Coaching & Healing Tools & Strategies

  • Further Understanding Ego & Messianic Lessons

    Why it feels like you are so much less important than everyone else right now.

    Loved this question and the response will fit what a lot of you are feeling :)

  • Generational Patterns

    Generational Patterns

    So healing work aside, I still needed to unpack the emotional pathology behind the lockjaw and mouth pain. What I experienced was an entire shift of generational patterns.

    This one so rare, it's worth a mention just because it's so rare. Apart from yesterday, I've only ever seen this happen once before, in a shifting session I did for myself when I first started creating the mirrors process.

    A generational pattern is a belief, fear, energy, habit, pattern you inherit on the genetic line from one of your parents. You can think of it like family karma - it's passed down but not from soul to soul; it's passed down parent to child.

    One distinguishing way of looking at a Generational Pattern (GP) therefore, is that the energy would not follow you into a next incarnation. Unless you had personal experiences with that energy that created new karma, a new life would mean saying goodbye to those GPs permanently.

  • Getting back together – a coaching strategy

    A relationship life coaching strategy for when you and your ex want to get back together and rekindle your romantic flame.

  • Getting physically ill after a Kundalini Awakening

    Why can you get physically ill after a Kundalini Awakening? Or any shift for that matter?

    I’ve seen a few of these articles doing the rounds lately, where the general gist is “I had a kundalini awakening and it made me sick or have some sort of mental breakdown - so kundalini and spiritual work is dangerous.”

    The short answer is yes the work is dangerous - if you don’t know what you’re doing and you don’t do it properly.

  • Global Check In - 12 March 2018

    Um ya, so when did it become the 12th already lol?

    Wow what a wild ride the last week has been! Busy, eventful, exhausting… battling to focus and serious nesting!

    It took me a while to work out and see the theme of this current energy, because it kinda nailed me too… theme is attachment.

  • Global Check In - 19 March 2018

    So wow…. this has certainly been a rough and tumble period.

    To start with, sleep and dreams are crazy! So if you’re managing to get any sleep, it seems to be filled with dreams. And busy dreams… dreams you need a day of rest to recuperate from.

  • Global Check In - 25 March 2018

    Gearing up for Easter - the busy shifting time is starting to kick off & why you do deserve a leading spiritual role

    Okay so this one is more of a heads up than anything else.

    The year seems to be split into two by the equinoxes… so 21 March to 21 September is busy shifting time, and 21 September to 21 March is the quieter period.

  • Global Check In - 27 February 2018

    So if ever there was a day I was going to curl up and die and give up, yesterday was it.

    There’s some peace of mind that I wasn’t the only one… but not much LOL. The last period has been a bit rough, hey?

  • Global Check In - 3 April 2018

    Kids, Selfishness & Irritation; Kidneys; Fatigue & Lack of Focus; Spiritual Journey Reality Checks & Recommitment; Internal vs External Validation; (Ego) Death & Resurrection; Big Level Ups; and Mercury Retrograde Downloads have started.

  • Global Check In - 6 February 2018

    Global Check In - 6 February 2018

    So something is definitely afoot… what a few days this has been.

    As Tuesdays often do, this one feels like a switchover, so let’s hope the next week will be lighter.

    So we’ve just passed the once-in-a-lifetime Super Blue Blood Full Moon a few days ago, and symptoms have been all over the place.

  • Global Energy Check In & Update - 3 October 2017

    Global Energy Check In & Update - 3 October 2017

    Otherwise known as… what energy? LOL ;)

  • Going Numb on the Ego Journey - Why you need to create drama

    Going Numb on the Ego Journey - Why you need to create drama

    Thomas Szasz has a few really good books worth reading, if you can get past the superfluous language lol :) One of my favorites is pleasure and pain.

    In the book, Szasz presents the following idea: pleasure is not a thing in and of itself, pleasure is actually the absence of pain.

    So in order to experience pleasure, you need the contrast of pain to know the pain has gone away.

  • Healing immediately after a break up

    The end of a romantic relationship is almost always a tough experience to face.

    Here are three simple steps to follow after a breakup to shortcut the amount of time you have to spend healing mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

  • Healing yourself - a practical example

    Healing yourself - a practical example

    Soft drinks, cool drinks, cola and all the fizzy stuff

    So, like meat and dairy, one of the more common natural evolutions journeyers go through is eliminating fizzy drinks from their diets.

    For years, I had eliminated fizzy cold drinks, but had stuck to sparkling water. I finally gave the sparkling water up last year June, 2017.

    This week however, I was craving something different, and there was Sprite in the fridge, and so I had two small glasses over two days.

    Wow have I ever paid for it.

  • Hermit Mode

    At the point when I ascended and the penny finally dropped about why complete alone is so important, I was really amazed.

    It’s so obvious – you can’t rely on external validation to tell you where you are on this journey, and you cannot rely on others’ opinions or their reactions to information, because you’ll fall into cognitive dissonance.

  • How Alternate Realities & Timelines Work

    How Alternate Realities & Timelines Work

    Okay for background there are articles on my site on the morphic or holographic field.

    • Alternate Realities, Timelines & Tinnitus:
    • Morphic Field Understanding:
    • You can also read this one to help you understand the thought reality thing:
  • How forgiveness frees you

    Inherently, we understand that forgiveness is powerful technique for freedom, but through lack of experience or understanding, we often don’t understand how.

    What are the ways in which forgiveness frees you?

  • How Much Have You Grown?

    Think about a period about two years back and compare it to now.

    Here are a few questions to ask yourself :)

  • How my mind works and how much I actually see

    So if the fact that I have incredible insight into stuff scares you about me, then you will probably be positively petrified by the end of this post. Probably best to stop reading now LOL

    However…. I challenged an ALDG member to stretch himself enormously. This member was anti-Trump and managed to find ten positive things to say about Trump as part of a forgiveness and acceptance lesson. I truly respect that kind of stretch.

    In order to create a safe space for this seeker to express himself, I offered to stretch myself equally by posting something that makes me uncomfortable.

    I do this regularly, exchanging pieces of information about myself and my journey to show seekers that they can safely reveal themselves.

    The weirdness of what we deal with means that people are often scared to verbalize their experiences for fear of being grandiose, delusional and insane - or having others think that they are. Sharing my experience and offering an equal return means that clients just have to follow my lead - they don’t have to take all the responsibility.

    So this is that post that stretches me and makes me uncomfortable :)

  • How Spiritual Bypassing Breeds Narcissists

    How spiritual bypassing, and the accepted behavioral norms in society, breed narcissists, psychopaths and narcissistic behavior.

    Spiritual Bypassing is a really interesting term introduced by John Welwood, a Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist, back in the 80s.

    A spiritual bypass or spiritual bypassing is a "tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks”.

    In a nutshell therefore, it’s how we use spiritual concepts to avoid dealing with the ugly truth of life that faces us sometimes.

    But the even uglier truth we’re facing right now is that we live in a world riddled with ego-driven narcissistic and psychopathic behavior - and so many of us are unhappy with it.

    So what are the beliefs and behaviors we engage in that enable narcissists and psychopaths to get away with the fraud and lies they are currently perpetrating?

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