Manifestation, Allowing & Instructions that Serve your own Ego Desires
As we've said, this is FINALLY the shift of turnarounds, lol, and this aspect is no different.
We often chat about money and manifestation and how we don't feel comfortable with it and that blocks us.
It's the lesson of you serve God or God serves you - at a point you get told, quite firmly, that God is NOT your servant.
It will come as a surprise when it happens I promise.
However right now, we're seeing the promise of results we've waited for for years.
But in order to strip away the last layers of Ego identity, as in the positive attributes we identify with, we're being asked to cross our own internal boundaries.
Being instructed not to forgive straight away was a HUGE Ego death for me. Took all my willpower to do.
Likewise we're being asked to ALLOW what we've manifested - especially when it means taking an action that could be seen as serving your Ego needs.
Here's the best advice: check your privilege and intention.
If you feel that you are entitled to this, then it's pure Ego. If you find gratitude, then it's likely not Ego.
If you're doing this wanting the outcome and manipulating to achieve it, it's Ego. If you're following instructions or you genuinely want the best outcome for everyone, then it's likely not.
We have to allow the things we've manifested - and that big surge of energy is going to release tomorrow night.
So whatever you think of today, say yes to it if it brings reward to you.
Stand up and say out loud it's my time and I'm ready for the next step. I gratefully accept the rewards that are appearing for me.
You deserve to have good things happening for you too. You deserve to have things play out in your favour.
We just got too used to taking the punishment and enduring trials over the past few years.
We know this work yields real life results and we accepted there was a delay.
Now it's time to accept the delay is over, and the positive karmic return you are due, is now yours.