How spiritual bypassing, and the accepted behavioral norms in society, breed narcissists, psychopaths and narcissistic behavior.
Spiritual Bypassing is a really interesting term introduced by John Welwood, a Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist, back in the 80s.
A spiritual bypass or spiritual bypassing is a "tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks”.
In a nutshell therefore, it’s how we use spiritual concepts to avoid dealing with the ugly truth of life that faces us sometimes.
But the even uglier truth we’re facing right now is that we live in a world riddled with ego-driven narcissistic and psychopathic behavior - and so many of us are unhappy with it.
So what are the beliefs and behaviors we engage in that enable narcissists and psychopaths to get away with the fraud and lies they are currently perpetrating?