Dissolve Your Resistance to Forgiveness
This process is designed to help you identify and release unconscious blocks that may be holding you back from achieving forgiveness.
In this exercise, you will identify with the emotion and negotiate with it to work with you to achieve what you both want - happiness.
As with every exercise, intention is everything - and it's especially important with something like forgiveness work, where it's your only real tool.
🏀 Dissolve Resistance Coaching Exercise
A traditional Coaching Exercise to Connect with the Part of You that is Resisting
Dissolve Resistance Coaching Exercise
The instructions for the guided coaching exercise or visualization to dissolve forgiveness.
Sit somewhere where you can be busy for about five to ten minutes uninterrupted.
Settle into your body and do a quick relaxation exercise and then call your guides, clear your chakras and set the intention that you want to clear the resistance to forgiving the person in question.
Now settle into your body, close your eyes if you feel comfortable and feel the resistance to forgiving this person.
Either mentally, or by putting your hand out in front of you and asking it to come out onto your hand, ask this part of you to show itself to you.
Take a moment to identify with this part:
Does it have a shape, colour, weight, temperature, texture?
Can you taste or smell something? Hear anything?
Is it a character or personification? If so, what is it wearing?
How tall is it? Male, female?
What does it sound like?
Does it have a name?
Now connect with the feeling that this part represents, such as betrayal or anger or even jealousy. Don't judge it, just see it.
Thank this part of you for being with you.
Ask this part of you what its highest intention is for you - what it really is fighting for by preventing you from achieving forgiveness.
Keep going and asking questions like "and if you have that, what do you have?", until you get to happiness. It usuallly doesn't take very long.
Ask this part of you to recognize that you also want happiness, so you want the same thing. Explain that not achieving forgiveness makes you unhappy.
Ask the part of you if it is willing to work you to achieve forgiveness, since you both want you to be happy.
Try explaining that if you work together, you'll get there quicker.
If the part says no, keep pointing out that you both want happiness, and keep negotiating:
What info does it need from you?
What reassurances?
What is it scared of?
Worried about?
Can you do something to change its mind?
Keep going til you get yes. Once you get yes, merge the part into your heart by drawing your hand up or placing it safely there.
Now feel the emotion that was previously blocking you and gently ease it out of your system forever.
Take a breath and when you're ready, open your eyes.
👫 Interactive Visualization Tools
Here you will find two interactive visualization tools to help you create a male or female character to engage with.
Often it's really hard to "visualize" or "see" these kinds of exercises. This tool will help you bypass that problem.
Instructions for the Interactive Visualization Tools
Here will you find instructions on how to use the Interactive Visualization Tools.
It's not always easy to visualize things... parts of yourself, memories, people, what you want to create... but the technique still crops up fairly often in healing & coaching practices.
Using the tools below, you'll be able to 'create' a male or female 'part' of yourself, that you can really 'see'.
The mechnaims is simple - like a kid's dress up tool, or a character video game. You simply pick the body, eyes, hair, clothes & shoes you desire, to create a visual representation of this 'part' of you, that you can really connect to.
Female Character Interactive Visualization Tool
Use the buttons below to 'Show/Hide' the various body, hair & dress styles.
Clicking something once will select it, and clicking a second time will deselect it. If you do land up clicking too many options, there's a 'Clear' button to reset that element.
Once you have an accurate representation of this 'part' of you, you can save your image, and look at it while answering the questions below.

Generate a Preview Below
Generate a Preview of Your Chracter, which will appear below. You can right-click and 'save as' to save the image at any point.
Male Character Interactive Visualization Tool
Use the buttons below to 'Show/Hide' the various body, hair & dress styles.
Clicking something once will select it, and clicking a second time will deselect it. If you do land up clicking too many options, there's a 'Clear' button to reset that element.
Once you have an accurate representation of this 'part' of you, you can save your image, and look at it while answering the questions below.

Generate a Preview Below
Generate a Preview of Your Chracter, which will appear below. You can right-click and 'save as' to save the image at any point.
🤷 After You've Connected to this Part of You
Once you've completed the exercises above, and have connected to the 'part' of you that is resisting forgiveness, you can answer the questions below.
It may really help to ask the questions out loud, and even to answer out loud on behalf of this 'part' of you. Speaking, writing & typing activate different parts of your brain, and you may find it easier to generate answers if you change up the format.
Connecting All Your Senses
Now that you have linked to this 'part' of you, it's time to connect on all the sensory levels..
Begin by taking a moment to connect to this part of you and thanking it for being with you.
Now, we're going to take a minute to connect to this part as deeply as possible. So think about this part of you, or look at the picture, and answer the following questions.
There are no wrong answers - we're just engaging your senses to help you connect more deeply.
Do you get a visual or picture of anything?
Can you hear anything, like music or a voice?
Do you get a sense of a color?
Do you feel a temperature?
Is there a specific sensation anywhere in your body?
Do you feel pressure or weight, like this part is heavy, or even light?
Can you smell anything in particular?
Is there a specific taste associated to this?
Is there anything else not mentioned above that you notice?
Questions to Ask this Part of You
Now we dive into the information stage gathering itself.
What is it you want me to know?
What is your highest intention for me? What are you trying to achieve here?
Are you trying to protect me? If so, what from?
Do you want me to be happy?
Are you willing to budge on this forgiveness issue because it will make me happy?
Do you want me to be sad?
Do you want me to be angry all the time?
Do you believe I deserve to be punished? Is that why you want me to be angry about all of this?
Do you know that being angry about this makes my life miserable?
Are you willing to let go of this forgiveness issue in order to help me let go of my anger?
Are you afraid of something?
What reassurances do you need?
Is there anything you need to hear or see in order to let go of this?
Are you waiting for somebody to do something to make up for this?
What can I do to change your mind about all of this resistance?
What do you need me to do in order for you to let go of this issue?
Is there something I haven't thought of that you need?
Integrating the Change
Now that you've answered the questions - and hopefully reached some concensus! - we're going to cut the cords that tie this part of you to the resistance.
You'll need the picture you created above, or you'll need a picture that represents this part of you. And you'll need a picture of the person you want to forgive.
Simply upload the pictures, say the statement and choose to let this go.
Get Help
Once you start working with healing tools, it can get addictive quickly - especially as you begin to see results, and changes in the way you think and feel.
So, you might suddenly realize you want to go even further, and probably faster, or you've hit a major stumbling block that you need help clearing, or you are in shifting overload and experiencing physical, emotional and mental symptoms you need help with. That's what this section is for!
Simply pop us a message - or reach out via one of the message services listed below - and we'll have a coach or healer get back to you to assist you. This is a paid for service.