A response to an Atheist's Questions

In this piece, I give a response to an Atheist's Questions posted in a comment on my YouTube Channel.

“Hello. I am an atheist. I define atheism as suspending acknowledgement of the existence of gods until sufficient evidence can be presented.”

Since the basis of faith is your own internal experience of God, how can anyone prove the existence of God to you?

Faith is a choice - especially at first. I have an article about how faith develops that you can read at https://lifecoachestoolbox.com/index.php/the-lessons-in-faith

At first God requires you to show your willingness to have faith by your choice - even when you have no actual proof. This can carry on for many years, or even a lifetime.

There are reasons for this as you advance on your journey - most notably because you are required to validate things for yourself in order for them to realise. e.g. Jesus had to accept (for himself) that miracles could happen through him, or they couldn’t happen.

It can’t be another way because we live on a plane of free will choice. You are meant to navigate the mire and traps of ego and show yourself worthy. It really is a test. I could expand on the fact that it’s a test but that would be like 10,000 words on its own.

Your faith isn’t real if someone else builds it for you. I challenge you with that question. Why are you making it other people’s responsibility to build your faith, build your experience or change your mind?

What is that you’re looking for us to prove that you’re out here wanting people like me to convince you?

Here are three other pieces I’ve written on the subject that you should read:

This last article is telling because it tells you where I stand on it - I don’t believe in converting people. I will walk with someone on their journey, but they are responsible for their own faith. I will just help them build it using my skillsets.

From my honest standpoint, you want lazy faith. You want someone else to take the responsibility of proving it to you so that you can abdicate responsibility if it’s wrong, and abdicate the responsibility of having to do the work to get it for yourself. From personal experience, it’s taken e forty years to get here. Every day. It’s a huge commitment.

So again I ask - why do you deserve an easy ride? To have someone do the work of building faith for you? Of figuring out what faith is for you? What have you done that makes you worthy of a crib sheet, when the exam is hell for the rest of us too?

“My position is that I have no good reason to acknowledge the existence of gods.”

So upfront you’re telling me what your likely decision and thinking will be?

Have you ever actually looked expecting to find proof of God? Or do you only look expecting to be able to pick an argument apart?

The first thing I do with clients is start teaching them to look at points of view that they do not agree with. So, for example, even though I’m a conservative republican, I do check CNN and MSNBC every day. I don’t agree with what I see, but I go with an open mind. Because when you hear what both partisan sides have to say, you can meet in the middle and find the truth that often lives there.

Science has taught us that if you can create a determined result, then you have a piece of information. However, the truth is that when you are trying to create a certain result, you tend to skew the test in a way that is likely to give you your desired result.

So the scientism of our culture has taught us that, as long as we find proof to support our point of view, or that doesn’t discredit it, then we must be on to the truth.

However, what happens is that you stop looking for an answer when you find an answer that resonates with what suits you.

The art of an ongoing journey with God (40 years for me now), is that you have to keep looking, and keep questioning - even the answers you got recently.

There is no end to the end to information, to the layers of understanding that keep adding and expanding to what you’ve already learned.

If you get to one answer and decide that’s enough - which you are doing - then you will stay still at that point.

Have you ever really tried looking for God? Or are you only relying on other people to convince you?

“And here is the evidence as to why I currently hold to such a position. 1. I personally have never observed a god.”

Neither have I - anyone in human form would explode. Literally. Your eyes would burn out of their sockets. God’s glory is too much to be observed with the human form.

When I met God (and you are getting a rare glimpse here because your post really interested me - I never talk about these experiences with people), I only saw God’s feet.

I cannot describe to you how humbling the experience was - I knew that I could not look upon God, and I knew my place, very clearly. It’s one of the clearest moments of my entire life experience.

I had a very long journey with God that day - it took hours. I was shown the most extraordinary things, and God was behind me so I could not see him, and we spoke. And it was one of the best conversations I have ever had… and about things I could have never have imagined in my wildest dreams.

