Ongoing ego in society discussion
Part 2 of the discussion on Ego in society.
Confusing Desire with Free Will
A big core I keep coming to is people have confused desire with free will.
They think free will means they will desire to do something.
And that desiring to do something means it is their free will.
So they don't see choice to choose another way and they don't believe in the ascetic lifestyle.
Most of us are forced into that because of dark nights of the soul.
So they believe that they MUST desire it for it to be their free will choice.
They believe that if they don't desire it it's not their choice.
So the programming leads them to reject anything they don't desire or will not bring them immediate personal happiness.
Media Content Exposure
As a result of media content exposure, people apply reductionist thinking, absorbing one fact at a time, seeing them out of context.
They also want to define the content out of habit of media exposure, so only want solutions they're already comfortable with and agree with.
The third influence of media impact is personal happiness - they must be personally happy in the situation and see an immediate personal instant gratification result, because this is how they feel special. So if they don't feel you're immediately interested in what they are, it's narcissistic and you're a narcissist.
Quick to Label Narcissists
The tendency to label anything we don't like narcissism is a real issue - and stems from the reductionist thinking they apply to understanding stuff. So victims understand small pieces out of context and the label of narcissist gets overused.
Lots of Ego mitigation stuff looks exactly like narcissism, and people are quick to label it that.
A narcissist however believes they are God, while a seeker knows they are moving towards God. This is why religion is important.
Narcissism is a part of the spectrum of human behavior and it's easy to point fingers and label - that's what they labeling creates and perpetuates.
So if someone doesn't like you or feel special enough you must be a narcissist and your actions can cause trauma.
The Belief in Trauma
The belief in this idea of trauma and that you can't overcome trauma on your own is holding society down hugely. Just look at people wanting recompense for stuff that happened to ancestors - the trauma can't be released.
The trauma belief really peaks with the MK Ultra stuff - you can be so brutally traumatized that you can develop entire other alter personalities that are trained agents and spies.
Empathy & Being Special
The other conflict is this belief of what empathy is - you must validate their immediate emotion and pain. They however just want to complain, not actually hear a solution or have to do any work.
Another big conflict on being special: you must be special and have someone special, but everyone must be equally important and you must learn from everyone. So everyone must be special and equal. Wow.
Also many children of narcissists will act out those behaviors as a result of paradigm blindness of lack of other reactions and responses.
Finally we expect people to be warm, welcoming and friendly... we place responsibility onto others for ensuring our comfort in situations and if they don't the label of narcissist is quick to apply.
Narcissists project blame and personalise importance. Empaths project importance and personalise blame.
Avoiding Responsibility
Finally the media influence is also causing people to want entertainment style content and not stuff that makes them take responsibility.
The big thing that's jumping out at me is how lower vibration souls are victims and assign labels too quickly: the confusion between Ego mitigation and the Ego journey and how people label so quickly.
There's a clear lack of understanding of what Ego really is and what Ego mitigation looks like.
Also a deep need to desire to be victims and receive attention from it.