Understanding the Shifting and Mercury Retrograde Cycles for the year, illustrated with 2020 dates.
The Shifting Cycle is a cycle that looks at what you can expect from your healing journey, personal growth, or spiritual journey at different times of the year.
If you’re looking for it, it won’t be too hard to notice this pattern, and it’s pretty simple: there is a busy half of the year for shifting, and a quieter half of the year. It’s like astrology: a global energy that affects us all.
During the busy time of the year you will experience more lessons, challenges and trials. Because these experiences make you look into yourself, you will ‘shift’ more during these times.
We call the process of healing ‘shifting’, because we ‘shift’ the energy by moving or transforming it.
Even though the Shifting Cycle is a regular pattern for the most part, it is affected by dates like Easter. Mostly it’s based on equinox and solstice.
In order to show the variable dates however, and to illustrate Mercury Retrograde nicely, we’ve mapped it to this year, 2020.
In addition to the patterns below, there are a few other patterns, like death periods, relationship/romance periods, and external validation periods. These repeat two to three times a year, and for the most part, seem pretty random.
View the full infographic at https://lifecoachestoolbox.com/FreeCoachingHealingTools/marelyejcmhmdlcbddahsac/Infographics/YearlyShiftingCycle-LifeCoachesToolbox.png