Messianic Lessons
You serve God or God serves you... this is the theme of Messianic Lessons right now, and it all links back to free will.
So a few considerations that will help you:
As you move closer to God, and become more like God, your energy serves others around you more. Don't be surprised if the demand increases from people.
Don't be surprised if you attract more sexual attention. They're seeing God in you and mistake the urge to ONE-ness as sexual attraction, because it's the highest recursion they can see.
Compassion, compassion, compassion - because otherwise you will get PISSED OFF. People felt and looked stupid before we all started this massive part of the journey - the divide is WIDE now.
Because it's wider, you have to give them way more time to change than you would imagine. Even giving them three months plus another for integration on a single issue wouldn't be going overboard.
Single serving vs duality lessons and lessons of ALL-THAT-IS.
Your mind has gotten used to dealing in scales and dualities - most of these people are still thinking single serving. So in their mind detachment replaces attachment, which is the 3D level of learning.... in our minds, it's both plus more.... and why go into it because it's everything anyway.
Ego is Making a Massive Push
Special relationships - everyone is feeling the pull towards one. Combine that with all the twin flame energy and the seeker energy of the Aries full moon and people are flocking to dating in droves again.
Demands for the Self and wants of the Self are making a huge return. I must have this for myself, I must have this experience, I must have it my way, I get what I want.... all thoughts coming up.
You serve God or God serves you - so you have to keep handing your free will over to serve. The moment you manifest you force God to serve you again.
Clearing Up Karma
For those of you that are like me, and determined that this is the last joyride on Earth, you need to get serious about clearing your karma.
Karma is what ties the soul identity to Earth plane - and it's the subconscious stuff that traps us.
Under UNITY ENERGY there is quite a bit of stuff that you will have to do on the conscious level, so reaching out to people, asking forgiveness and offering absolution.
Under the rules of forgiveness, if you have PROPERLY and WITH TRUE INTENT asked for forgiveness THREE TIMES, your obligation is fulfilled.
Instant Manifestation
Instant manifestation is high - and with amazing results. I was standing in at my dresser and holding a piece of wrapping, thinking, "it would be nice to have one of these right now" when Jelly found one in my handbag!
The Secret and all the mainstream teachers made manifestation all about self desire and wealth.... that's exactly where the bigger up came in.
So, try not to manifest money, try and manifest something else. A treat or an experience, contact with someone or moving closer to God.
Put it out as a desire and trust God wants the best for you. But HAND OVER to God and the Holy Spirit first. Be okay with them giving you what they think you deserve.