If you get to know me as a person, you will learn that I am a brilliant writer and content creator, but only for factual, non-fiction stuff. I have no ability to hold a story and I can’t tell a joke to save my life. For me, joking is puns and language play. So I don’t have a mind that makes this kind of stuff up - I don’t have the imagination for it. So if you knew me, and saw me coming back from these experiences, it would be hard for you to deny it.

You know, it would be very easy to convince you of God if you were around me for a while, because once you see me a few times repeatedly, you can’t miss that there is something very special and different about me. But I can’t make you move in with me for a few weeks lol. But I have had quite a few atheists convert over the years because of what they saw in me and my life.

The thing is, however - that meeting with God happened in 2017. By then I was 37 years into my journey with God already.

So by the time you get to the point of being given an audience with God, it’s because you have already shown your worth, you’ve already shown that you deserve it by your faith.

So what for me was a reward for decades of hard slogging, is what you require to give God your faith in the first place? Does that sound fair to you?

“2. I have never encountered a person whom has claimed to have observed a god.”

You have now. I can introduce you to many others. All of them have had experiences with God to some lesser or greater degree.

“3. I know of no accounts of persons claiming to have observed a god that were willing or able to demonstrate or verify their observation for authenticity, accuracy, or validity.”

What kind of validation are you looking for?

I can give you writings of where I’ve predicted stuff that came to pass. I can give you a ton of people who will testify to my amazing abilities at knowing stuff and healing people. People who have known me for years who will tell you that there is a very special power that emanates from me. I can also let you tag along with me for a few weeks, have a few conversations, and stay in touch so that you can experience me in person.

What proof do you want? Let’s make it happen.

Are you willing to give the time and effort to get the proof however?

“4. I have never been presented a valid logical argument which also employed sound premises that lead deductively to a conclusion that a god(s) exists.”

For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.

Again you’re wanting to have someone prove god to you - you’re making it someone else’s responsibility.

Also, you don’t get proof because our experience is faith. You can’t have faith in something that you know exists. The thing about faith is that it requires belief, which requires doubt.

Faith and doubt go hand in hand… if people had unequivocal proof of God then there would be no need for faith. There would also be no choice about believing in God.

The fact that faith requires choice is exactly what makes it faith. You can’t have a choice about something you know unequivocally.

Do you understand that?

“5. Of the 46 logical syllogisms I have encountered arguing for the existence of a god(s), I have found all to contain multiple fallacious or unsubstantiated premises.”

Of all the atheists I have encountered, I have never found one that gives me a compelling reason to let go of God.

What are you saying here? Be more specific. If you want to break them down, then do so. But this statement is vague and generalised. Give me points and I’ll argue them.

“6. I have never observed a phenomenon in which the existence of a god was a necessary antecedent for the known or probable explanation for the causation of that phenomenon.”

Have you ever looked for one?

What has your intention been when you have gone and looked at things to do with God? If you’re looking for proof God doesn’t exist, you will find it.

In order to see that God exists, first you have to be open to seeing it.

I can’t look at anything and NOT see God in it. We can’t both be right.

“7. Several proposed (and generally accepted) explanations for observable phenomena that were previously based on the agency of a god(s), have subsequently been replaced with rational, natural explanations, each substantiated with evidence that excluded the agency of a god(s). I have never encountered vice versa.”

So Science… always the favourite.

You want to negate God because you say there is no proof, but what proof is there of science?

Atheists dismiss holy texts because they are written out of the minds of men… well I reject science on the same principle.

If we can’t submit religious texts, which were made up by a guy at a table who took a vow of poverty, then we can’t submit scientific texts, which were made up by a guy at a table, who had an economic incentive to “be right” factually.

And if we’re going to go to YOUR experiences of scientific evidence, the I argue that I was not present for those, so they can’t be true, because I didn’t experience them.

And if you say that’s invalid and I have to accept your science, then by the same token you have to accept my experience that you weren’t there for, at face value.

So either both of our texts are allowed or neither is allowed. Either both of our experiences are allowed or neither is allowed. You pick.

Science is a religion. You were just taught it is fact.

And science is the scariest of all religion - because it is satanism. If you’d done your religious homework you would know this.

