Watch out for dips after major download periods
I'm watching lots and lots of people surge into the stage of major downloads and pouring through reams of downloads and insights.
These periods are phenomenal when they happen - and when it switches off for a while, the contrast low throws you completely off kilter.
It can be horribly extreme, and because we live in now time, the depression can feel terrible.
Please, please, please journal!
By journalling I mean noting insights (one liners is enough), with dates and times.
The thing about journalling is you can't fake the long term patterns you'll notice.
Quiet periods is one of those patterns.
My main journals tend to run between March/April and October of each year, with a quieter period and little journalling the rest of the time.
What you're actually experiencing is a form of cognitive dissonance - you're being thrown back into human mode when your soul doesn't fit that form.
It can feel sometimes like you are losing yourself... you get kinda addicted to those downloads LOL :)
If you have a journal you'll start noticing that these quiet periods happen and you'll have reminders of how much you downloaded when downloading.
A part of the reason these periods happen is also to rest you... to see this you have to get out of now time and see the thread.
Your spiritual journey is an evolution over your whole life - a marathon, not a sprint.
You are not going to run for a little while and then be perfect - you will keep evolving for thousands of years after your physical death in fact. You'll be having downloads on your death bed.
You will never stop growing and so you get rest periods.
When the downloads stop for a while, it's usually a rest period.
When the rest period has been going on too long for me, I pray for downloads. I usually get a day or two of downloads, or the next period starts.
There is going to come a point where you will not want the downloads to stop - and then you will get forced breaks.
This skin suit you're inhabiting, it needs rest. It places limitations on the soul - and rest is one of them.
You have to honor that ;)