it a little more…. until you’ve repeated the process so many hundreds of thousands of times, that all you do is trust the process and messages.

That’s how faith built for me - over a period of 40 years.

I have tested my faith, tested my intuition, doubted, tested my healing abilities, accessed telepathic links, and seen so many hundreds of other things confirmed that I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DOUBT anymore.

Faith is so obvious to me now, that I have total paradigm blindness to how people can look at the world and not see God in it.

And I’ve reached that magic balancing point now, where I can see God and still see the individuated identity - see the connected and separated, God and Ego, light and dark, all at the same time. And it’s pretty awesome.

But getting there took practice too LOL ;)

So patience - work on developing patience. Ironically, once you have that in place, the journey seems to speed up immensely :)

To recap, this is a walkthrough of the differences I see between me and many of the journeyers I encounter, that may explain my speed and why my journey is so big.

So if you see a pattern that applies to you, then that’s a leverage point you’ve been looking for.

You know what to do next :)

I am available for sessions if you need help shifting anything - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Written by Chemory Gunko/Amara Christi

Chemory GunkoThe author and creator of the Life Coaches Toolbox, Healer, Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, Chemory Gunko, also known as Amara Christi.

To learn more about working with Amara, click here.

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