So are we allowing personal experiences and texts or aren’t we?

“8. I have never experienced the presence of a god through intercession of angels, divine revelation, the miraculous act of divinity, or any occurrence of a supernatural event.“

Well God gives you free will - and does not insert himself unless you ask.

Also - if it did happen, how would you even know?

I’m going to link two clips below, detailing the rescue of a man, who was thought dead, in a boating accident. Three days after the boat went down, in very deep water if I recall correctly, the recovery divers found this guy alive in a pocket of water.

Watch the clip of the actual rescue at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPz8mxJNPh8 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dG5KSD-8J4

Three days in a pocket of water, sitting in his underwear, in the dark, when somebody found him. When those divers went down, it was to collect bodies.

How can you tell me that someone wasn’t watching over this man?

I’m gonna give you one more, from my own experience. This was a life changing event for me, and one I do not speak about often at all.

I had been involved with a man for four years. I was very much in love with him - he was the twin flame and love of my life. And I wanted us to be finally living together - and so I prayed. A LOT lol. And God promised me a miracle.

It didn’t look anything like what I expected, but my miracle came at 2am one Saturday morning. I was lying in bed and got a message from the Holy Spirit to search for something on the Internet. By this stage, I was used to obeying quickly, and so I did.

I found a result which they said to follow, and then about four hops later I opened up a page… and it was the man I had been involved with for four years. And his pregnant wife. And their son. And his real name.

I can’t reveal names, but it was kind of like I started with John Doe, and found out I was actually involved with Steve Blogs. The names were so disparate there was no way I could have found this… but here I was.

It wasn’t the miracle I wanted, but it was the one that set me free.

Oh well, I might as well throw in another… having a compression fracture of one of my lumbar vertebra heal overnight :) I went into hospital the one day and walked out the next.

I have so many examples of stories like this…. and way way more.

I predicted Trump would be president back in 2015. When the lockdowns started in March, I predicted that smoking and CBD/THC could protect against Coldemort (the-illness-that-must-not-be-named), and I have just recently found the scientific studies that prove this fact. If you like, I can even show you the dates when I started to talking to people about this on Skype and you can see the time lapse for yourself.

I can also introduce you to people who will testify to all of this - clients, family, friends. Story after story after story. I’m the person who will warn someone that their partner is about to propose to them, because I just see the information on people.

And then of course there’s the fact that I do miracle healings on people. I can sit not he other side of the world and with my mind change the physical and emotional experience someone is having. And I’ve proven this time and again with believers and non believers alike. And I can usually get to the core issue pretty quickly. So I can often heal people in a session or two.

So I ask again.. what kind of proof do you want? There’s so much we can give you.

But how much do you need and what will you believe? And do texts and personal experiences count?

“9. Every phenomena that I have ever observed has emerged from necessary and sufficient antecedents over time without exception. In other words, I have never observed a phenomenon (entity, process, object, event, process, substance, system, or being) that was created ex nihilo - that is instantaneously came into existence by the solitary volition of a deity.”

How do you know?

And how do you explain the Big Bang? What came before that? What triggered that? Where did those first atoms come from?

My question was bigger than most people’s… my question was where did God come from? And I answered it, and it’s given me probably more answers than most people have ever had.

Understanding what the deal is here, is never going to happen if you believe firmly in the physical realm. In fact one of the hardest things I help my clients do is understand how physical reality is not real. It’s key to understanding God.

However you believe ONLY in physical reality - so that belief can’t be challenged in you, because it would undermine everything you are.

If you want to really understand this, then you're going to have to let go of physical reality. And since that will leave you with no reality for your basis of exploration, it’s a reality your system can’t accept.

So you’ve screwed yourself from the start by looking for physical proof.

“10. All claims of a supernatural or divine nature that I have encountered have either been refuted to my satisfaction, or do not present as falsifiable.”

To your satisfaction… in other words you’ve justified them in your head.

Look you’re clearly a smart person… and the problem with that is you learn how to talk yourself into anything. So what you do is find a way to reconcile the thought you don’t agree with - to twist it until it fits what you want it to be. We all do this to make thoughts comfortable.

