Global Forgiveness
This Global Forgiveness Healing Meditation Exercise enables you to take your forgiveness practice to the next level, and forgive the entire world.
Using exercises like this will massively surge your journey, so watch out for integration periods and effects in the weeks after doing this exercise.
Global Forgiveness
This Global Forgiveness Healing Meditation Exercise enables you to take your forgiveness practice to the next level, and forgive the entire world.

Why not rev up your forgiveness work and just forgive everything you can think of?
Or, simply because it really does feel fabulous, why not just forgive the entire world?
If you're interested in playing with time and learning to manipulate that, you could intend to forgive the people on earth during a specific period in time.
Over time (pun not intended), the time exercises definitely do start altering your perception of time and your ability to manipulate it - but you have to keep chipping away at it.
Why Forgive the World?
An ancient Chinese proverb sums it up beautifully...
When a man is at peace with himself he will be at peace with his family.
When the families are at peace there will be peace in the villages.
When the villages are at peace there will be peace in the country.
When all the countries are at peace there will be peace in the world.
When all this happens, then man can finally be at peace.
Step 1
Settle down comfortably on your bed or in a comfy chair.
These exercises can be great to do before you fall asleep at night.
Keep your knees slightly bent and get into a position you'll be able to keep for a bit without shifting or getting pins and needles.
Close your eyes and call on your guides.
Clear your chakras and do any other pre-meditation prep you'd normally do.
Set a clear verbal or mental intention to do a global forgiveness exercise.
Step 2
Imagine yourself spinning, flying or climbing up the inside of a double helix.
You can set the intention that any work you do with a helix makes immediate changes on the genetic level for you as well.
If you do do astral travelling, then you can project yourself up the helix.
Emerge at the top of the helix with earth floating a bit in the distance in front of you.
If you wish to work with forgiving a specific period in time, then intend to arrive at that period before you enter the helix.
Don't give into doubt; just trust you're doing it.
Step 4
See the people you want to forgive appearing as little golden lights on the surface of the earth.
Choose to forgive everyone on earth, or everyone you can think of one by one. You can add a statement like I'm sorry, I love you, I forgive you as you think of an add each person, or you can say it to the group at the end.
See a golden thread leave your one hand connect through all the dots and come back to your other hand.
When you are ready and everyone is connected, then clap your hands together and release an explosion of forgiveness through the connected golden web of light that is encircling the earth.
Get Help
Once you start working with healing tools, it can get addictive quickly - especially as you begin to see results, and changes in the way you think and feel.
So, you might suddenly realize you want to go even further, and probably faster, or you've hit a major stumbling block that you need help clearing, or you are in shifting overload and experiencing physical, emotional and mental symptoms you need help with. That's what this section is for!
Simply pop us a message - or reach out via one of the message services listed below - and we'll have a coach or healer get back to you to assist you. This is a paid for service.