How to use your dating experiences to help you shift faster!
This is a simplified version of mirrors, and explains it in a dating context.
If the next person you meet resonates at the same energy level as the last person, because you stay the same, then you can use the experience to release mirrors.
Now a bad date becomes a shift instead of a waste of your time... and dropping the mirror (getting the lesson), means that you attract a different person for the next date, giving you a better chance of finding love.
Why do I call it dropping a mirror?
When it drops and you get the lesson, you can no longer see yourself in the lesson.
You are no longer visible in that broken mirror in other words.
You can apply this question set to any issue - not just dating mirrors.
So how do you recognise Mirrors?
The Mirrors of Relationship are pretty easy to identify.
The point of the exercise is to create awareness, because in most cases, awareness is usually enough to create a shift, basically releasing the energetic hold that the characteristic has over you.
By awareness, what I mean is that the moment you see the statement it will just make sense for you, be and feel obvious.
In cases that it doesn’t release immediately and just becomes an awareness, you would be advised to work with a coach or energy healing practitioner to shift the belief or belief systems.
Start by listing all the characteristics in your partner (or date or ex or anyone) that bug you or that you admire.
Once you have each characteristic, e.g. I love how possessive John is, then you compare it against the following list of questions:
- Where am I like this?
- Where do I judge this in others or myself?
- Where do I resist or fear this in my life?
- Where do I look up to/admire others for having this characteristic?
- Where do I fear this not materializing in my life?
- Where have I lost or compromised parts of myself to have this in my life?
- Where have I lost or compromised this characteristic in myself?
- Where have I given this up in someone else that I’ve lost?
- Am I meeting my own expectations of who I thought I’d be?
- Am I meeting my parents/my family/society/God’s expectations of myself?
- Do I feel like my parents/my family/society/God are living up to my expectations of them?
- Are other people in my family like this or lacking this characteristic?
- Can I remember a specific incident or person from my past related to this?
- Is this related to something that I’ve thought about my whole life?
- Does something about this scare me?
- Is this something I judge or admire in my partner?
- Is there something I’m refusing to surrender to or accept, e.g. accepting something bad as now being good and vice versa?
- Is this something that my partner and I always seem out of sync about, e.g. only one of us seems to have good money flow at a time, never both?