To really advance on the journey, you have to learn how to sit with uncomfortable thoughts, and let them change you. Change is scary for everyone, and most people think it’s better the devil you know. So they don’t accept any change - even if it could be a change for the better.

"ALL of these facts lead me to the only rational conclusion that concurs with the realities I have been presented - and that is the fact that there is no good reason for me to acknowledge the existence of a god.

I have heard often that atheism is the denial of the Abrahamic god. But denial is the active rejection of a substantiated fact once credible evidence has been presented.”

Okay so here we get to the crux… I know how to prove God to you, but it’s gonna require you to do some work.

But I’m going to give you the best shortcut possible. Once the change has happened, you will owe me a testimony. Deal?

Here’s how you do it and experience it for yourself.

First off, go watch this video and just agree to the following prayer with me: https://lifecoachestoolbox.com/index.php/dedicating-relationships-to-holiness

This prayer invites the Holy Spirit into the relationship between us, so that the relationship can be used a tool for growth, instead of as a tool for Ego.

There’s two reasons for this… in the technical science realm, we’re using my connection to the Holy Spirit to jumpstart your connection to the Holy Spirit. I could go into a whole explanation of how the morphic field works but I’ve already written a bit lol.

Secondly, this will remove anything between you and I that could stand in the way of this. It works well.

Now part two… for the next few weeks, maybe a month, all I want you to do is say one prayer in the morning.

Holy Spirit, I don’t know how to do this, and I don’t know how to choose for myself.
I do not believe any of this real, but I am willing to give this a chance and to have my eyes opened.
In this time, please choose the correct thoughts for me, and help me to have experiences that are able to show me that faith is real, and that God is real.
Holy Spirit, I give you permission to choose the correct thoughts for me, and to dissolve my resistance.

BUT - here’s the HUGE BUT… this will only work if you really have the intention to be shown. If you go into this expecting it to fail, it will fail.

You’ve given atheism a chance, and as I pointed out with science above, texts and personal experiences from others are pointless. So all we can do is give you a personal experience.

There is no better mechanism than the one I’ve given you above.

Take one month of your life, genuinely be open to seeing the truth, and genuinely give this a chance.

If I’m wrong you will have proved your point and you can be an atheist forever and dissolve into nothingness at the end of time.

But I challenge you to really go and investigate it for yourself. And in my forty years of knowledge, I cannot give you an easier way to do this than the above.

I cannot promise that the month will be easy for you. There will probably be challenges that come up, emotions that come up, things will go wrong because you are bringing stuff to the surface. Ideally I’d want to monitor you closely so that you don’t go into shifting overload, and to stretch this over a few months. A month is a tight schedule and you are not equipped for the toll ascension flu will take on your body.

But you won’t last longer than a month lol. So a month it is. HS is never wrong about stuff like that.

Do this PROPERLY, with real open mindedness, and real willingness to see, and I guarantee you that you will see something during that time that will convert you forever.

“Atheism is simply withholding such acknowledgement until sufficient credible evidence is introduced.”

This is expecting other people to do the work for you. Sure I mentioned that above LOL ;)

“It is natural, rational, and prudent to be skeptical of unsubstatiated claims, especially extraordinary ones.”

If I could give you my experience, the claims would not be unsubstantiated. Substantiation is purely experiential. You have limited experience. You’re like a blind man saying that sight isn’t real.

You have 5 senses - I have about 50. Most of them I couldn’t explain to you because they’re outside your experience.

We only know what we’ve experienced. We can only draw on what we’ve experienced. I’m sure you can understand that basic concept?

So if you have not created opportunity for those experiences, how could you have them to draw on?

It’s time to expand your boundaries. To go to places you don’t want to. Because it’s the only way you find the truth.

“I welcome any cordial response. Peace.”

And you got one. #WWG1WGA

Written by Chemory Gunko/Amara Christi

Chemory GunkoThe author and creator of the Life Coaches Toolbox, Healer, Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, Chemory Gunko, also known as Amara Christi.

To learn more about working with Amara, click here.

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